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Everything posted by Mumof1

  1. I might have 1 spare as my father in law might not be coming. Can let you know tomorrow
  2. My daughter thoroughly enjoyed the online programme, at a time when she really didn’t get on well with zoom classes. Every week they focus on something new and the classes are fun and engaging. I really think it made her even more motivated to try and get in the following year.
  3. It’s definitely so wonderful for them to feel part of it. And Covent Garden is certainly not the worst location to have to wind away a Saturday. I’ve really enjoyed this last year and our trips there every sat.
  4. Congratulations ! They’re in Covent Garden at the royal ballet upper school
  5. I’m just so so sorry, it seems so unfair for them at such a young age to have this heartbreak. tbh there’s so many amazing ballet opportunities out there that are as good and if not better but that doesn’t make it an any less bitter pill to swallow .
  6. Hi I believe depending on if you’re 32 week or the 24 it’s 2.45 or 3 we haven’t had confirmation yet of which time it’ll be . congratulations btw x
  7. Aren’t there 2 classes of year 6’s ? I’d estimate there’d be 7 places in my daughters 32 week course but there’s also the 24 (I think) week one , so could be another 7 ?
  8. Stunning leotard. Excellent condition. bought pre loved but got the sizing wrong. Retails at $63 selling for £17 inc postage message for photo as I don’t know how to add them to this
  9. My DD was accepted for the week 1 residential. so sorry for all the no’s and we’ll done for all the waitlisted. There are so many beautiful dancers out there and it’s so hard to be picked from simple photos alone.
  10. Hi I’m after 1 ticket to join my daughter and her dad (he gets to go because he’s never seen one) for the rehearsal on the 19th April.
  11. Nothing here so hopefully next week. Would like to go ahead and book a holiday so would love to know if we’ll be free.
  12. Cripes and that doesn’t include Covent Garden applicants. my daughter wanted to give it a try and isn’t that bothered by any other intensive which is a shame. Luckily she’s realistic in her attitude and knows that it’s very hard to get into.
  13. I know from the annual report that in 2019 , 2,203 children applied for 387 places at white lodge .
  14. Sorry not sure why the beginning part was all in caps and large. WAS NOT TRYING TO SHOUT!
  15. The Computing teacher at my DD’s school once made this analogy. (I hope i remember correctly) He likened the Internet and social media to a car that is travelling down a hill with your child already in it, regardless of if you allow them access to things already. Do you do nothing and watch the car crash ? , Do you try to run after it and stop it? Or do you jump in and teach your child to drive? I guess what he was trying to say was if you do these things together early on and take an interest in what they’re up to then they learn and also are far more likely to come to you when something untoward happens rather than thinking that they’ll get in trouble. I myself have an Instagram account that I only post about my DD on . (And I make sure I do post not just the times when she does well, I also post when class is hard etc) It’s clearly marked that it’s me and not her and is private. She takes very little interest in it and looks when I show her something she might like and I certainly won’t let her have her own until she’s at least the age allowed. I don’t know that I’m 100% doing the right thing but I do know that I’ve met and connected with some really lovely mums and we’ve met up in real life even though we love 100’s of miles away. I do also love watching kids accomplishments and their journeys. It’s a double edged sword.
  16. Mumof1

    Good feet

    I was only personally saying I thought that conditioning type classes really benefited my daughter but not from the angle of giving her an advantage over others. She has no intention of wanting to go to a vocational school at the moment but does want to be good for herself rather than a career. she has had 2 minor strained groins and used to have a bit of a sway back but the conditioning classes have really helped her. but in the reply to the original post , def treat this as a fun thing to try for abs maybe try for another associate programme as well . my daughter didn’t get in the first year and I feel like it really spurred her on to try harder the next.
  17. Mumof1

    Good feet

    Hi, im not a dancer and only have experience with my year 5 JA daughter but she’s had body conditioning classes with her ballet school from the age of 6 which are relatively similar to some of the work she did with a ballet physio over zoom this half term (although the physio was incredibly knowledgable and explained why they do everything) I don’t think it’s necessarily about giving a child “the edge” but to dance I know kids need to be strong enough to control their muscles and have flexibility in the right places. Also it can help with muscle memory and Almost preparing their bodies so when they do the harder ballet moves they’re able to execute them well and have less chance of getting injured. Anyone please correct me if I’m wrong but I know my daughter needs the conditioning as she’s not naturally strong but pretty flexible. we will definitely add in some ballet physio on school holidays If we can, it was really worth it . Sorry for rabbiting on. I also heard PBT was amazing
  18. Ok I was so traumatised by the long wait for the JA results last year that to prepare myself again I did some Instagram stalking and saw that SI results were out on the 18th March last year . Obv could be different this year but seems like it could be less of a wait
  19. Gosh I feel very lucky reading all the comments. Our dance school puts on 2 galas a year (once there was 4) and we don’t get charged for extra rehearsals or costumes. They do sell videos of the shows fir £10 so they can fund buying new costumes.
  20. Thank you to everyone. I was already for tights but now having a rethink as the consensus seems to be socks. the tips about sitting lower to take the pictures is so helpful, I never would have thought about that.
  21. Hi Valentina, shes year 5 auditioning for RB summer intensive . (If you were replying to me message 🤣)
  22. Hi sorry to jump on this thread with a only slightly related question. We’re doing our audition photos for summer school at home with her dance teacher helping over zoom (hope they’ll be ok). Ive already picked up some tips here so thank you but would anyone be able to tell me if socks or tights would be a better idea. Application says either. My thoughts are that tights would make her legs look as long as they are but socks would cut them off but also show muscle definition. ??
  23. Hi could I get pictures of the age 10 leotards please and the so danca skirt and the black lace skirt my email is mpirkis@hotmail.com if that’s easier
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