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Everything posted by Spax

  1. Sorry should read RBS
  2. Where are there MA's other than London for boys?
  3. Hi Belljul, Get in early and get train to Farringdon Station in London and I could take you to WL with us.
  4. Spax

    Acting Schools

    Sorry Rowan and gents!
  5. Thats a good point and thank you
  6. Spax

    Acting Schools

    You ladies are full of information. This forum is the best! Thank you.
  7. Who has said it is "less worthy"???? My point was the money side of things. Pls re read what I said if your commenting on my post. I love contemporary and so does my dd and ds. 2 ex teachers have comented that it is doing more contemporary since SM took over, whats wrong with that?
  8. I haven't rec'd letter yet for WL lower school.
  9. He did it last year and was there in Feb doing Lec Dems....
  10. Spax

    Family matters

    My mother has Cerebella degeneration and both my siblings. Mother was sent to hospital because she lost the will to live and didn't eat. Turned out she had vertigo virus. Got her strength up and hospital let her out 11 at night with no assessment and within a couple if days fell and broke her arm! Now in home, put 1 stone on in 9 days! Doesn't want to go home. I live in London, she in Oxford, siblings can't get to her as not allowed to drive. Heart breaking seeing your only surviving parent suffer and can't be there 24/7???? Sorry to hear others in same position.
  11. A friends son from Swanage area JA has got into WL. So I agree with Rowan.
  12. My ds applied and has got into WL. My ds feels awful as some of his friends didn't get into WL but would give his place up if he gets RBSSS.. What would you do?
  13. Spax

    Acting Schools

    Thanks everyone, didn't know there was so many.
  14. Spax

    Acting Schools

    I forgot about the Brit School
  15. Spax

    Acting Schools

    Inbetween St Pauls and Barbican
  16. Sorry, sorry but Taximum said she got funding at Elmhurst and Tring otherwise yes Central as its loans. But Elmhurst if she got funding would owe no money? Or would she still owe money if got funding. All I meant was between the schools as all good, 'if' funding at Elmhurst I would rather go there and owe no money at the end of training.
  17. Spax

    Acting Schools

    Does anybody know of any good acting schools, full time under 16 or sat classes?
  18. It was a figure of speech, sorry.
  19. Taximum, is she mad accepting Central over the others? Tring I understand as need funding but if she has funding and Elmhurst??? Unless she wants contemporary as Central is doing more of.
  20. I think there might be 15 in my sons class. Also if you don't get into London and on waiting list you get offered other centres as some of my ds friends have.
  21. Apparently ds just spoke to friend at WL. Its like an open day and you meet your class
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