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Everything posted by Streetdancer

  1. Great news! Does it involve contemporary or it that just the 2 scholars schemes? DD was going to audition for York Scholars but has decided against for now.
  2. Tutusatdawn did your DD go for the Northern Associates audition in the end? DD had a really positive experience last Sunday and she's just been offered a final audition. Super excited as this is all so new to us!
  3. I love street, especially hip hop and house styles. As my DD2 says, you don't have to do precisely what the teacher tells you in the exact right way.... One for those of us who don't like rules I also tried 40s blues last summer and loved it. It was very chilled.
  4. Yes year 6 and we did Manchester. How about you? I'd say at least 75 percent of the girls there were JAs.
  5. My DD is in the same position. She was never a JA so we have very low expectations! It was a great experience for her though and has been a real confidence boost, whatever the result.
  6. That is so funny Pupsmum, that exact same Tweenies episode got my DD dancing too! I was amazed at how she was able to copy the movements off the TV so precisely. Even with her chubby toddler legs she had incredible grace.
  7. Thank you for asking tutusatDawn! I have also been lurking on here looking for info about Northern Ballet Associates. My DD is going to an open day next Sunday. Two of her dance teachers have recently recommended York Scholars too, so I assume they are still going even though the audition dates for 2018 aren't on the website yet.
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