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Everything posted by hfbrew

  1. The company is based in Hinckley, there is a map on their contact us page and the address for sending application forms for summer school etc is on the forms itself. The company originally rehearsed in London but relocated to its new studios in Factory Road, Hinckley in September which is where associate courses etc will be held. Its a 15 minute walk from Hinckley station (10 if you walk as fast as ds) and the drive is quite easy, for me its an 1 hour and 15 mins up the M1 from the Luton area- it used to take twice as long to get to WL! Yes, it is very new so as yet no one will have experiences to relate as such. Having said that my boss was very impressed with a workshop that BTUK did in Dorchester for dance students, based on Christmas Carol. And they gave a super, very well pitched workshop on Alice to a state school I teach at recently. The company has received many favourable reviews, notably in the Dancing Times and Dance Europe who all praised the high quality and standard of the dancers. On a personal level I know that the dancers are very well cared for, they are also expected to meet high standards so I would imagine that this ethos would follow through in the associate courses and summer school. They are in Croydon tonight and tomorrow- apparently train station 7 mins walk from theatre so I'm going to try it!
  2. Ooo, Canterbury isn't far... I love Northern's Christmas Carol, I had the dvd until ds nabbed it for "professional " reasons!!
  3. It certainly is. Beautiful dancing and costumes as always, and very, very clever. Anyone going to Croydon on Friday afternoon? I'm going on my own... would love to meet some ballet.co folks!
  4. Oh this is brilliant. Made me emotional! Congratulations , Central is just brilliant.
  5. Its definitely on, 19th-23rd August. Unfortunately, despite repeated requests the website has still not been updated. Please pm if you would like a 2013 form and any further information.
  6. Yay! I'm getting better at this!...
  7. Having seen thread about Elmhurst's you tube channel I thought I'd post these links (hope they work!) to the latest production of the excellent Ballet Theatre UK. I have posted in doing dance as I hope it will encourage more people to go and support the UKs newest company, over half of whom are British. As mentioned in another thread, Ballet Theatre uk are now running an a summer school, associates and graduate scheme- well worth a look at. I am often amazed at how few dance students actually go to see a Ballet, even if they live within viable distance when really they should see as much as possible, Northern Ballet, Scottish Ballet, Ballet Cymru, Ballet Central. Ballet Black are amongst the touring companies, can't list them all. Theatres are not always good at promoting unfortunately. Anyway I hope folks on doing dance are inspired to go and watch more Ballet, whatever the company- plenty of information on the other forums! Ballet Theatre Uk Alice in Wonderland tour dates
  8. Yes Tring has a wide choice of A levels. DS ended up with three and also his diploma which can, as explained above be converted to a degree later on should he wish. I will also add that the dance teachers are wonderful, I had no complaints about the quality of teaching there. DS is now a professional Ballet dancer as are several others who were in the same set as him when he was there. I don't know about Hammond other than a very happy ex student in the 6th form! (its getting on to 30 years since I was there!)
  9. We were so disgusted at the hands free medical our ds got, we changed doctors. Very probably saved dhs life as the old one got struck off..... new one spotted signs of life threatening condition when it occurred later on. Another reason to be grateful to ballet!
  10. Basically it would vastly increase the price for a start and non boarding is less of an administrative nightmare. This is only my educated guess as someone who knows some of the staff very well.... This summer school is relatively new so you never know it might involve boarding in the future but the Easter course is residential. - again I stress I don't know any facts, just guessing!
  11. A four star rating for the performance at Bishop Stortford, very well deserved. Hope link works! http://www.whatsonstage.com/reviews/theatre/london/E8831364647031/Alice+in+Wonderland+(tour+-+Bishop's+Stortford,+Rhodes+Arts+Centre).html
  12. In reply to a new enquiry on this topic started today my ds (like JulieW ds) also gets paid very little but its enough to get by and he has even started to build up savings. And he is certainly getting job satisfaction. He is now fully independent of his parents which is why we can afford a holiday! Its a hard life, not for the faint hearted but great fun while it lasts. I've been in the business all my working like and have never been well off financially. But I have no regrets.
  13. Well I was told directly over a coffee there would be auditions again in the autumn as I have students who missed the deadline!
  14. http://www.blackpoolgazette.co.uk/lifestyle/entertainment/theatre-comedy/theatre-review-alice-in-wonderland-the-grand-blackpool-1-5544196 My first attempt at a link...... re review in Blackpool Gazette edited to correct information in the article about music being by Tchaikovsky when in actual fact its a delightful mix of lots of composers-I definitely recognised Saint Saens in there for starters!
  15. Absolutely. My ds and myself knew how good, and caring Centrals staff are- there is extremely good classical training there. My ds nearly went there and in actual fact his then teacher thought it best for him. Central was top of our list for some time and ds had numerous offers.
  16. I do wish all the schools would send out all the results at the same time, the waiting is bad enough as it is without the added pressure of knowing some people have results already if you are one of the ones still waiting. I remember ds turning up at one audition and meeting people from the an audition day before who had already got yesses for that particular place- can you imagine how hard that was for the young students who had no news to focus on the audition that day? Also all applicants ,whether successful or not can not make future plans without knowing the outcome of auditions. I really feel for all those undergoing this process and sad to see that its more stressful than ever.
  17. Thanks Janet, looks just gorgeous and it was fun spotting familiar faces!
  18. Don't know how to do links but Dance Europe put wonderful pictures of this magical productions dress rehearsal on their website, just click on galleries. They are at Solihull tomorrow, nearly sold out but lots of seats left at Rhyll the following day so go and support a talented British touring company if you are anywhere near. I think the photographs speak for themselves.
  19. Janet which dancer was The Ugly Duckling?- I was enchanted by her!
  20. My ds studied 4 at Tring- best choice available, ended up with three in the end. Is now a professional Ballet Dancer. All the vocational schools offer at least one A level, it varies from place to place, if you go to the schools websites you should be able to see whats on offer. In most places choice is limited. But remember A levels can be done at any age whereas dance training for a career has be done young. My ds wanted to explore all options (ie academic as well as dance) hence his choice of school but it was an extremely heavy workload.
  21. Saw this yesterday and wow, what a masterclass in how to put on a stunning theatre piece if you are self funded with a mission to take Ballet to venues that don't normally host Ballet. I do hope someone writes a review- I'm hesitant because of my personal link with the company, also I don't want to reveal too much- lots of innovative and original ideas to bring across the story and oh such talented dancers who are not only technically accomplished but really enter into the wit and humour of the work. Will mention Julia Davies who was just wonderful as Alice. Different cast tomorrow in Blackpool (who will be just as good!) - bit far for me but quite honestly if any one fancies an Easter treat and is near then it will be a crime not to go!
  22. Getting a place on swl is definitely not standard- most letters are a straightforward no. So is actually something to be celebrated, and I've known a few get places after being on the list over the years. congratulations- means they've seen something they liked!
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