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What do you take to an audition?


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My daughter (7yo) has her first ballet audition tomorrow. I've got leotard with belt, tights (huge excitement over those, as she usually wears socks), new ballet shoes (luckily she's just growing out of the old ones) and am planning to use lots of gel and hairspray to get a neat bun tomorrow. I also have hair ribbons for her bun (as advised by her ballet teacher). Do I need anything else?

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Water bottle , snacks spares of whatever might break or get messed up and a needle and thread in case elastic pings .....perhaps a book or small game or music to distract or relax .

Arrive undercharged with track suit on top in case there is no where to change or you are delayed ....

Knowledge of the whereabouts of the nearest coffee shop!


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Thanks - have just added mini sewing kit to the bag, and I've already got snacks and water bottle. Book is a good idea, as I'm leaving plenty of time so we might be quite early.


Is it expected that you leave them there and not hang around? It's two hours, but I had assumed that it wasn't OK to leave the premises.

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I can take her old leotard and ballet shoes (though they're on the knackered end of 'well-used'), and I've put in the spare packet of tights I bought. We have a massive over-supply of ballet socks, so I can take a spare pair easily. And I have added the bag of hair supplies and three different types of spray/gel.

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