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Everything posted by capybara

  1. ALL outside commitments for a company member should follow discussion with the AD and, if the offer from Dubai came before the DQ casting, it should have been possible to agree more sensible timings at the RB. I feel strongly that dancers owe their first allegiance to their company and its audience - the stars are well paid (aren’t they?) and enjoy all sorts of additional benefits including insurance, health and fitness facilities and support etc. I know that there is an increasing amount of guesting by RB Principals and Soloists and I think it’s great that their talent is being seen and appreciated across the world. But ……
  2. I have to say I was surprised that Osipova arranged her show, and was allowed to do so by RB management, on a date so close to her performance with her home company and a significant journey away. Surely, when a dancer is employed by a company, that commitment should take priority?
  3. It was fun and the foundation for Osipova’s fame. By the way, was anyone at last night’s show? Unfortunately, my lack of stamina precluded my ‘doing the double’ but I would love to hear what people thought.
  4. But should that individuality extend to what amounted, in my view, to ducking out of executing the choreography? My star Kitris of this run offered very individual interpretations without any such distortion. I think I’m correct in saying that the Basilios are encouraged to fit some flashy moves into the basic structure of their solos, which is rather different from what Osipova was offering.
  5. Controversy warning ⚠️ So other dancers spend weeks getting the choreography ‘spot on’ (some of them subject to very ‘picky’ coaching) whereas Osipova can basically come on and do whatever she likes and that’s OK? I know that Carlos has encouraged the Basilios to include their own ‘tricks’ in their variations but changing the choreography completely seems a step too far for me. I appreciate Osipova’s unique characterisations but ……!!!!
  6. 😊The Dance Europe reel dates from when Annette had been in the Company for seven years and Harry for five. She had just become a First Artist but Harry had not then begun to climb up the ranks.
  7. Thanks. I hadn’t picked up on that. My only ‘knowledge’ of Yosvani connected him with ENB 🙂
  8. Stalls Circle B16 (£67) available for tonight plus 3 Stalls seats at £150, including OS C6 (aisle seat) for this afternoon.
  9. I find Friday Rush stressful too, @Dawnstar I don’t think there’s any way of avoiding that. The combination of wanting/needing a ticket so much, the ever-present technical hurdles, and an element of competition with the clock is a very potent one.
  10. It was helpful to me, Jenny, thank you, but nothing was left by the time I looked. I’m sure the the reactions were to the price tags. Whatever one’s budget, it’s difficult to swallow just how much ‘the best seats’ cost now.
  11. Nope - apparently, nothing sent to Friends and Patrons about this.
  12. Steven had his op during the last week and is now posting reels of himself doing strengthening exercises on IG. Maybe it was thought tactful or beneficial to his mindset not to name a replacement too quickly; but there would seem to be no way of him dancing again any time soon.
  13. I think we could be heading into choppy waters if this line of thinking is pursued!!! Maybe best not to 'go there'.
  14. The casting was published months ago, obviously well ahead of Doug and Ceri King's philanthropic gesture (as booking had also been open for some time). The announced casting was Magri/Corrales with Ball as a subsequent replacement. Therefore, there is surely 'nothing to see here'.
  15. Well, it was Magri and Corrales originally, neither of them home-grown talent, although Magri was briefly at the RBS.
  16. Corrales’s Don Q appearances this season would have been his first (he was injured in 2019), so there is obviously no ‘rule’ in relation to debut runs and cinema relays.
  17. Returning to this thread after a few hours, I'm loving the fact that, having been to the cinema, there are now so many more people expressing their views about Don Q on here. I think that Doug and Ceri King sponsored this particular evening, so it is possible that tickets were distributed free of charge. Hopefully, the members of the audience who were being somewhat rowdy last night will have loved it so much that they will return of their own volition - and thereby 'catch' slightly more restrained behaviour from those around them. Upsetting that there were empty seats.
  18. Looks to me as if there are at least 3 there of interest to you @NikkiB
  19. Is the photo on Zenaida Yanowsky’s IG account of any use?
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