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Everything posted by invisiblecircus

  1. Sorry, it seems I can't edit me post above but just wanted to add that Shale Wagman from Canada (number 407) is an outstanding talent. So exciting and joyful to watch. Watching the younger girls now but missed Audrey.
  2. I would have thought that ballet training would be somewhat less intense than RG training (of which ballet forms a major part of course) so she may be less likely to burn out! I spotted Audrey in the girls' class and thought that she moves like a rhythmic gymnast before I read here that she has trained as one. Really looking forward to selections tomorrow morning!
  3. All the live feeding is available on Arte Concert here https://www.arte.tv/fr/videos/080207-004-A/46eme-prix-de-lausanne-4eme-jour-d-entrainement/ I haven't managed to watch much of it but there was some nice coverage fo the girls' class yesterday. Lots of talent in the younger girls' section - a total of 35 dancers!
  4. It's a three year course so everyone does three years unless they leave before the end of the course or are accepted directly onto the 2nd or 3rd year. As far as I know, there are eight.
  5. Did she not get a scholarship to the RBS? I presume not, otherwise she would not be competing at the prix would she? Having her parents in the UK will be a huge advantage, but I think US students are all expected to live in the same accommodation aren't they?
  6. I don't know when her birthday is but she might be less than a year younger than some of the other students who will have only just turned 16 when the autumn term starts. Even 16 is very young to be living independently in a foreign country, or even in your own country!
  7. Amazing! I've just caught a glimpse of the girls' class and as usual the standard is incredible. I understand there are eight 14 year olds this year, reflecting the fact that some of the partner schools accept students from 15 years old. I've always thought it was a shame they don't extend the upper age limit to 19 as 17 is really young to be graduating into a company. This is especially true from a British perspective of course, where many 17 year old students would be less than half way through their first year of upper school at the time of the prix so understandably not ready to compete for professional contracts.
  8. For anyone who is interested and didn't know... there has been live coverage on Facebook yesterday and today. The videos are still available for viewing and there will be further live coverage each day.
  9. I hadn't noticed that when I first glanced at the list. Interesting that she does not seem to be attached a school.
  10. The list of selected candidates has been published: https://www.prixdelausanne.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Selected-candidates-PDL2018.pdf 4 girls from the United Kingdom entered, but none were selected: https://www.prixdelausanne.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Nombre-candidats-PDL-2018.pdf
  11. IDTA used to include character dances in every grade for which character skirts were requested. I donìt know if that's changed since the latest syllabus has been in use. I don't know if there's a reason for the ribbons other than for decoration but they must surely help weigh the skirt down a bit which helps it to hang more nicely. What fabric is everone using to make their skirts? A basic cotton or polycotton or something with a bit more body? There have been a number of comments on this forum about the RBS character skirts. Do those have some sort of lining underneath?
  12. I wouldn't bother tacking or chalking. I'd just pin and go
  13. Yes, I think it's this one! Thank you, and thanks to everyone else for their help! I've now seen lots of other lovely styles and feel spoilt for choice! I'm also feeling old as leotard fashion has evolved so much since I stopped dancing, and I didn't stop THAT long ago. So much choice now!
  14. Thank you for the replies! I do have an account with the company so I use the wholesale site. Tootu, you may be right, it might be an old style. I just assumed that the leotards featured in the "Back to school special offer" promotion banner would actually be included in the sale! There is a Bloch one in black and in adult sizes that looks similar so maybe it's an old Bloch style. Oh well, I'll continue my search for something cute and original!
  15. I don't know if I'm allowed to post the link to the website, I'm not associated with them in any way but I have seen a leotard on the home page of the Starlite Direct website which is pale pink with lace cap sleeves. The company does not actually sell this leotard, so I am wondering if anyone knows where I can get it from or what brand it is.
  16. I used to practise on carpet but I wore socks instead of ballet shoes. What about some lino? Do they still sell that off a roll?
  17. Do you mean she has just turned 10 or is she closer to 11? How long has she been dancing? Is the 9 hours a week all ballet or also other styles? She is on the Young side and I don't see the rush to start pointe but it does seem as if her teacher is proceeding carefully.
  18. Details here: https://www.brb.org.uk/post/audition-notice-children-wanted-for-the-nutcracker-at-the-royal-albert-hall Interesting that they say previous dance experience not essential and also that they're not going straight to associates.
  19. What's the deal with being a "4th year artist" ? I seem to remember that Rina Kanehara was promoted to "8th year artist" one year. Does it denote a raise in salary? On the ENB website and in programmes, artists are listed as just that, there are no 1st year artists, 2nd year artists etc although the year the dancer joined the company is usually indicated.
  20. What do you mean? You mean when it goes bad? There are many such companies here in Milan, hence my husband has been using predominantly ASP for a number of years, although he has completed projects in other languages such as C# and Java too. He hasn't changed job because he is on a relatively high salary (for here at least) and his job is secure, but now we are looking to move to the UK he is obviously disadvantaged. There are not many jobs around based on ASP and those he has found have offered very low salaries. He has got some experience in working in other languages, but he's currently a senior programmer and if he were to get another job here using C# or Java he would have to start from the beginning again as a junior. He has been lead to believe that that's not necessarily the case in the UK, but that's only after talking to a couple of people so we're not sure if that's really the case.
  21. Sorry for the rather random question but I have a vague recollection of some posters mentioning that they work or have worked in this field and a brief discussion about various languages. I can't seem to find the thread now though. Anyway, my reason for posting is that I'm trying to find out information about the work climate in the UK in this field as we are hoping/ planning to move and the situation seems to be very different in the UK than it is here in Italy. For example, some languages such as Python and (strangely) C++ seem to command a much higher salary than they do here where the outdated classic ASP is more common. If anyone is able to advise me I would be very grateful. Maybe PM is better so as not to bore other posters although I don't mind posting publically.
  22. Graduate destinations from contemporary based university dance courses do vary from university to university but most are geared towards preparing graduates for freelance work. Many also go on to do PGCE courses either to teach dance in secondary schools or to become primary school teachers. What students end up doing after graduation depends largely on what they have the confidence to pursue, which is often influenced by what kind of experience and training they had prior to starting the course. Those pursuing freelance work often end up with a portfolio career involving teaching classes and workshops, directing and choreographing youth and community dance groups as well as performing in small scale companies, possibly ones they have formed themselves. There is also the possibility to go into dance development or arts administration, either full time or as part of a portfolio career. I think your daughter needs to investigate some of these university courses and see whether the kind of jobs graduates are getting are something she'd be interested in. I did a dance degree myself and some of the students came to the course with unrealistic expectations of what they would be doing at the end of it.
  23. Surely not. After all, only three of the RB apprentices were kept on so there would have been no guarantees either way. In his position, I would have chosen the POB contract and would stay in Paris now. It will be interesting to see what he does. Perhaps a question for another thread but what's the deal with the ENB auditions? I saw them advertised, but are they regular ongoing contracts or short term just for one production? If it's the former, do they usually recruit in this way?
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