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Everything posted by jenesaisquoi

  1. Can anyone offer any insight into redroofs? Someone mentioned it as an option for my DD who is very keen on singing and acting and although at a decent standard in dance, it's definitely not her strongest. I would love to hear any opinions on the school. thanks in advance ?
  2. Not always. Some weeks it's the year 6 class and some weeks it's the MAs. So the year 6s have some morning sessions and some afternoon sessions.
  3. Congratulations. You'll get an email with info very soon, but it's likely to stay the same as it is this year and so it will be 10.15am - 12.30pm. The Bath JAs are very lucky as their teacher is simply wonderful!
  4. We have 3 yes emails in our school. A girl and boy in year 5 and a girl in year 6. Lots of happy faces last night! Wishing everyone luck in the coming days with results.
  5. Congrats dancer123! We'll see you there! Is your DD in group 1?
  6. Tring results are out. Our arrived in the post this morning. A lovely yes letter. Looking forward to DD starting in September.
  7. Congrats Balletmum1704 My DD and her friend were also successful. We have very happy girls tonight. I must say, I'm nervous about 10 days away at 8 years old, but we're too far away to bring DD every day. She's keen though! Now to start saving up!!!
  8. My DD is auditioning this Sunday. An email with details and times was sent yesterday. We're in at 10am. if you haven't had an email yet, I'd phone them to check up on it. Good luck to your DC. ?
  9. 8 year old DD also had a lovely time at her finals audition. She said they had to do some improvisation which she loved and were split into 2 groups at the end. 7 of them were brought forward at the end and switched into height order and a photo taken. Then the others were stood in a semi circle around the room and also photographed. I've tried and failed to work out what that means! Only the email will put us in the know!! Either way, she enjoyed the experience so we'll definitely try again next year!
  10. Joyofdance - I don't know if she was even made aware of it. Certainly can't gain anything from telling an 8/9 year old that they didn't place after all! So hopefully she is blissfully unaware! X
  11. Not sure if the incorrectly placed girl was stripped of her medal, though I sincerely hope not!
  12. It's hard to say, but I must admit, it was one of the first thoughts I had at the time! It then went on the schools FB site and so people could have thought it was a lie although this could be verified if challenged! ????
  13. I have a feeling you may be referring to a festival that we attended this week where the judge incorrectly called a number 17 instead of a 7. The organiser came backstage to apologise to the child in question on behalf of the judge and to give her the medal she should have received on stage. There was some concern that people would think this..
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