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Everything posted by taxi4ballet

  1. Anjuli, Since I have flat feet, zero turnout, scoliosis, a torn knee cartilage, and a bulging disc in my neck, it's more a question of what the osteopath can do for me I'm afraid! Mind you, my adult tap teacher keeps nagging me about my 'ballet arms' so at least somethings's OK...
  2. Clearing up cat sick takes some beating, just now I happened to be walking past the offending moggy with an empty plate in my hand, so it was caught in the nick of time, but all the same - yuk!
  3. My dd has worn Katz or Papillon for all her exams. I think there is a mention somewhere on the RAD website that specific clothing is not required, as long as it is in the regulation style. Can anyone else confirm this?
  4. I had a new cooker delivered yesterday and had to clean the floor when we took the old one out - ugh!
  5. Well done Fiz, wish I could do it too... I did ballet for a couple of years when I was a child. I was useless then and I'd be even more useless now!
  6. Milton Keynes, Northampton, Cambridge & Peterborough would all be do-able for us. Not sure about Oxford though, I might do a 'dry run' while she's rehearsing Sleeping Beauty in Aylesbury and see if I think I could stand it...! I suppose that as well as the right theatre, a suitable place for rehearsals would have a bearing on their choice of location too.
  7. I think I know the lady you mean, she's a lovely person.
  8. Thanks, we'll try Dancia then. We do go there sometimes, as it's near Bloch where we get her pointe shoes.
  9. If anyone is looking for a snack lunch before matinees, you could always try the V & A or the Natural History Museum down Exhibition Road.
  10. Not tried So Danca, will give it a go - do you know of any stockists in London/Herts/Beds?
  11. I hope my DD doesn't end up looking like me!!
  12. I wonder if they will be coming to Stevenage or Dunstable again, it' been quite a while now.
  13. I'm a great believer in instinct too, all the best to your DD.
  14. I found that with the RAD regulation leotard as well, and it doesn't seem to fit my dd very well either - the straps at the back seem to be too far apart. Papillon seems to suit her best.
  15. This is really helpful - my dd has quite high arches and now you've explained it, I can see they are higher in the foot. She's also got little feet (uk 3.5) and I was wondering whether the size of someone's feet combined with a high arch could cause problems?
  16. Do the vocational schools assess out in year 11 halfway through GCSE's?
  17. Having started this topic out of mild interest and in an idle moment, I've been genuinely surprised and taken aback by the strength of feeling it has provoked! That wasn't my intention at all, I had no opinions either way and was just being curious.
  18. Does anyone else have this trouble? My dd is currently wearing leotards in sizes 3a, 3, 4, petite, small adult, & medium adult, depending on the style and/or brand. Our local dancewear shop only stocks a limited range, and we don't go to London all that often, so we often have to buy stuff online, and it usually doesn't fit, even when following size charts to the letter. Any dancewear manufacturers out there? Get your act together, please!
  19. There are several schools in the UK teaching Russian ballet (eg London Russian Ballet School), perhaps one of them might be able to point you in the right direction?
  20. I agree with Frangapani about being fixated with appearance rather than ability, all the more frustrating then, that places (eg RBS SS) are so often allocated by using photographs!?!
  21. Yes, ironing here too! My ironing pile is currently nearly as tall as the ironing board...
  22. The world of dance is a tough one - and being cast in whatever role you are needed for is all part of it.
  23. I would be interested to know how freelance ballet dancers continue with training and daily class etc. How can they afford it if they are unemployed?
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