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Tring Day Pupils


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Its a couple of years since dd auditioned, but I seem to remember start time for day pupils was around 08.00 and I think there are lessons on a Saturday. I'm sure those who have auditioned recently will be better informed.

Edited by porthesia
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Assembly is at 8.30 am and they have RAD on a saturday. If you have not got an MDS award then the Saturday class is optional as you have to pay extra for these classes. If you are lucky and have been awarded an MDS then these classes are free, but they have to be attended.

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There used to be one bursary for a Tring Associate (when TPA were called Junior Conservatoire) who auditioned successfully for the Dance Course, but that was 3 years ago. With the advent of CBA, (which is much more akin to "real" Associates than the Junior Conservatoire was) this may have changed or gone.


Mr Anderson told us about it at the Open Day a few years ago when dd was still dancing at Tring.

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I was told there was nothing they could do regarding funding if you didn't qualify for MdS apart for Musical Theatre. As such, my DS got a non funded place for Ballet year 8. They sent me a long list of funding bodies (none but 1 could help a little) but no offer of a bursary came with it. We had to turn the place down!

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Day pupils are expected to attend the RAD classes on a Saturday. They are compulsory for MDS students but as they are extras otherwise, I think you can opt out if not on MDS. The times for these classes on a Saturday vary yyear on year and depend on the grade the student is studying. They don't normally start Inr=termediate till third form (Yr 9).

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