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Darning pointe shoes


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I’m hoping someone can help me!  I’ve been darning pointe shoes for a while but have recently been given a pair of Bloch Lisse to darn. 
They have the toughest satin which makes it near impossible to get a needle through. Does anyone here have any tips that can help me? Is there a method of temporarily softening the satin maybe? I’ve searched through the forums but can’t find anything. 😞

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Can the dancer dance in them first? That sometimes loosens the satin! 

The last pair of Bloch I darned a month or so ago were horrendous as the satin was so good tight it kept splitting. I had to go under the satin (what was left of it) at an angle to get it to hold. One side was much worse than the other.

I’ve got a pair of Bloch Lisse to darn this week but they’re going back to the dancer this eve as they are needed for class and I’m hoping that will help a bit.  

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If the satin was really difficult I’d sometimes put a needle in at an angle so it was flat to to platform and wriggle it about to loosen the satin. I’d also use a rubber needle grip and if desperate a piece of wood to bang needle through material. 
I do not miss darning pointe shoes at all 

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Hi, my DD wears Bloch Lisse, and I darn them from new (not softened) but would agree they are extremely tough! I’m fairly new to darning so definitely no expert, and have only ever darned this style so can only advise what I use which is a strong straight needle, a thimble to push through at an angle and pliers to bring/wiggle through the other side.  I only darn the edges though but have to say it does take my hands a while to recover after,  just enough time for a new pair to be started xx

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It's a long time since I darned pointe shoes, but I do seem to remember using a flat-bladed screwdriver or the end of a teaspoon, scraping it back and forth over the satin (for ages and ages) until it worked loose enough to darn. What a palaver. Some shoes are far worse than others, even of the same make - I think it must be down to the over-enthusiastic application of glue by some makers!

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