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Julie 2 Milner

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Everything posted by Julie 2 Milner

  1. Central is brilliant and I think their MAs are very highly respected. Also its a great location. Swiss Cottage.:-)
  2. I wish her so much luck. I think it is heartbreaking how hard they all work, acting, singing and dancing and then have to almost fight for work. Alice has been thinking of an MA. She is very interested in puppetry. Alice did alot of physical theatre on her course where her dancing really helped.
  3. I was talking about this with my acting daughter yesterday. Her thoughts were. If stage acting is where you want to go you wouldn't train in musical theatre. If television is your only interest then consider which course is best. If musical theatre be careful where you choose. Some colleges are renowned for one aspect. Mountview singing, Conti dance and singing, etc. She says in the business there are definite distinctions between lets say Birds or Laines. Not in which is best but in the strengths of each. For drama training even there there are distinctions. She went to Rose Bruford and did European theatre. So she says she will not be considered for Shakespeare etc off her CV. They will want a "straight" training for that. She really felt it wasn't that there was a stigma against MT just why would someone train that route if acting was their interest. Of course always the advice would be to keep up singing and dancing but that the trainings are seen as very different. She is a good dancer and singer. So she is about to leave on a 6 month tour of Barcelona and is actually doing a lot of singing but was auditioned for her acting CV . Infact she is a little surprised how much singing she is doing. In panto she has sung and done it well but could never do a full musical as her voice has not been trained. Equally she couldn't be employed as a dancer but could very successfully dance within an acting role. Sorry if this isn't clear. Her advice is, if you have a choice, choose wisely. Of course many will not have a choice. Getting on courses at the top schools is very hard. She went at 18 but now believes this isn't necessarily good for acting ( we said that at the time:-)) Age can be an advantage. So if someone wants to go to uni for a "normal" degree thats not a bad thing. Keep up amateur stuff for the CV. Succeeding from a drama degree is harder as agents often look at the more practical places, RADA, LAMDA, Bruford, Bristol Old Vic etc. Not impossible though. Interestingly she said after 5 years out of college people will be less interested in where you trained but what you have done. I think it is true though that dancing must be "kept up" if you feel you want to do that. People" move into acting" but seldom can one pick up dance at a later date to have a career. Of course after all this there will always be those who were in the right place at the right time and succeed through different pathways.
  4. I like some ALW but Phantom has never grabbed me. Saw Tell Me on A Sunday locally with a singer from Steps, think Faye. She was so awful that I'm afraid its ruined it for me.
  5. The thing is they are 2 different genres. My daughter is acting and chose to do so rather than Musical theatre. I'm surprised the two actors would say what they said and do wonder whether , finding it hard to get further jobs, they are looking for excuses. I don't mean that to sound harsh but in acting, maybe even more so than dance, unless you are "famous" every job is a new one. Sure your CV may be good but castings are so dependent on so much. In musical theatre they need a broader person. We've all seen performers who were stronger in one area than another. Soap actors can be brilliant. Their use in musicals isn't so wide spread is it? Sure chicago was dreadful for this but others? Also remember many soap actors are musical theatre trained so moving "back" into Musicals isn't so surprising. Hence why many also do well on Strictly. But certainly I think there is a distinction between a drama training, ie RADA, LAMDA, Rose Bruford etc and Musical Theatre, Laines, Performers, Birds etc. When looking to audition I think a casting director for " straight" acting will look at "actors" rather than musical theatre and vice versa. Some agents concentrate more on one than the other so of course their agents may not be helping. Work in Drama is very hard to come by and luck does play a part. Many of those who train are initially quite snooty about soaps. 6 months out of drama college and they are less so:-) Fiz I really think these 2 have given your daughter a very negative view. If she really wants to act she does need to decide which route. Once trained be prepared that work is hard. My daughter has done alot of TIE (theatre in education) which is a godsend. Many who trained with her have given up.Mind you that is true too of many who trained with Martin. But if she wants to act in drama, comedy and not musical theatre then that route would be better whilst keeping up singing and dancing seperately. I think most actors themselves would say the two aren't as interchangeable as many think. I wonder where the 2 who taught your daughter trained? Good luck to her. All I can say is I am rather relieved my youngest is neither an actor nor a dancer and is off to normal uni.A first for us.lol
  6. Also of course short contracts mean no pensions etc. I think it is only realistic for many parents to continue "helping" children even when first employed, if they can. I know many of the musical theatre students try to stay in London after graduation but struggle. They need work to survive, that gets in the way of auditioning etc. A vicious circle. My daughter has had 2 stints renting in London after graduation and they cost her a fortune and on both occasions she then went on tour. Once abroad and once around the UK. So now she is based back here though at 24 isn't thrilled at that.:-) But as I said she is off to spain for 6 months very soon.
  7. They mostly pay for it themselves. As an apprentice Martin was in very grotty student accomodation. First year in Munich he lived in a studio flat in the same building that the ballet school students live in. That was cheaper than the going rate. Last year and this he is in a studio flat privately rented. I have heard of accomodation provided but not common. With my daughter she gets acoomodation when she does a tour but the pay is low, low. She is just off on a 6 month tour of Barcelona where accomodation provided but she has to pay bills. She did a years tour of Germany all acomm paid and bills. (That was a great theatre company!)
  8. I'm with Janet I very rarely iron now. We do have an iron , somewhere.lol
  9. The pay is interesting. The big companies I thought paid quite well. Not like lawyers , bankers, accountants etc but still wellish. I can't now remember the starting salary at BRB but I didn't think it wasn't too awful. I think the real problem is those who do not join a big company or maybe do short term contracts. I only have direct experience of Europe. As an apprentice in Vienna my son was paid better than those in smaller companies in Slovakia, Estonia, etc. Now, in Munich, he is well paid. Again it is a large company. They do work very hard but I'd say for a 22 year old, in a classical company it is ok. Obviuously Munich is hugely expensive so a bald figure seems alot until one realises how high tax and living is. I know many in small companies do struggle and in many ways it is similar to my daughter's experience acting. Short term contracts and low pay that just doesn't pay enough to live on. I wonder how much the soloists and principals get paid? We always joke here that with an actress daughter and dancing son our other son needs to do a "normal" job .lol Seriously they will never earn large amounts and though I say my son is paid well of course he is single with no dependents. It must be much tougher if one has a family and I guess that is when many switch career.
  10. My son only went for 6th form so I'd done 5 years of ferrying him hither and yon for classes, festivals etc. the last 2 years were especially hard. 5 days a week journeys to and from dance. Home late etc.Also Central then RB assc. Must admit I did not miss the driving at all. My younger son was a fencer so I then was able to concentrate on him. I swear he increased his classes to fill the void:-) Also football on weekends. We didn't discover Skype til far too late but when we did it was great. Its a tough transition and tears are allowed:-) Good luck to her.
  11. Brilliant and glad it has worked with Yuri and Chika. Shame we aren't local to you or we could all come and watch. No pressure.lol Really pleased for you. Many of us over the years have struggled with some dance schools and teachers but there are great ones out there who are encouraging and helpful. Now as to the Phd ? Well you'll manage I'm sure. Don't they always say if you need something doing give it to a busy person:-)
  12. Julie 2 Milner


