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Everything posted by MJW

  1. I went to the Faberge exhibition which is being held at the V&A this afternoon (mainly a gift for my mother's birthday). I would thoroughly recommend it if you can get a ticket - although it is sold out until May more tickets may become available. Obviously due to the current situation in Ukraine anything currently connected with Russia is potentially controversial and I have seen reports about whether the exhibition will continue. Some objects have been lent by the Kremlin Museums and State Hermitage and seeing those labels makes one feel slightly unconformable but the vast majority of the exhibits (and there are a lot) are lent by the Queen, other museums or private collectors. The last room contains a very large collection of Imperial Easter Eggs and I doubt we will see as many in one room for many years, if ever. V&A · Inside The Fabergé In London: Romance To Revolution Exhibition (vam.ac.uk)
  2. Just had mine - I have to confess I couldn't remember booking for that date !
  3. I am always grateful when any of my visits coincide with Rob S being there as I can be guaranteed some terrific pictures of the event!
  4. I’m in the GT so I’ll try and catch HRH! I’ve got Malcolm Rifkind in front of me - I was trying to think who he was!
  5. Goodness me - all dancers at the top of their game tonight. A genuine privilege to see them.
  6. A very moving standing ovation to the Ukrainian national anthem to start. Excellent first act and Yamine terrific
  7. Ah thanks- good job I didn’t throw a wobbly! I’ll try and remember for April
  8. I know! I wasn’t going to have an argument through the plastic sheeting so I will email customer service tomorrow. Hope others have better luck!
  9. I hope everyone else who is going has a very enjoyable evening and manages to brave the weather and the tube strike!
  10. Thanks for that - great to see James Hay as Benno. Just hoping it doesn't rain too hard as I walk along Waterloo Bridge later on!
  11. No! Short and to the point - We hope you are looking forward to seeing Swan Lake at the Royal Opera House. Please be aware that the following cast changes have been made: Tuesday 1 March, 19:00: Marianela Nuñez is replaced by Yasmine Naghdi as Odette/Odile
  12. That's a bit of a shame for tomorrow as it would have been one of the very few times I have seen Nunez and Muntagirov live, but I have tried to learn to live with cast changes!
  13. Hope this is ok to post - a link to IG showing a snippet of Scènes de Ballet https://www.instagram.com/p/CaXRvPJKAmF/
  14. Yes I saw Sarah Lamb and Ryoichi Hirano when this version of Swan Lake was first performed - Sarah Lamb was fantastic
  15. As I have had enough of clearing broken branches following the storm on Friday, I thought I might as well start a thread for the Royal Ballet's performances of Swan Lake which start next week. I am very much looking forward to my trips on 1st (Nunez and Muntagirov) and 16th March (Bracewell and Hayward) and it will be the first time I have been to Opening Night. Here are some rehearsal photos from ROH's Flickr of Cesar Corrales and Mayara Magri https://www.flickr.com/photos/royaloperahouse/albums/72177720296700854 and from 2020 with William Bracewell (who I am particularly looking forward to seeing having seen his Romeo) https://www.flickr.com/photos/royaloperahouse/albums/72177720296516106
  16. Just back from the Cinema Screening - lovely performances from Marcelino and Anna Rose (and great to see James Hay back on stage).
  17. Thank you! This had completely passed me by. Luckily I still had the email in my inbox!
  18. I prefer the first or second rows of the GT (or the same with the Balcony) as I'm guaranteed an unobstructed view and feel a bit less "swamped" than when sometimes sitting in the Stalls
  19. I suspect that by the time I next visit on 1st March I will have forgotten to collect my free programme, but fair play at least we have a proper response. It just begs the question why it wasn't tested properly beforehand - I am sure if they had asked Friends many of us would have been happy to help test a "dummy" system.
  20. I am a Friends+ as well (I wish they could think of a better name than that!) - I tried to use the new booking system on Thursday morning but on having confirmed that I was happy to use the new booking system the page just got stuck. I started again and used the old version and it was fine. I wasn't sure whether it was a problem with my connection at work or not but clearly not. I have just tried again using the new version this morning and it seemed to work fine; were the problems on Thursday caused by demand? We could try emailing membership@roh.org.uk - which is the Friends' contact email address
  21. I had the same problem but thought it might be something to do with my connection at work. It the end I restarted and used the old version. Two trips to see the Ashton triple and one to see the Solo Echo triple
  22. Clearly the announcement at the start of each act on Saturday not to film or take photos fell on deaf ears. I did have to ask someone to switch off their mobile at the start of a Nutcracker in 2020 - and thankfully he did - rather than ignore or abuse me!
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