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Everything posted by zxDaveM

  1. I love their Swan Lake! As for Carlos' DQ - I'm guessing its more the staging, than choreographing he'd be doing. My speculation there, I hasten to add.
  2. This lunchtime, was at the Royal Academy of Dance in Battersea, where the outgoing president, Dame Antoinette Sibley, was about to be celebrated with a commemorative bronze (by Frances Segelman) and a slap-up lunch, with many of her contemporaries of the dance world. SO many Dames and Sirs and Lords and Ladies! A couple of photos: Dame Antoinette Sibley and her bronze (by Frances Segelman) © Dave Morgan. Courtesy of DanceTabs / Flickr Dame Antoinette Sibley, and the luncheon room © Dave Morgan. Courtesy of DanceTabs / Flickr See more... Set on Flickr of Antoinette Sibley's celebratory lunch Courtesy of DanceTabs / Flickr
  3. The Cuban company 'Ballet Revolucion' start a run at the Peacock Theatre (off Kingsway, in central London) this week. Fusing ballet, salsa, hip-hop etc, producing an energetic, and joyously fun montage, all to a live band. Here are a couple of tasters: Ballet Revolucion © Dave Morgan. Courtesy of DanceTabs / Flickr Ballet Revolucion © Dave Morgan. Courtesy of DanceTabs / Flickr See more... Set on Flickr of Ballet Revolucion Courtesy of DanceTabs / Flickr
  4. Not always, especially for well established works of the rep - but, yes, that usually happens nowadays. The 'in House' photographers will usually get access to the first cast though, even if they have to shoot during a performance if there wasn't a photocall with that cast. Which can be limiting, due the equipment they have to use in order to be as near silent as possible. The rest of us 'press' photographers are usually the ones you see at Friends rehearsals (usually with 2nd cast, as the 1st cast very often appear that same evening), though the in house guys often go to those as well, for photos for the programmes etc in the next run. I'm not at the point where I worry too much which cast we get - its not as if you're going to get a duff one - as I don't write the reviews (usually done opening night) or anything. To me, its still an utter joy to photograph whoever on stage :-)
  5. No, that was Tristram Kenton, one of the 'House' photographers. Though I was there - at the opposite end of that standing run (in 39, he was in 28). The Royal Ballet would have hired him to get some Marianela/Carlos photos for future use (in programmes, leaflets, posters even, or for press requirements for this run).
  6. Here are a few sample pics from the dress rehearsal Friday. Cast was Laura Morera and Ricardo Cervera, whose first show is Saturday afternoon (28th April). La fille mal gardee - Colas (Ricardo Cervera) and Lise (Laura Morera) © Dave Morgan. Courtesy of DanceTabs / Flickr Clog dancing! © Dave Morgan. Courtesy of DanceTabs / Flickr Widow Simone taps out the tambourine for Lise (Alastair Marriott and Laura Morera) © Dave Morgan. Courtesy of DanceTabs / Flickr See more... Set on Flickr of RB's La Fille mal gardee Courtesy of DanceTabs / Flickr
  7. Perhaps the article written in 1997 and they just rehashed it! ;-)
  8. A couple of photos from the dress rehearsal (Parts 1 & 2) of William Forsythe's 'Artifact' Artifact (William Forsythe) performed by Royal Ballet Flanders © Dave Morgan. Courtesy of DanceTabs / Flickr Artifact (William Forsythe) performed by Royal Ballet Flanders © Dave Morgan. Courtesy of DanceTabs / Flickr See more... Dave Morgan's Royal Ballet of Flanders (Artifact), a set on Flickr Courtesy of DanceTabs / Flickr
  9. well, after the critics collective "ooh-look-at-me-aren't-I-clever-I'm-slating-McGregor" reviews of Carbon Life, not sure I'll be paying them attention at all from now on in.... ;-)
  10. takes a long time to get rock stars out of their dressing room (and away from the rider!!). As for the empty seats, that'll be the fuddy-duddies fleeing
  11. He would have been on the far left of the row of musicians, and singing in the last 2 songs - but I don't think he was due to appear every night. Can't say I'm a fan, but fair play, his voice was missed last night
  12. Yes, that would have been too much to expect of Brian, so not surprised at all by him not doing pointy bits - but i meant more generally, I thought the stage 'busier' with almost everyone coming on at the end. No?
  13. @JaneL While I actually like Carbon Life (especially the Alison Mosshart parts; and even the kindest of souls wouldn't say I was a youngster!!), I do agree with you on this 'aiming at young people' mantra they seem to have at the moment, and making gimicky things to attract a 'new audience' (usuaully meaning a young(er) audience) into the ROH. To my mind they should be thinking of ways to make the 'classic' rep appear on the cool radar, and so attract newcomers of any age. How you do that, I'll leave to bigger brains than mine. Perhaps they think they don't need to make the effort with the big blockbusters - after all R&J and Swan Lake etc, sell out regardless.
  14. hear hear, re Brian Maloney. And YESSSSS re the demasking! Question - were there fewer dancers on stage during the last song (finale bit) than previously? Or am I just mis-remembering?
  15. That's only so they can cut arts funding, so ensuring that the arts return to being an exclusive pastime for those that can afford to pay (well) for it
  16. sounds like they were trying to wait until AFTER they had gathered all the dancers together, and told them officially first. Although i bet most of them knew anyway from reading stuff on the Interweb!
  17. Especially when anyone who is genuinely interested, probably knows anyway...
  18. Think its a semi-official unofficial leak, as the new AD still dancing with another company. If the leak is true of course
  19. It was a fascinating rehearsal. To see the detail and precision and sheer effort that goes into making something seem so effortless and simply elegant, was compelling.
  20. Agree about no applause in Violets, but each song episodic enough for a bit of applause in between. Is it me, or are there now NO actual gaps in Carbon Life, that allows applause to take hold? I seem to remember (or is that misremeber) the opening night and rehearsal the music actually stopping in between songs, whereas last night, at least a sustained note was maintained, before the next song started, so discouraging applause, as those unfamilair were not certain of endings/beginnings. As for the orchestra 'missing' I'm guessing they simply couldn't get the sound levels matched between pit and the onstage band, or timings/tempo sorted, or somesuch. Also a guess, the 'orchestral' effects were loosely filled in with electonic keyboards instead. Thoughts after a third viewing - Polyphonia is sublime; I'm now getting more into the choreography in Violets, now that I know who is who and doing what to whom; still love the first 2 songs in Carbon, all of the duets, though feel the mass dancing just a bit too busy at times (when everyone doing their 'own thing', as there are lots of my fave dancers on stage at the same time and I can't watch them all, hard as I try!
  21. I wouldn't know if they were or not - but they were both marvelous in the rehearsal, so looking forward to their 'opening night' tomorrow :-)
  22. yes, lots of people have said the same thing - but ROH say they are catering for those that want both or so i've heard (Friends at least get that - a day for each type of fan, if not much else)
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