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Sheila Beelam

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Everything posted by Sheila Beelam

  1. Spent a lovely hour last night watching all the 2011 classical ballet dances - stunning! And all so young! There's so much talent out there it's such a shame to think that the world wont get to see it all due to lack of funding for the Arts
  2. Thanks so much Michelle, I've passed the details on - good old google! Sx
  3. Hi everyone I've had a customer ask if I know of any adult beginners classes in the Colchester area. I'm not familiar with that area - do any of you know of any classes here? Thanks awfully! Sx
  4. At my daughters' school Duke of Ed generally starts at 14 with Bronze and my DD is going gold at 17yrs, so hopefully it's the older girls
  5. Indeed Michelle! X Interesting that you referred to your Salsa class as therapy - in times of stress I have always found my ballet classes to be just that. It's the one place that my mind can't wander and think of the millions of things a "grown up" should be doing instead of dancing! OH used to think I was crazy trying to squeeze ballet classes in to a hectic schedule of children, work and accountancy exams - he soon realised he was never going to understand the need to dance!
  6. Great news girls - so exciting
  7. Fabulous Anjuli, as always I have high arches and can "bend" my toes and the lower part of my feet round quite far, and am fine on pointe. So in the foot categories above between 2-3. What I struggle with is pointing my toes So when for example I'm extending in arabesque or developpe etc I feel like I'm pointing my toes, look down and yes my arch is there and ive extended the top of my foot - but my toes are hanging - looking relaxed!! I have to stop and really concentrate on extending the toes into a pointe - not great!!! I assume the weakness is in the toes, but after 20+ years of ballet how is this possible?!
  8. Good luck to your sister, she's lucky to have such a supportive big sis! X
  9. So Danca have not gone out of business, but may have been bought out by another company? They are still trading under the So Danca brand and the shoes remain the same quality! http://www.justballet.co.uk/shop/adult/
  10. Inbox me size and model and I'll add to our order. Model 5 are classic split sole can as and 6 have elasticated arch to hug the shape of the foot. I agree with full soles for building strength and i like So Danca split soles. For classes I wear grishko soft blocks and find my feet have to work harder in them - plus it gets my body used to balancing on a shoe with more depth to the sole, like a pointe shoe, but I guess as an adult I have the luxury of choosing my footwear!
  11. Thank you w44503 Glad your DS likes them! We can supply the model 5 or 6 but I haven't got round to putting them on the site yet! There's so much to do with the new tutus we have coming in, new photo shoot in Feb and Move It in March! Feel free to PM me with any specific requests, but I'll try to get the Grishko range up next week Sheila x
  12. Well done Taxi4ballet DD!! What an achievement, To reach such a high standard, that letter will be kept for many years I'm sure!
  13. Sounds like a positive new class Michelle! I'm impressed that you manage to find so many adult classes and variety is great for exercising the brain cells...
  14. Most "regulars" know my DD is not a career dancer, she's always done it as a hobby that she loves. Her old school was small and never did festivsls, but her teacher was keen for her to do EYB. as her teacher danced for many years under Miss Lewis and she valued her as a teacher. DS's done EYB twice now - Nutcracker (snowflake) and Giselle (willis) Thoroughly recommend EYB, the whole experience and Miss Lewis and the rest of the dedicated staff are wonderful. Bridget, Juliana, Sebastian and Dominic are all fabulous and genuinely care about the children. Yes, it may seem costly, but definitely money well spent and there are no extras - other than the tshirt!
  15. Jamaica Inn (again) for me Must be into double figures now, but this and Rebecca are my favourites. I can taste the sea whilst under the duvet and feel the howling wind - must remember to check the windows are shut
  16. What an awful position to be put in through no fault of your own! Little comfort I'm sure, but remember a home is the people (and cat!) in it, not the bricks and mortar and it sounds like you've created a happy one. If the worst happens, you, your son and cat still have each other and can build a new home together somewhere new and will probably come out the other side with a closer family bond. The very best of luck to you all xxxx
  17. Michelle, all I can say is in January, my tax return list comes before ballet - the only month of the year that anything does! Looking forward to Feb for practice and polishing my tiara! (joke - never worn one, or danced on a stage, so slightly nervous..but excited, like Christmas is round the corner?)
  18. So that's at least 5 balletcoers? Great!! Now to get practicing
  19. Hi and welcome I call this "popping" when you push down on the toe part if the insole with your thumb and it pops off the glue or nail at the front of the sole. This helps the transition through semi pointe. BUT there will be those on here with more experience to advise on this - its what I do as a dancer, but may not be the right thing!
  20. Sent my form and deposit off today so we may be taking over the course! Sx
  21. Good grief! That's awful, as an accountant, I sign passport forms all the time for clients and friends at no charge - only takes 5 mins and gives a chance to catch up over a cuppa But I do know many firms charge
  22. Oh my goodness Klaris that's great news! I think we all come out of auditions or exams (dancing or academic) focussing on the negative and not the heaps of things we got right or remembered to go..a lesson to us all And welcome Guesty! X
  23. Good luck to your DD Vonrothbart and welcome!
  24. Good luck to your DD Vonrothbart and welcome!
  25. That looks great for us amateurs! Just need to wangle a week off from the rest of my life, but plenty of time to plan, thank you for posting!
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