    Mel C in Blood Brothers would be interesting. The original person I saw was Lynn Paul but then it has been a Nolan, Bernie and Linda I think.
  13. Welcome Katharina. Always lovely to hear news from Europe. I have a special interest in Germany as my son dances there. I think the range and depth of companies is wonderful. So may companies both big and small.
  14. Julie 2 Milner


    I'm "worried" about the new Jesus. I love Tim Minchin which is why I'm going but Chris Moyles I could do without. Maybe he will be good. Not sure about Mel C I think she may make quite a good Mary Magdelene. The Jesus..... well wasn't impressed with the TV show but guess he will be ok. I booked in a moment of madness and am regretting it slightly. Also the venue may just be too huge. Anyway hoefully Minchin's Judas will be worth it.
  15. Julie 2 Milner


    Oh yes "Return to the Forbidden Planet" an all time fav." Wicked" good too. Cats, Godspell yup love those.
  16. I was 8! Memory may be playing me up but I stayed up with Dad to watch. RIP.
  17. Julie 2 Milner


    Big musical fan. Les Mis is tops but I'm a huge "Blood Brothers" fan. Seen 4 times. Wonderful." Rocky Horror" another fav." Evita" did nothing for me though." Chigago" I enjoy but hate the "celebrity" focus. Hugely funny but rude is "Avenue Q". Unlike many I could watch "We Will rock You" time and time again. I have never seen Phantom but must admit to no desire to do so. I am off to the O2 to see "Jesus" but to be honest Tim Minchin is the draw there. Would highly recommend "Dreamcoats and Petticoats". Its sheer fun. Not deep and meaningful just fun. I love my musicals. Hope we will see your daughter in" Les Mis" Fiz. Re Billy Elliot. Used to drive Martin mad when people said to him had Billy Elliot inspired him? He started dancing just prior to the film but one of his teachers did a BE inspired dance for a festival. Everyone assumed he'd taken up ballet because of the film. To this day we've never seen it on stage.lol
  18. It is coming to Tunbridge Wells on the 8th Dec but only a matinee. May still be able to make it though?
  19. where are you based? Are there no local dance schools which will hire out stuff? What about a party shop like Smiffys? They may do something. If not a charity shop skirt. Hem torn, a camisole and scarf could work.
  20. A few years back Swansea Ballet Russe suffered through this. My son had danced with them in 2nd year 6th form (he was a student at elmhurst) . He had a call from them in 3rd year saying many of their company had visas refused and could he help out. Fortunately Elmhurst allowed him to go again. I can't remember how many but enough of their dancers from Russia to cause a problem. I always wonder if this helped contribute to their demise. Such a shame as whilst not the heights of ENB, or BRB a grand little touring co that brought ballet to a wider audience.
  21. Yup I think the suggested donation was £10 so brilliant value.
  22. David my son danced with Swansea Ballet Russe whilst at Elmhurst. He had nothing but praise for them both.
  23. No idea if she does them or if they would suit but haven't Chikka Tema and her husband Yuri, who used to run Swansea Ballet Russes, opened studios in Bristol?
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