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Everything posted by Ballet_dancer2020

  1. Had the same, can't understand why it's taking so long šŸ˜«
  2. Last year it was 26 April, although that was after 2 rounds of auditions and format different this year with only 1 round. They said results would be in 'April' but I was also hoping this would mean earlier especially since last audition was at least a few weeks ago now. Hoping they might surprise us tomorrow but would be great if anyone has any more concrete info?
  3. Tring are advertising a course in June, says from age 8 so depends when his birthday is (or maybe worth asking if they would be flexible?) https://www.tringpark.com/holiday-courses/boys-day-of-dance-2024/
  4. I'm not sure if they have even confirmed summer dates yet, but Malvern was also very good last year. They are currently advertising for Easter.
  5. Thank you again @Betty we also watched a lovely promo on you tube this afternoon on the tours and it did look like it would be a really rewarding experience. DD really looking forward to it now and can't wait to see which tour she will be on! šŸ˜Š
  6. Congratulations to your daughter, I hope she has a wonderful experience šŸ˜Š
  7. Thank you so much for the insight @Betty. As a newcomer to LCB this is really helpful, thank you.
  8. My DD was also offered touring company and as you @RemiM although she knows how high the standard was and is def grateful for the place, she was also slightly disappointed. I do wonder if the majority of main company places went to those who did it last year, especially as @BallerinaMum13 mentioned they were still currently active with the gala this week. Either way, touring company is still a great achivement and I am sure will be a great opportunity. In terms of waitlist, I suspect there will be very little movement on main company, but I wouldn't be surprised if slots open up for touring. It's quite a different offering to the main and I didn't realise there was a cost for this as well which may not suit all....
  9. Thank you for the update @LGBalletTaxi its quite painful waiting - even more so when I am seeing many insta posts with lots of LCB children involved in the gala performance this week. Do you happen to know how these children were selected? Maybe I am over thinking it now but I'm starting to wonder if they actually have a cast in place already...šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø
  10. Could anyone tell me whether Tring allow boarders to go home every weekend if they want? We live fairly close (although not close enough to consider being a day student) and I was wondering if we could potentially pick up Fri evening and drop off Monday morning each week. I am planning to go to their open day in Jan so can ask then but just wondering if anyone might know....thank you!
  11. Thanks @BalletMumOfOne yes looks like will have to chase again. I do feel sorry for the new starters though, it must be awful having to wait this long and not know what's happening.
  12. thanks, I do think the CBA admin/invoicing is managed separately. Maybe they should think about combining it! Hopefully we will hear something soon
  13. Thanks - my friends DD is supposed to be starting on Sunday and hasn't heard anything either so is getting a bit worried. My DD is currently a student and we also haven't had an invoice (or her assessment report from June!) - seems a bit odd, not sure whats happening!
  14. Just wondering if any new starters this term had heard anything yet?
  15. My daughter did an online audition a couple of years ago and had to submit a video based on the below link. She was in the junior section so expect your student will be in the older group but might give you an idea... When we did it I also noticed a few kids who had posted their own recordings following it on you tube as well so you may find a senior one there if you look. https://youtu.be/1GxoVPr_tNY
  16. We received the info pack today. Slightly confused as to why we have been asked to send their latest academic report. Its not a problem if they really want it but just wondering why they would ask. Anyone know why this is needed and what they might do with it?! Thanks
  17. For those on SWL, our letter says we should accept or decline the place by 19 June so they can 'promptly offer the place to another candidate if you choose not to accept' fingers crossed some spaces will open up x
  18. Just wanted to say a huge thank you to @MissEmily and @AllAboutTheJourney for your encouragement at the start. I very nearly didn't put my DD application in as she'd been rejected before and I didn't think there would likely be any places available. She's just had very happy news so thank you both so much for your encouragement. I hope you've had good news too if you are waiting x
  19. I saw this too and thought it would feel quite odd especially for those who had tried for the main company and not successful. Worried it would feel a bit like a 'B team' experience...
  20. I agree it does seem like it's become a thing this year to offer waitlist to everyone who didn't get a yes. It is frustrating as you have no idea really whether they were close or not. I would rather they just said no if that's what it really is but as you say, probably easier to 'fob you off' like this.
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