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Rob S

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Everything posted by Rob S

  1. I guess it depends how far to the right you are thinking of...in act one you might not be able to see the gate that the cast walk through to appear on stage, in act 3 you might miss the queen sat on her throne watching all the goings on.
  2. I've got no idea why but when I booked my SCS tickets all I could get for the first wave of performances was for the left...I got some on the right for the second wave.
  3. Statement from the Royal Opera House By Alex Beard (Chief Executive, Royal Opera House) Monday 28 February 2022, 4pm All of us here at the Royal Opera House are shocked and appalled by the ongoing humanitarian crisis unfolding in Ukraine. As an expression of respect for all those affected by this terrible conflict, we will be lighting our building in the colours of the Ukrainian flag every night this week, and in a moment of reflection playing the national anthem of Ukraine before each performance.
  4. Not even listed as a change of cast and I've not received an email yet😲
  5. Loving that cast, so pleased to see new names getting significant roles, both as mentioned in that cast list and photos from various dancers on Instagram 🙂
  6. I could understand that if they were having a school matinee prior to what you thought was their debut performance, or if maybe if you had a ticket for the rehearsal and didn't want your enjoyment of seeing Magri's debut lessened by seeing her in the rehearsal as well.
  7. Yes, their extra long and thick pony tail disguises don't fool me.
  8. A few observations from yesterday evening....the lights took a while to turn off after Juliet looks up at the audience during her opening scene....the bottle of poison got lost in her scarf after removal it from under the pillow, the scarf had to be laid out on the bed to find it!! Also, a lovely moment from Ashley Dean (as Juliet's friend) in act 2 when Benvolio rescues another friend's flowers from the harlot...Benjamin Ella threw them over his shoulder but they looked to be heading for the floor until Ashley appeared and caught them one handed and then did a little celebratory dance. 🙂
  9. Isn't it worse than that? Isn’t his final performance a ‘Welcome Performance’!?
  10. Lauren is the first Juliet I’ve seen that puts the poison under the pillow by clambering on to the bed…she also doesn’t do that thing with Paris where she goes limp at the start of their pdd.
  11. Alondra’s Mr Tambourine Man is a lot quieter than Jonathan Lo’s during Act 2
  12. Lauren just did it again for the second and third of the three raises.
  13. Looks to be an interesting cast with me seeing Yudes as Mercutio and Mock as Tybalt for the first time
  14. Indeed....although it doesn't explain why she's still listed on the roster and her page has been updated to say she left the RB at the end of last season yet Ed Watson has already been deleted from the dancer roster page
  15. Oh ok...I don't take that info to say who they'll be in the next performance, merely that they are going to be that role at some point in the production, for example Claire Calvert is listed as going to be Odette and a big swan...not in the same performance and not for the opening night of course.
  16. Where have you found that? When I click on the link for casting info on the e-ticket it doesn't go to a cast page (it doesn't seem to be a very reliable or long lasting link at the best of times)
  17. Do you know for sure that they were added yesterday afternoon? It seems a strange use of the inputter's time to list casting info there (given the note at the top of each dancer's page) when they still haven't created pages for the latest Aud Jebsen dancers. Beatriz Stix-Brunell's page is interesting, not just because she is still mentioned on the dancers page but her page has been updated to say she is a former dancer and yet she is listed as being a big swan in the upcoming Swan Lake.
  18. A review from 2011 states it has one lead couple, four male soloists and 12 female corps
  19. Due to over excitement I have accidentally double booked SCS places for the triple bill of 7th April. On offer is Thursday 7th April SCS D5 for £7
  20. There are still some problems....although I selected the 'old' site and could book one Month In Country ticket which I then immediately paid for I can't get it to show anything at all beyond picking a date for a subsequent performance and opening ROH on another tab I see it doesn't recognise my email/password when I log in....this is using Chrome on a desktop. I managed to book 'all' that I wanted on my phone...using Chrome
  21. Do you mea the Dante Project? It's still got 21 days of availability
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