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Everything posted by Medora

  1. I think that’s probably going to be the case wherever you go, if your daughter is younger than 9… as far as I am aware, most performance opportunities start from 9 and up. I’m not familiar with dance festivals or competitions myself, maybe that might be worth looking into? We don’t have any schools near us that do them but judging from Instagram there are some young children taking part. Back to the topic of LCB, good luck to everyone in the finals next week
  2. I probably didn't explain myself very well - I agree with you in the sense that in my opinion, everyone who made it was very accomplished and talented. However there were some super accomplished dancers who were not successful, and if I had to guess why, the difference between those who made it and those who didn't would be that elusive x factor that some people just have. They were more outgoing, smiley, and above all confident than the other dancers of a similar calibre who made it. My impression is that LCB really appreciate (really talented/accomplished) dancers who can act, and who feel comfortable on stage. This could be the deciding factor. Again my sample size is not big enough to draw any solid conclusions from, these are just my observations
  3. I forgot to add that you should try and find a school that offers performance opportunities. If you are London based there should be quite a few to choose from, we know some schools that do pretty professional summer/winter shows in proper theatres. That's a really great way to get to perform on stage!
  4. Ballerinamum: anecdotally, and judging from what we saw in previous years among the people we know who applied, it really seems they value a love of dance and performing very highly. We know some really talented dancers who trained at a very high level and were JAs, who surprisingly didn't get in, and the one thing they had in common was that they were a bit more on the serious and shy side than some of the other dancers we know who were offered a place. Those children were equally strong dancers but generally speaking more outgoing, confident and bubbly if that makes sense. I don't have a huge sample size which I am basing this on but for what it's worth, these were our observations at the time.
  5. I totally agree with Neverjustadancemum that Degas can look a bit not age appropriate on some 6/7/8 year olds... the 9501 looks better than 9502 which I believe is cut higher and lower. Maybe it also depends on your body type? From around age 10 and up they look lovely though. They wash really well, and they suit DD who finds them comfortable. Lots of pretty colours to choose from. We size up when we get these.
  6. Coniger I have heard really great things about Jose Martin, he is still teaching. How wonderful for your son to have found a mentor, that's exactly what we all need!
  7. Thanks everyone, truly appreciate hearing your perspectives. It's clearly hard work to find, and fit in enough quality training after school, but hopefully not impossible. As far as the social aspect is concerned, I feel I can relate to DD as I was in a similar position myself, it wasn't dance in my case but a sport. I made all those social sacrifices and by the time I walked away from it I found that I hadn't missed much, I was able to slot right in with my school friends and have a normal teenage/20s experience. It's just hard for DD as her friendships have gone through a rocky patch recently, with her friends all starting the same secondary school and her being at a different one. She is also at a new dance school since before the pandemic, and hasn't had that much time with these new children as so much was on zoom these past 18 months.
  8. DD is not at vocational school as it simply wasn't the right choice for us at this point, but I am honestly not sure how we can keep her training at a level which would enable her to have a chance at upper vocational school. It's so hard to combine school and ballet. I feel we need way more hours per week than we are currently able to manage. She does about ten hours but should probably do twice the amount? Any advice on how to keep them on the right track without going to lower school would be greatly appreciated! It's also difficult with the social side of things. DD is really feeling the effects of not being available to grab that after school Starbucks or have those sleepovers which her friends are enjoying. She is really drifting apart from her friendship group at school. She is ok with this and understands why this is happening, but of course it still hurts on some level. Had she gone to a lower school, I imagine things would be different - you're surrounded by likeminded children, you are boarding and therefore physically distant from your old friends so the drifting apart would not be noticeable in the same way that it is now. I would love to hear how your DC managed this side of things?
  9. From a non smoking home Please note that part of one of the seams is missing (see closeup). It was always like this and the seam hasn’t unraveled further £35 including first class tracked postage
  10. Thank you Balletbean, Balletmummy and Cotes du Rhone, and everyone else. So interesting to see how you all get it done. Balletbean, what an absolute dream scenario, so lovely to have the support from both your daughter’s school and peer group! Our challenge is that we have a bit of a commute (about an hour) between home/school and the ballet studio. I’ve been advised that they need to train 6 days per week to have a chance at upper school auditions. Add to this homework, and hopefully a social life for dd on the odd occasion... I know that top level athletes often do really well academically, there are clearly some benefits to combining high level training and academics. Just have to make the logistics work somehow!
  11. I just don’t see how it’s possible to fit in enough ballet around secondary school. We want to try vocational upper school but honestly can’t see how we can ever manage to fit in enough training, with academic school taking up a lot of time particularly from year 9. Even two hours of ballet per day will be difficult. how do you do it?
  12. Hi Twirl, it’s still available, I will message you!
  13. Predictive text, so sorry, I hope the previous post makes sense. Glacier still available, any questions please let me know
  14. Hi! Apologies did not replying sooner. The blue leotard is still available, the white and begonia are both sold
  15. So sorry, the photo didn't attach properly, here is the Glacier Matt Lycra leotard:
  16. Glacier, Matt Lycra The one has only been used once or twiceIMG_7971.HEIC
  17. White 9502 Begonia 9502 £35 each including postage (registered mail); both for £65
  18. Looking for Degas leotards size 12 9501 and 9502 in meryl Any colour of interest! Thanks
  19. Yes for us, very surprised and delighted. Definitely did not expect it Does anyone know what their uniform is?
  20. Thanks @SissonneDoublee And yes, fingers crossed for everyone!
  21. And the same question for the WL finals: how confident can a JA be that they will be invited for the finals if they apply? Is it more or less a given?
  22. Thanks @Returnofthejedi good to know! What is the likelihood that existing JA’s continue to MA? Can they more or less expect it? I would imagine they have a much better chance than a complete outsider of a comparable level, as they have known their JA’s since years
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