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Everything posted by art_enthusiast

  1. It was a bit mean of the interviewer to say that Marianela Nunez 'cried off'. That sounds a bit flippant. I'm sure it must have been hugely difficult for her to step down from opening night. Just goes to show that these dancers are well aware of their strengths and what is feasible/not feasible for them at a certain point in time. Overall, very interesting insights from Vadim!
  2. Wow! Where are they sitting? Don't wish to stalk them of course, just curious
  3. Indeed - how absurd. I had a situation on opening night which, while not the same, was certainly very irritating. The elderly man sitting next to me in the front row of the stalls circle kept bobbing his head constantly during the famous opening waltz of Act 1, continued to so during the character variations in Act 3, and at various points throughout the performance. He also waved his hands in what was presumably an attempt to imitate the conductor? Also during parts of the applause (after Odile's variation, for example) he and his neighbour (presumably his wife) talked, presumably commenting on the performance. This is supposedly permissible as everyone is clapping, but I find it highly irritating and also disrespectful. I suppose all of this behaviour does show enthusiasm for the ballet and of course, Tchaikovsky's gorgeous music, but I find physical demonstrations of it (basically head banging/hand waving) to be a tad too excessive. I adore the music too - the entire audience does, that's a big part of why we braved a tube strike to attend - I just don't feel the need to demonstrate it physically in a manner which can be disruptive for others in the audience.
  4. I thought he was extremely fluid, powerful and natural throughout the Act 3 variations and very much felt the emotion from him and his connection with Natalia during Act 4. Stunning performances all round!
  5. Just out of interest, how many were done? (If it's possible to keep track) It definitely looked like a lot to me!
  6. My heart jumped when Kevin O'Hare came out to say that Natalia was feeling unwell. I was bowled over by both her and Reece during Act 1/2 and it feels like I've been waiting years to see her dance Odile! I think Act 3 is my favourite, there's so much fire and drama. Adored the Spanish dance - particularly Joseph Sissens and the amazing earrings the male dancers have! - and Natalia and Reece were supreme throughout their solos and the pas de deux. Also adored Gary Avis as Rothbart, superb performance! Letitia Dias and Yuhui Choe were also wonderful as Siegfried's sisters. Enchanted by Luca Acri as Benno!
  7. She's an incredible dancer and human being. A true inspiration in the ballet world.
  8. Slightly surprised they're comfortable appearing in public after the Prince Andrew debacle. (But I understand this thread is not about them, so I'll stop here!)
  9. It seemed very short to me - also very beautiful and moving. It definitely added to the intensity and power of the performance as a whole.
  10. Sending her very good wishes, I really hope she's better for her next performance. Yasmine was stunning tonight, as was Vadim, but I didn't quite feel an intense connection between them. James Hay was a superb Benno, did he even touch the floor? He and Vadim were flying throughout, glorious performances from both. Yasmine was a dynamite Odile - the way she nailed those fouettés! I have to say I preferred her Odile to her Odette. Her Odette was technically flawless, I just didn't detect as much emotion between her and Siegfried at their first meeting. Bennet Gartside - a sublime Rothbart! Delightfully evil, quite hilarious to see him being "booed" at the curtain call in a slightly pantomime-esque fashion. Hugely astounded by the corps, such strength and musicality! Also very much enjoyed Yuhui Choe/Luca Acri's Neapolitan dance, and Gina Storm-Jensen's performance in the Spanish Dance. Very glad to see Melissa Hamilton receive flowers at the end as well - beautiful performance from her as one of the Two Swans, with Mariko Sasaki.
  11. Just wondering, which side of the stalls circle is best for Swan Lake - right or left? I tend to opt for sitting on the right side, but also have tickets for the left. Is it possible you might miss a lot of the action on a particular side?
  12. Indeed. I may have to cancel my ticket, as I already have one for Naghdi. And no others for Nunez!
  13. Interesting you say this. I completely agree with you on this - For this ballet to work for me, I really need to feel the connection between the two leads from the get-go. That's absolutely essential for Romeo and Juliet, and I believe that I was quite convinced of this during Matthew and Lauren's performance on the 19th. I felt that Matthew was genuinely passionate, his grief during Act 3 did not feel forced, and her devastation also seemed very natural and moving - I found the extremely difficult partnering with the unconscious Juliet very well performed by them. For Magri/Richardson, I felt that the crypt partnering seemed slightly precarious on his part - of course, it was his debut so I imagine that it will of course become more natural for him with more experience. One part of Lauren's performance that really impressed me was Juliet's first entrance - as in this scene, it's essential to appear extremely youthful and innocent - demonstrated by all the playful/mischievous behaviour with her Nurse, the toy, etc. (I have to admit I found this slightly bizarre when first seeing the ballet, as the behaviour is extremely childlike from fully grown adults - jumping into the Nurse's lap, etc - of course, to demonstrate Juliet's extreme youth and innocence). But I feel that Lauren, even as a slightly more mature dancer than the other Juliets this Season, really nailed this part and made it very believable. Of course, Natalia Osipova absolutely nailed it as well - when I saw her, I was convinced that this dancer who is currently, I believe, 35 - is actually a naive teenager delighted with life. Melissa Hamilton on the other hand is a superb, beautiful Juliet who moved me to tears, but I wasn't quite convinced by her version of the entrance scene and its very childlike nature.
  14. I noticed that as well. I assume it's also a personal preference, not sure.
  15. Hi! Yes I did - eventually. It was a stressful process though.
  16. Stunning performance in today's matinée, I still have tears in my eyes now. Matthew Ball and Lauren Cuthbertson displayed a beautiful partnership. Very natural and passionate in Act 1, and during Act 3 Lauren's grief and desperation was so powerful - the way she tossed away the lid of the bottle from Friar Laurence! It flew quite a distance across the stage there. The crypt scene was heartrending - I noticed that she seemed to almost taste the poison on Romeo's lips when trying to kiss him awake. Tomas Mock was a superb Tybalt, and David Yudes an incredible Mercutio. Amazing portrayals of both in Act 2.
  17. I found this to be an incredible performance. Absolutely amazing work from Ryoichi Hirano and Melissa Hamilton, and the entire company of course. Incredible acting, partnering - an overall magnificent performance!
  18. Because his performance was so brilliant. I was surprised, but I also clapped.
  19. You can connect dongles to your laptop for a 4G hotspot if you have bad WiFi. I've used them in the past, they're good. You connect them via the USB port. Hotspotting is where you use your phone's 4G data and connect that to your laptop, if your WiFi isn't working.
  20. If your 4G data is working, it will definitely work. Are you hotspotting via your phone or using a 4G dongle?
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