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Sheila Beelam

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Everything posted by Sheila Beelam

  1. Sheila Beelam


    Ah found the secret bit on last minute and I think they have our hotel cheaper! I'll know for next time
  2. Sheila Beelam


    I've just booked a hotel by Tower Hill for a surprise for my two this Thursday in London, but would be interested to know what the "secret rooms" part is? I used the normal comparisons from laterooms.com, lastminute and hotels.com etc We ended up paying £208 for a triple room, which was annoying as a double is £104!
  3. Happy New Year! My resolution? To stretch every day
  4. I'm even later Julie, it's been strange to be unplugged from balletco for so long! Happy Birthday to the forum and many, many thanks for all the behind the scenes work, which is always so much more than we imagine
  5. Welcome Newatthis I would echo the above, if there was a magic wand that could be waved, I would have found it! However, I would agree that adult ballet classes might be a good starter - we have some teens come to our classes from time to time - they come keen to learn and are therefore treated as equals, without the peer pressure or embarassment by learning with other children/teens.
  6. Lol sorry phone corrected last sentence to "airtime" but it should be "give something back"
  7. Merry Christmas to all! I was thinking today how much this forum has helped me in 2012 and before... I've had support and advice through RAD exams 6-8, then Intermediate. Advice on DD changing schools after 12 years. Been introduced to pointe shoe fitting by the lovely Tiffany at Bloch Ideas for classes to attend. I've learnt about tube stations I'd never heard of (not dance forum) Discovered Graze boxes - which I still look forward to twice a week! Found a wonderful dance writer for our website... ...which of course was but an idea 9 months ago and is now a flourishing business! Although instead of 10hrs+ ballet classes a week I now have to use those hours for work, but at least when I get the chance to dance I can try our new products and DD is a great guinea pig! So I just want to say thank you to all of you. Especially the mods and of course Bruce for re-inventing the whole thing! I've made lovely facebook and twitter friends here too and hope that I've managed to give airtime back to the forum too Sheila x
  8. What a fabulous opportunity and great to see age range of 14-30! ...Now I just need to get a face cream that knocks 10 years off me, and I'm in!! Seriously though, looks like a great experience for those eligible
  9. Welcome to the forum chasse and good luck!
  10. Welcome! Wow sounds like she'll need to sleep in Jan As Janet said, I'm sure there will be lots of information forthcoming
  11. Great news Tulip, have PM'd you!
  12. What lovely comments on your dancing David It must make your dancing spirit soar!
  13. Will update you Tulip as soon as I hear back from Degas France
  14. Oh and we also have the GM toe tape that a few people have requested - all cushiony!
  15. Welcome Lartiste Two years is a great life for shoes! Will investigate
  16. Sorry, I'm having a blonde moment Somebody requested Bloch warm up boots in purple Medium and I can't remember who - checked my inbox here and can't find it - may have been facebook or twitter message - or a phone call?? Anyway, they're here for whoever wanted them! http://www.justballet.co.uk/shop/bottoms/bloch-warm-up-ballet-purple-boots/
  17. Fiz will pm you - to keep technical stuff off this thread!
  18. Lol thx, I've explained to the dancer what to do, so hopefully she doesn't put it in a hot wash with black clothes!
  19. We have a few lace ones Fiz. The one most similar to the Plume one is the Gaynor Minden one. The model wears it off the shoulder, but it has "shoulders" in the lace, so can actually be worn on the shoulder. I know as I have this one and have worn it as a top! There's also some from So Danca and Dans-ez. Sx
  20. That's wonderful news All4dancers, do happy for you and your DD! X
  21. Unfortunately the girl's exam is on Wednesday, so it doesn't give me much time, but we've found a wide pair that fit, but they're too long, so going to try the washing trick! Will order in some Grishkos though as we've not tried those before and it appears you can never have enough choice in shoes! If only all feet were the same Thanks for all the advice, really appreciated!
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