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Ahh dramascientist I have a young dd of 12 going through a similar thing, she has acurrent place at vocational school but has to leave due to lack of funds. the problem we face is that the local comp is also full and cant accomodate her either. she feels as if no one wants her, all around us myself included have been saying to her hold your head up high and don't let the bug**rs get you down !! But to such young people its really hard to keep fighting. My dd has spent year at vocational school made lots of great friends, but with the best will in the world will probalby never see them again. If only we could see inside and tell them this really is not the end of the world and life really does go on and if you really want to keep dancing just go for it !!!! We love you whatever ❤

I wish your dd well xx

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Great news :)


Teenage years are tough and as a Mum of two teens 14 & 17 there are certain challenges of all sorts they have to cope with...


Not knowing what you want to do as a career can be as frustrating too...my oldest found it very hard to be motivated at the start of her A-levels as she was too busy worrying about what she was going to study at uni and do with her life thereafter! Now she's decided, she's finding it a lot easier to motivate herself :)


I had a similar problem and remember feeling envious of my boyfriend at the time, (now husband!) who knew what he wanted to do since he had been 12!


I think the only way to manage disappointments or teenage wilderness years is to let them know that come what may they have a supportive family behind them and can always come home, or downstairs, for hugs :)



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Sorry ballet bun, didn't want you to misread my "great news" as referring to anything else other than drama scientist's ray of hope...I started typing this early this evening and only just got round to finishing now.

Sorry to hear about your trials too :(


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No worries just ballet. There is ray of hope for all our dd's it just takes them a while to believe that !! And thanks for the hair pins by the way my dd got a lovely Christmas gift from your shop from a friend, when all else fails at least the hair is perfect lol xxx

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Well, I am sitting here speechless with horror.... Here I am (after way over 30 years) STILL suffering from anorexia nervosa - not aided by ballet teacher calling me "big" many years ago - I now see, by looking back at photos of the time, that I was "big" in height only - I was incredibly skinny - but to a child those comments stick... I can't imagine how I would have felt had I actually been called "fat"!!! Time to strike off teachers like that if you ask me - it is tantamount to abuse...

I really hope that your daughter is able to rise above all this, grow stronger and more resolute and develop into the wonderful dancer she clearly is, without these setbacks.

F x

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I'm not really understanding how this funding with a place at vocational schools works but it all seems incredibly cruel. The "spies" on YouTube just sent me a video they recommended for me about a group of 5 welsh dance students all initially at Elmhurst. It was heartbreaking that one boy had to leave because his parents could no longer afford the fees( inspite of the other students going to Desmond Kelly to try to save him!) His parents had sold their house to fund him the first year. He was a rather lonely figure at a comprehensive for a while because there was no funding from Elmhurst for another year for him before he had the good news that Hammond could offer him a funded place after all. However what I'm trying to understand (sorry having no lovely D's and S's) is when a child wins a place is this always only for one year? So has to be renewed year on year? It does seem a cruel system if this is the case and as one family seems to have experienced there may not be then a place at a local school! I always thought that if a child won a scholarship so to speak they were safely there until at least 16. I wish I could win the lottery and fund everyone's places for them!!

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