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Everything posted by Lildancer96

  1. I am sure she will love it - the classes are not too big and the teaching faculty fab . Lil
  2. Have sent you a private message swan princess . Lil
  3. Hi tulip There will be my dd, your dd and little ballerina in that age group - at least they all know each other
  4. The Wolverhampton audition was very chaotic and yes there were 160 seniors on the stage at once! I was in the audience and couldn't even see my dd! A very interesting but valuable experience ! Lil
  5. Looking forward to seeing everyone at Elmhurst at the weekend
  6. I'm sure Little Ballerina won't mind me saying but neither her or my dd had taken RAD exams when auditioning for 6th form and it never stopped either of them getting a place or funding . Lil
  7. Nobody mentioned photo ID when my dd took her inter earlier in the year. Lil
  8. Intermezzo do a lovely one that is more child friendly, more like a swimming costume rather than underwear . It's available from Porselli. Lil
  9. Well done - hope you had a fab time x x
  10. We didn't have a character skirt last year and won't this time either. Think they did use the character shoes though . My dd wore her practise wrap around skirt but never used the tutu skirt. They don't get anything washed - the reference to a washing bag on the kit list is for full time students . I did question it with them a couple of years ago ! Lil
  11. Brilliant news. Well done x
  12. Hope your dd has a lovey eve and gets a nice part . My dd is there tonight too. Lil x
  13. So pleased for your dd grumpybearzuk and you too happymom! Keep trying those with a no- your time may come next year . Lil
  14. Primrose you do not need to apologise - as I said I appreciate your honesty and I will enter this process with my eyes wide open. I know that there are others who have shared their experiences too - I read yours and tulips posts with greater interest as I know both of your daughters are beautiful dancers and value their opinions. I hope that my dd will be one if those who finds happiness and succeeds at tring but if not, it isn't a life sentence and she knows that we can walk away. Lil x
  15. A very mature and considered response to this thread ballerinaX. My dd is also starting at tring in sept and yes I have found these details distressing. However, this is an open forum and everyone is invited to share their responses - tulip and primrose, i appreciate your honesty- it has made me aware of problems we might face and I will keep proactive and make sure I am well informed. BallerinaX- we are in the same position as you and will grab this opportunity with both hands. Lil
  16. I agree too that they would need to be hard working , academic and committed. Many schools including RBs, elmhurst, tring and central do offer a levels alongside training for those on dada funding though , so they must consider it a viable option. I wonder whether these schools look at previous academic achievement and advise students if they think it would be too much for them ? Lil
  17. Well done to your very mature and committed dd. Lil x
  18. I wasn't implying you were glowlight I agree with your posting. I was trying to say that everyone has their own opinion and shouldn't need to justify it. Lil
  19. My dd was very keen to do a levels alongside a diploma in dance and likewise chose 3 academic subjects that she enjoys that are not performance related. As I said in my last post , this is my opinion and I certainly wouldn't critise anyone who didn't want to continue their academic studies. I also would not expect anyone to say that my dd was not committed to her dancing as she has chosen to study too. Lil
  20. Sorry dancers dad but I don't agree . There is a big difference between. 'being sure' and actually succeeding. Taking into account the current job situation, I would never consider furthering your education by taking a levels to be irrelevant. I also think there is more to being educated than getting a piece of paper but that's just my opinion. Lil
  21. Brill news for you at last - well done x x
  22. Think only about 10 days for full time. I know the year 6 associates waited a few weeks though x
  23. Very best of luck. At least they don't keep to waiting long at elmhurst ! X
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