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Injury advice


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DD injured herself two weeks ago - sun 15th (just messing around in her room - apparently she felt pain when she did a developpe). Initially the pain was in the groin area and not too severe she had WL the following Wednesday so rested until the audition. Pain no better so saw physio on 24th - he did ultrasound and massaged thigh also leant us a Heat lamp to use. He said she should dance but restrict herself to only controlled movements and gentle stretches.

DD has just mentioned that whilst the pain in thigh/groin is starting to feel better she now has pain in buttocks. I will get another physio appointment but just thought I would ask for advice on here.

She has The Hammond audition coming up next Sunday and should really be working on festival dances but I am worried she will make things worse if I let her dance.

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Be aware that pain can be referred from nearby - so groin pain may related to buttock pain and could be caused by a myriad of things, (you don't say if it's on the same side?). 


Have you tried using a small ball such as a tennis ball or lacrosse ball to 'roll' the buttocks? That might help relieve some tightness. 

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Thanks to everyone for responding, I feeling a bit happier now but will still try to see physio again soon.

She has danced this morning and felt less pain than yesterday so I'm hoping that is a good sign. Yesterday she was at MIDS so probably worked harder than other classes (Miss Hubbard was observing class).

Physio is sports but our dance teacher sends all her students to him and I believe his son danced so he has dance experience.

Whilst I'm not pinning hopes on The Hammy I think festival will take a back seat for now but still have a few weeks left so can hopefully catch up later. She had rehearsal for group dance today but will leave solos until recovered.

The pain in buttock is same side and physio did ask if she had pain in that area on first consultation but it wasn't hurting at that point, typical! Just bought a foam roller today but will try the ball.

Thanks so much for advice & comments - fingers crossed she heals quickly. Being hyper mobile I think she has taken for granted her flexibility and never paid much mind to warming up, hopefully lessons have been learned!

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The pain in buttock is same side and physio did ask if she had pain in that area on first consultation but it wasn't hurting at that point, typical! Just bought a foam roller today but will try the ball.

Thanks so much for advice & comments - fingers crossed she heals quickly. Being hyper mobile I think she has taken for granted her flexibility and never paid much mind to warming up, hopefully lessons have been learned!

Ah, interesting that she's hypermobile. My dd is the same, and has been told in the past by a dance physio that she hadn't developed much strength in some of her muscles, as being hypermobile in the hips, her turnout and developpes just happened without all that much effort. She wasn't needing to actually work at her turnout and use the muscles properly. After having been given a lot of exercises (most of which appeared to be lying face down on the floor and clenching her buttocks!!) she increased her strength considerably. I think there were some hamstring exercises in there too.

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taxi4ballet - isn't that just the beauty of this wonderful forum!

This dancing lark is all right for the dc's - but us parents have a rather steep and unexpected learning curve!!!! I have no idea how we would have coped without the help of everyone on this forum over the last few years - it has been a veritable goldmine of information, and I don't know what I would have done without it :)

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