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Everything posted by MJW

  1. Apologies I have just realised I didn't respond; my visit was more of an experiment as to whether I could cope with and/or enjoy a standing view. The view wasn't great and the short answer is no I can't! Its rather difficult therefore to comment on the performance I'm afraid.
  2. Its very odd how ROH price some of their restricted seats. I was looking the other day at the unsold restricted balcony seats for something or other; some had very minor restrictions such as a tiny corner of the stage being blocked by the front of the balcony screen but others had a column or the protective rail right in the middle of the view - all seats regardless of restrictions were £112. Stalls circle C76 isn't too bad, nor C71 or C42. If its a good seat, I try and sit there again in the future. I had sat in B34/B45 so often in the GT, I ought to have my name on it.
  3. Todays matinee cast sheet which I’m reading in a very sunny Whitehall Gardens https://www.roh.org.uk/tickets-and-events/40/cinderella-by-frederick-ashton/cast-list/51619
  4. Thank you! Actually today has been the least painful day this week so hopefully I'm fully on the mend.
  5. Actually I've had a bad back this week and standing is easier than sitting down, so that's worked out quite well!
  6. I’m also going on the 11th - trouble is although I will travel back home that evening, trains might stop early. Will have to see what happens and possibly book for their other performance.
  7. Delightful @Rob S I’m looking forward to Saturday’s matinee (and my first ever ‘standing’)
  8. Barry Humphries: Dame Edna Everage comedian dies at 89 - BBC News I saw Dame Edna live some years back at the Yvonne Arnaud in Guildford; the first half was a sort of musical but the second half was Dame Edna's standup routine and was the funniest thing I have seen. Most of the audience were in fits by the end.
  9. I thought this photo was rather lovely - from Taisuke Nakao's IG (taken by DancersDiary who I was watching prowling the stage taking photos!) https://www.instagram.com/p/CrUHm6rIUFb/
  10. This is him - https://www.instagram.com/p/CrTvMZFohyc/
  11. James was in the front row in the centre - certainly a very elegant dancer
  12. It would have been nice to have been able to say hello but he was obviously engaged with friends or family and had come out to see them.
  13. Did you see them on stage afterwards? I think just showing off for the audience still in the auditorium ! From my IG reel - https://www.instagram.com/reel/CrTEGbtoEMu/ This was my fourth (or even fifth) visit to see class on stage - as ever absolutely fascinating. Martin Diaz (I think) caught my eye front row left end. James Large was in the cafe afterwards - he's so tall and looked very refreshed despite having been on stage for an hour and a half!
  14. Regarding the cast sheet, what does the reference to "the role of x is supported by" mean? I know that the Music Director is partly financed by a charitable trust for example but I don't quite understand what the situation is here.
  15. Certainly well deserved if his performance on Friday evening is anything to go by.
  16. How lovely to have been able to meet so many cast members. I think I'd be too tongue-tied to make sensible conversation !
  17. A bit late in the day...photos of the production by Alastair Muir https://photos.alastairmuir.com/Ballet/Royal-Ballet/Cinderella23/i-qvtCTmV
  18. I'm afraid I'm going to have to be rather negative with my review. This is the second time I have seen Cinderella since the general rehearsal. First the positives: Fumi and William were a delight as expected and they are my go-to couple (now that James Hay and Anna-Rose O'Sullivan no longer dance together). Liam Boswell was excellent as the Jester and made a difficult role look effortless. James Hay and Benett Gartside were great as the sister - though there is far too much of them and they do dominate at times (not a criticism of the dancers, just the roles). The corps were great and their patterns were very effective from where I was sitting in the front row of the amphi. Acts 2 and 3 work well but as others have said Act 1 is far too long and it one starts to wonder when the "ballet" will begin. I think however for me the negatives outweigh the positives. However thought it would be a good idea to blind the audience with a light show at the start clearly needs a good talking to. There is a similar light show during Alice but that manages not to do that. For a new staging that made much of using magic and special effects, some of the transformations seem very clunky. I saw a stagehand helping to move the conservatory glass for the arrival of the Winter Fairy and hearing the scenery wheeling away at the end of the first scene in Act 3 rather destroys the magic. The turning of the pumpkin into the carriage is frankly a bit naff and the entrance of the Fairy Godmother later in Act 1 is hardly something special. The Fairies' young attendances are frankly embarrassing and remind me of reluctant children being pushed on stage at an infants nativity play. They add nothing other than a sense of bemusement. To my (very untrained eye) I thought the Season Fairies seemed to struggle and Hannah Grennell as the Winter Fairy made no doubt difficult steps look difficult rather than effortless. I'm sorry to be so negative and am booked for a standing in the stalls circle for two weeks time so I will see if I feel differently then. My seat was £112 and whilst the view was fine, I have seen much better productions and in some cases have been overwhelmed by what I have seen for far less (I appreciate that pricing is not based on how good something is!). Finally - my view of the curtaincall - https://www.instagram.com/p/CrCG0cfok5-/
  19. Well I'm only going by the rehearsal in the video - whether it happens or not...
  20. A couple of links to to the films shows during yesterday's cinema screening - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_hn69VNndi0&t=93s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ynQ8U5ebPG0 Interestingly from the first video it looks as though James Hay will perform the Jester at some point. I might have to try and book for that if I can find out when (!)
  21. I had a reminder earlier in the week from ROH to book before today so yesterday evening I booked for Carlos and the Australian ballet. Managed to get a ticket this morning for the RBS Summer somewhere in the balcony but hopefully a less restricted seat will become available beforehand (that’s how I managed to get my seat last year) As I think @alison mentioned a lot of the seats were dark greyed out - not sure what was going on there.
  22. I’ve always found that quite rude - I can understand when the performance is running late but not otherwise. I always hope it’s not too obvious to the dancers
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