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Hi- DS (10) has been offered a place at Munich Ballet Academy. Does anyone know anything?? They are one of Germany's big five, so very chuffed, but one hell of a change at ten. They teach Vaganova,so that's a change, too- how does it differ? Thanks for any advice/ info :))

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2 minutes ago, Picturesinthefirelight said:

I wonder if celb could offer any advice/support. Her son was older when he went abroad to study at a vaganova based school but I'm sure their experiences could be useful. 

Do you mean CeliB, Pictures?

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16 hours ago, Boys_can_dance said:

Hi- DS (10) has been offered a place at Munich Ballet Academy. Does anyone know anything?? They are one of Germany's big five, so very chuffed, but one hell of a change at ten. They teach Vaganova,so that's a change, too- how does it differ? Thanks for any advice/ info :))

Congratulations ! I don't personally know the school, but I know that it's rated very highly. In the 1st year of Vaganova they usually take the children right back to basics so don't worry. x

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Thanks for the replies it's reassuring they take them back to basics, as DSs German is somewhat ropey. I'm sure he will learn fast enough, but not being able to understand the instructions properly, back to basics will be good.

Thankfully, the German children enter year 5 when UK goes into year 6, so he'd repeat a year, which will give him time to develop the language.

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I'm German, and we have been thinking to move back for a while.Munich was one of the towns we'd considered, so we just went for it. They were great, actually, much less secretive than in the U.K., and really informal and low key. As a consequence none of the children appeared to be very nervous or tense. The director came and spoke to the parents and explained what they were looking for while the kids were warming up.

He also auditioned in Berlin, and did not get in, but they told us what to work on, and to reapply next year. So much more helpful then just being told yes or no, worth the audition expense just for that info.


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My son didn't train abroad, but dances in a country where he doesn't speak the language.  In fact any language - he is absolutely appalling at modern foreign languages.   They learn and adapt, and pick up enough take class very quickly.


I worked in a boarding school for many years, and the students, including Russians speaking no English, do pick it up very quickly.  Ironic isn't it, that so many German students come to the UK for a year to learn English.  Maybe we should start sending our children abroad for a year?




NB: after 10 months away he can now not only take class but order beer, coffee and food, go to the shops and play poker in the country's tongue.  Not that I am suggesting these for your son!



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