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Everything posted by Timmie

  1. Whilst I was possibly slightly exaggerating, , that is easy to answer, we saw Osipova in The Flames of Paris and it was one of the most thrilling things we have seen (not just ballet) and we both fell in love with her dancing.
  2. In my family we have me, a balletophile, once I had discovered ballet I was ready and willing to try almost anything. Then we have my wife, only really keen to see the big blockbusters or anything with Natalia Osipova. My daughter will attend very occasionally and that is only for the ROH experience – not for any love of ballet. And my son: “No!”. So from my family’s experience converting a blockbuster attendee (my wife) to a wider range of ballet attendee is not really on (I've tried). What is needed is to get all new attendees (as I was) and let them discover ballet themselves and then branch out naturally. More footfall to Swan Lake and Sleeping Beauty would end up as more footfall to the Unfamiliar.
  3. Totally agree Sim, and very nicely put. Nagdhi/Ball were my only must-buy ticket for the autumn season.
  4. I'm pleased to see Anastasia Stashkevich promoted. I remember her well from 2013 at the ROH in Flames of Paris as Adeline and her Manu dance in La Bayadere. I hope she comes next year.
  5. Alison, my definition was prompted by some thing you posted: "is there a boring/extraneous minute in Fille? I can't think of one"
  6. My definition of perfect in the way that I meant it for Fille is: A ballet you can watch and enjoy from end to end with little or no pre-work and no wasted time in the whole thing. Swan Lake is my favourite ballet, but it's not perfect. I agree with SV and would add Symphony in C.
  7. Definitely enjoyed my first La Fille Mal Gardee last night. Not being an expert watcher it’s difficult for me to assess the Ashton-ness of it all but Osipova and McRae were totally enjoyable to watch. The bit in the middle of Act 1 Scene 2 where Lise is en-pointe and is slowly rotated by the girls with the ribbons was unbelievable perfection. Paul Kay’s performance of Alain was the outstanding performance of the night. Umbrella control was good and the audience were sympathetic to his plight all the way through. Fille really is one of the perfect ballets.
  8. I'm looking forward to it already Janet - it looks like both the mixed programmes with Two Pigeons will be good. And I'm a bloke, I won't need a box of tissues! (I find a couple of hankies to be perfectly adequate ).
  9. I am very interested in your insights FLOSS, I am a relatively new ballet watcher and your posts do help with my appreciation. The Swan Lake pas de trois is one of my favourite pieces of ballet and I will watch the Conley/Whitten pas de trois this evening to see if I can see what you mean. (Looking at my ENB cast lists for last year to see who danced their Pas de Trois I noticed the name of Michael Coleman as The Tutor and I do believe he is the third member of the Conley/Whitten pas de trois).
  10. A very disappointing list for me . I don't like R&J that much and ENB are also doing it so I'll be going to the ENB one at my local theatre. Two Pigeons, I've no idea what that is but a lot of you guys seem to like it so that one'll be in . I regret only seeing one Giselle last time around so I'll go to a few of those, and that'll probably be it. Connectome/Raven Girl, good luck with that ROH.
  11. As said above the PDT on the 9th was Yuhui Choe, Tristan Dyer and Anna Rose O'Sullivan. It was a perfectly acceptable PDT but none of the three PDT I have seen this run have really thrilled me as much as I would like. I thought Tristan Dyer was interesting, his grand jete en tournant were lovely and his tours around the stage were the only ones of the three PDT where the dancer made a complete circle – they usually seem to run out of room around the bench Siegfried is sitting on. His tours en l’air were not so good as his landings were not facing front. The Mariinsky PDT and the two ENB PDTs I saw last year were all much more exciting. (Ps I think I got the names of the steps right – please correct me if not ).
  12. That's genius. I just hope there isn't a ballet version out there!
  13. Indeed, a naughty person might download them... (I would buy them in an instant if I could).
  14. This can be found on YouTube if you search for "le palais de cristal" which is the POB version of Symphony in C. It's not HD but it is still gorgeous, I think I watch it at least once a week!
  15. Ballet is hard to define but to use a famous colloquialism ‘I feel I know it when I see it’. For me something like Chroma is (contemporary) ballet, Untouchable (as a recent example) is not ballet and something like Sim’s La La Human Steps isn’t but it does seem borderline. I’m a fairly recent convert to ballet watching but to be a ballet, for me, a dance needs a goodly amount of: Pointe work, Long lines and extensions, Contrast between corps and solos or small groups (pinched from Mary), Beauty*. *a combination of qualities, such as shape, colour, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight.
  16. I got to CC's review just by googling: clement crisp untouchable and clicking the hit labelled: "Balanchine/ Shechter/MacMillan, Royal Opera House, London". Worth a try.
  17. Jillykins, I agree with you about Zenaida, watching her was like watching all those old youtube videos of the NYC Ballet suddenly coming to life. The other dancers were good but she just totally hit the spot.
  18. That about sums up my view Mary. Months ago I booked to see a triple bill at the ROH performed by the Royal Ballet, call me naïve, but I expected to see three ballets. Untouchable may be great in its genre, but if I had wanted to see other genres then I’d go see them but I wanted to see a ballet!
  19. It did look fun to dance, I think if I had been dancing with them I would have enjoyed it. It's the way I imagine I dance at the end of a long night out when one ends up in a Night Club.
  20. The Four Temperaments, what’s not to like? It was the first time I’d seen this and it will take a bit of growing into but it was good enough for me to want to see again to appreciate it more. Yuhui Choe in Balanchine poses was a lovely thing to see. Song of the Earth, again something I need to see again to fully appreciate and I will be seeing it again soon, fortunately not in this triple bill. Untouchable, I went in with low expectations for this and they were not met, not a ballet, can’t be bothered to comment. I do not want to see this again. This is the worst thing I have seen at the ROH to date (and I’ve seen Raven Girl).
  21. It was very loud! I was somewhat worried that bits of the building would fall off. (Janet says Timmie is referring to Untouchable)
  22. Thanks for this Janet, I'm hopeless at finding ballets. Tickets booked for MK.
  23. Thanks Barton22 that should be enough info to get me through it and my expectations for the Hofesh are now nicely lowered so I'll probably enjoy it!
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