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Everything posted by Tatasmum

  1. Tatasmum

    Vitamin D

    BalleStars, My younger two are being tested for Asthma, I have it but the symptoms went away when I was ten and came back in my twenties. They are having the Spirometry test. I think my son's symptoms were related to pollen but my daughter gets breathless when exercising.
  2. Tatasmum

    Vitamin D

    Balletstars, if your daughter is drinking the non dairy milk alternatives the non organic ones are fortified with vit D and B 12
  3. Tatasmum

    Vitamin D

    It's been reported that Vitamin D can also reduce severe asthma attacks. I don't think it's coincidence that Asthma is on the rise and parents are told to slather on sunscreen. We haven't used sunscreen for a few years, my son has sensitive skin and it irritated him. We did buy the Yaoh vegan one for a few years but since we've had a few holidays in sunny Pembrokeshire with no burning. My father is Jamaican so my kids have darker skin btw. I'm not advocating it but my children haven't burnt. Apparently Mushrooms are rich in vitamin D as well as eggs for non meat/fish eaters.
  4. My 10 yr old does a Commercial class and she mentioned they did planks one week. I think jacks/star jumps are good fun for them too. I took her to a class called Konga (it's harder than it sounds!) The plan was for her to sit and play on her iPod. Initially she claimed to be tired after her P.E lesson but she joined in with most of it
  5. Currently watching this, about Kevin Edward Turner, director of Company Chameleons.Inspiring feel good programme. Going Back Giving Back, Episode 8: www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b07zj2bg via @bbciplayer
  6. It's a lovely venue, local schools use it for residential stays.
  7. This dance school looks really interesting,the Principal was taught by Eve Leveaux, the Principal of Derby Academy where my daughter attends. It's not far from DMU, maybe you could enquire about assisting her.. http://www.graceschoolofdance.co.uk/index.html
  8. Hi anondancer, my daughter is studying creative writing and Literature. My 10 year old is the dancer in our family, we live in Derby but if I was near Leicester I would send my youngest to Dupont.
  9. I saw this school in Leicester recommended on another forum, it looks fantastic and they do adult classes http://www.dupontdance.com/Dupont_Dance/home.html My daughter is in her second year at DMU, she loves Leicester. Hope you're enjoying uni so far.
  10. Thank you for replying Dance*is*life, there is a local dance dance school which has adult classes so I'll suggest it.
  11. When they want to carry on for recreational purposes? I've become very good friends with a former dancercize instructor and he is still incredible but lacks confidence, I know it's his dream to teach again one day. Are there any friendly troupes around for dancers such as him? We met at Zumba and our lovely teacher lets him do a routine if he brings his music and he goes doen a storm, We're in the East Midlands.
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