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hammond induction day


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Last year it was a full day with start time around 9- 9.30. Parents had a talk and students joined academic classes for the day. Parents were free to go about 11am with a chance for parents only to revisit the boarding house if desired. Parents returned for tea/coffee at about 3pm and staff were on hand to answer questions - very helpful as things had occurred to us during the day. Students finished the day (which dd thoroughly enjoyed) at about 3.30pm. We then did a dash to the uniform shop to get fitted!

Hope you have a good day!

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Unless it has been changed this year the induction day is not for 6th form.  Dancer27 you will get a handbook and a letter in the summer (early July?) which gives you plenty of information and a letter at the same time telling you what to wear/bring with you and what time to arrive on your first day.

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I wonder about the new year 9s.  I seem to remember the house staff saying that they like to have them at the boarding house for lunch in July so that they can get to know them a little before they start and decide which dorm they would be best in, but I don't know if they visit the school as well.  Does anyone else know?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi I am a newcomer, All4dancers I too have a dd starting in sept and I also remember them saying about the year 9's visiting the boarding house for the staff to get to know their personalities and they would have some of the girls there too? Induction day is definitely June 26th as I phoned last week to ask, maybe they will visit both on this day?

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Hello Dancingmad and welcome!  Thank you for the info about induction day, it means now I can start sorting time off work out for definite.  It appears that there are at  least 4 new girls starting in September and at least one boy that I know of!

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  • 4 weeks later...

My dd has just called to say that she has been asked to model the school uniform for the yr 7s at some point today; she is taking it to school in her bag as she is dancing most of the day, so it maybe rather creased!! Hope all new students have a great day.

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