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EYB senior audition


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Hi everyone. My DD has taken part in the last two local EYB productions. She was in the junior category and got into the scholarship group each time (although she never got it!! ). This year she will audition as a senior. My question is, how tough are the senior auditions? Do they take as many seniors as juniors? The ballet this year is sleeping beauty, does anyone have experience of this production. I know she is worried about not getting a place this year, any advice or tips gratefully received. Thanks in advance!

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Hello Nancy21; yes, EYB take roughly equal amounts of Seniors and Juniors, and although auditions are busy and popular, EYB are very good at rotating lines and groups so that each auditionee gets seen.


My dd was 12 at her last EYB audition and one of the youngest. Her time at Associates definitely stood her in good stead as there were some steps and vocab used which she had only covered at Associates and not locally. Dominic who taught the audition class was very good at demonstrating each step and sequence. There were over 100 auditioning and they took just over half. There was no pointework in the Senior audition because the stage floor wasn't suitable, but do take pointes with you if your dd has them.


Obviously once you have your place and your part it is easier for the EYB staff because each role suits the standard of each student. It must be tough auditioning 100 students from 12-18 but somehow they manage to cater for all ages at audition.

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Hi Nancy the first year my daughter applied she was 11 to I sent off for a junior audition , I had a letter from miss Lewis to say she needed to audition with the seniors..I was really worried about this and thought she may be swamped by the older and bigger girls...there was 175 auditioned in the seniors but she was still picked.. Dominic was excellent with them all. They roughly picked about 50. She is actually performing sleeping beauty with EYB at the weekend at Wolverhampton and is very excited to be taking part again. I watched the rehearsal and there are some lovely parts for younger girls

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Like tracey's DD, when she first applied for EYB my DD also had to do the senior audition even though she was only 11. As she was particularly small for her age at that stage, I nearly passed out when I saw the large numbers of girls in their late teens who were in the same audition, and DD was tempted to run away! Of course what I didn't know at the time, but soon realised, is that they were not comparing DD directly with the 18 year olds, but were looking for the most suitable students throughout the age ranges. She ended up in a group that was a mix of younger girls from the senior audition and some of the oldest from the junior audition anyway.

It can be daunting for the youngest in the audition, when they see the older students on the stage together with them (I'm sure it's similar for the littlest ones in the junior audition) but if they do their best, smile and have a go, then they have just as good a chance ofbeing selected as the oldest dancers. I am sure that Miss Lewis and co don't expect the 12 year olds to be as technically accomplished as the 18 year olds. If your DD has impressed them before Nancy, I am sure she will do it again. Tell her to enjoy it and not to worry. As I am sure you know from previous experience, there are lovely parts for all ages. My DD has never done Sleeping Beauty, and its the one she really would love to do, before she gets too old, as it looks like a fabulous production. I'm sure you and your DD will love it -I'm jealous!

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sorry to change the subject but do you how how EYB decide whether an 11 year old will do the junior or senior audition?

I thought it was as simple as 11 is junior and 12 is senior! What about pointe - do they expect all the seniors to be on pointe, I'm guessing not if they are putting 11 year olds into the older group? 

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Bethany, Think it has something to do with ballet grades to. I think that on the application forms somewhere it said, that if you are 11 and grade 5 plus you do the senior audition. There are non pointe parts for seniors as last year my daughter was a junior (junior school age 11) with a pointe part, but there were seniors in the non pointe part of her dance.

Thanks for the advice everyone. Hopefully she will be offered a place again! Good luck to anyone else going for EYB this season.

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I don't think we need to worry about senior auditions then. If my daughter auditions she will be 11 and in grade 3 (istd). I know it's probably unlikely she'll get in but she can try for nothing, it's all good experience! Thanks again 

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