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Everything posted by alison

  1. It was shown in cinemas last year. I seem to recall that I quite liked it, but can't remember whether I posted anything or not about it here. Edit: This Google search https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=site%3Adancetabs.com+%22helgi+tomasson%22+%22romeo%22+%22san+francisco+ballet%22&rls=com.microsoft%3Aen-gb%3AIE-SearchBox&oq=site%3Adancetabs.com+%22helgi+tomasson%22+%22romeo%22+%22san+francisco+ballet%22&gs_l=heirloom-serp.3...45062.49125.0.49422. will bring up some reviews and so on from DanceTabs.
  2. Incidentally, does anyone know what the theatre is like about exchanging for another night and/or issuing duplicates? What appears to be a link to the T&Cs on the AiP website turns out to be no such thing.
  3. Ah, sorry. If you have something which is a relatively permanent condition, presumably you would make allowances for it and get a seat somewhere near the aisle, but temporary conditions are of course unpredictable. I still remember the embarrassment with which I had to escape from the middle of a row in the stalls of the old Sadler's Wells (which *did* have an aisle, so not so far to go) when I had one of those uncontrollable, appear-out-of-nowhere coughing fits. But yes, being repeatedly allowed back to your seat in such an instance is not on. I have a nasty feeling that a couple in the ROH Orchestra Stalls some time late last year may have sneaked out for a wee drink mid-performance and were allowed back in.
  4. I'm afraid the "latecomers will not be admitted" message which I think appears on all Sadler's tickets is a work of fiction
  5. Well, I just hovered my cursor over a seat in the end block and there was no mention of any sightline restriction. Don't know if it's the same further towards the centre, of course. The restriction for the rail in the back half of the circle is described as "slight", FWIW.
  6. As part of the discussion on the Turandot thread, we started discussing "names" (i.e. singers) in opera. So, for those people like me who only go to the opera irregularly, who would you say are the big names, or the soon-to-be-big names, in opera at the moment? (A brief description of the voice and the type of roles would be helpful too).
  7. Yep, why not? After all, they already ruined LOVEFILM within a very short time of taking it over, due largely to a(nti?)pathy.
  8. Thanks, Quintus, might be useful, although I'm not sure I'd ever post Can't help wondering if it might be a bit too Les Cahiers du Cinema-level for me!
  9. Sounds as though Alexander Campbell, among others, managed it? Actually, I always wondered what Ed Watson would have done with Act II ...
  10. That's great to hear. And congrats to your dd.
  11. If someone has a medical necessity to eat a bar of something discreetly, fair enough, but stuffing your face is definitely not on.
  12. It was a Picturehouse, but possibly the wrong end of London for you, from what you've said.
  13. Fonty, you might find a smattering of Encore performances at different times in different places. I didn't realise until I was *at* the cinema a few months back that the one in question repeated them on Tuesdays at noon, for example - it was just a chance comment by someone at the box office.
  14. Good point, but again it does presuppose that you *are* going to see a lot of performances, and will actually get to see them. I'd thought that would be the case with me, but it could turn out that the only one I shall have seen will be the one before Christmas. Life is unpredictable, whether it be Southern trains or something else.
  15. Following the Internet Movie Database (IMDb)'s recent decision to remove all its discussion boards, thereby effectively doing away with perhaps 15 years or more discussion of films and TV programmes, I was wondering if there were any alternatives which anyone could recommend? I'm looking for somewhere to discuss TV programmes and movies (on separate sites if necessary), major and minor, where the discussions don't by and large become inaccessible after maybe 6 months (I know IMDb did cull discussions on the most popular films and programmes, but at the same time you could still find discussion going years back on more esoteric ones), and something you can post on without having to go via Facebook/Twitter/Google or other social media etc. accounts.
  16. Didn't one of the recent articles say something to the effect that his own take on things seems to vary from interview to interview, because he seems to just say whatever he's thinking at the time, so it makes it very difficult to get a clear view of anything? Edit: but the Telegraph title "I felt 'tricked' by 'jealous' Royal Ballet" is shockingly misleading. I guess that was the work of a subeditor somewhere.
  17. We even have a thread about it http://www.balletcoforum.com/index.php?/topic/11178-flesh-and-bone-tv-show-about-ballet/?hl=%22flesh+and+bone%22
  18. I've just edited my post above to add the ROH group bookings page, capybara. There's a downloadable list of performances to which they apply.
  19. They also appear to have benefitted from a group booking for better seats: https://www.meetup.com/Lets-Do-London/events/235324846/ I'm not sure there's necessarily anything wrong with *this*: they *are* organising an event around the performance which probably takes time and effort to do - any more than there is with organisations charging an admin fee for discounted or free tickets, but it certainly is interesting. I believe group bookings open before public booking, don't they - or otherwise how would you ever get enough seats together to arrange anything? And I'm not sure that the ROH has "approved" groups - I think anyone who wants to buy a batch can do so (and I know of forum members who have) - although clearly they would need to be checked out to make sure they're not going against the spirit of the offer. Here's the ROH page on group bookings: http://www.roh.org.uk/visit/tickets/group-bookings The Watson Mayerlings, not surprisingly, are not among them.
  20. That was rather what I was expecting, based on what I've seen her do previously - thanks. Choe's Aurora's were all in December, I think, which is why she may be perceived to have rather a low profile at the moment.
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