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Everything posted by kcoom75

  1. what standard do children need to be to get on an associate programme? My DS has only recently started ballet after watching his older sisters dance for a long time he decided he also wanted to do ballet. He was put into grade one (age 8) and hasn't find an exam yet but has just finished his first show. He is very keen at he moment and says he wants to do more lessons so he can go to vocational school like his sister.
  2. When my DD was in EYB we had a pair of pointe shoes made out of chocolate, they had a light pink coating on and ribbons made from icing with a good luck message iced on. We have also had pink cupcakes made with ballerinas and ballet shoes on top, which she could share with the other girls in her dressing room.
  3. so sorry to hear about your DD porsrhesia, hopefully the MRI will give you some good news...hospitals don't like x-raying children because of the radiation but an MRI doesn't use any radiation and will be a lot more detailed. VBee sorry to hear about your accident, I hope you have a speedy recovery and heal well.
  4. I have found a page with the fees, but it looks like you have to pay school fees with ballet training fees on top and if you need to board it looks very expensive???? http://moorlandballet.co.uk/fees/
  5. Hi, My daughter is a first year at ballet west. We will also be in Glasgow for Romeo and Juliet. xx
  6. What is the summer school like, is there a big range of ages? My DD is 17 and currently dances full time at vocational school. I am a bit concerned that she would be the oldest and put in a class with a lot of younger students.
  7. my DD is 16 and gets student funding for ballet west.
  8. pups mum my eldest DD did it at age 18yrs. you're just not allowed to be older than 18 eg 19 and above.
  9. they usually do sourhport and Preston about every three years.
  10. does anyone know about funding for ballet west yet? we've had an email from student finance saying they can't find the course on their database........getting a bit worried!
  11. has anyone been told how much they will be awarded for ballet west this year yet?
  12. My daughter would love to be involved, she's 16.
  13. Thankyou 2dancersmum abd orchidblue, we are still hopeful but it is disheartening. We do have a plan B so all is not lost.
  14. they have said we can have a discount but with accomodation on top it's still a big stretch.
  15. I've been told by the hammond today that all the dada's have now been accepted.
  16. Thankyou lidabelle, we are trying to be patient x
  17. I'm not sure if it's normal, but my daughter always has very clicky joints and often says "I need to click my hip" or "I need to crack my back" but she has always just lived with it although we do find she's not as bad if she takes glucosamine supplements.
  18. but the student finance website states that you get £9000 if you are studying in scotland, and even when you enter Ballet West as your chosen place of study, the quote is £6000 if you are studying in England and £9000 if you are studying in Scotland!
  19. student finance calculator says it's £9000 if you are studying in scotland. http://www.studentfinance.direct.gov.uk/calculator/studentfinancecalculator/1415/summary.xhtml
  20. I put the details into the student finance calculator for ballet west and it said we would get £9000 for tuition fees plus a maintainence loan.
  21. yes dd a place but is on a waiting list for a dada.The school have also said they will be contacting us about the possibility of a bursary but I haven't heard anything yet.
  22. I'm not sure how much it is as we've only had a letter saying we are on a reserve list, but if it is only £60 it would probably be worth paying 'just in case' ....but I heard there were 38 on the waiting list and without knowing where we are on the list it is a bit worrying.
  23. They told me their deadline was 8th April so I was hoping to hear soon after that but I suppose people could be holding places until they find out results from elsewhere.........I never was any good at waiting
  24. Has anyone from the Hammond 6th form reserve list been offered funding.......it seems to have gone quiet and we're still waiting patiently:(
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