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Zarely online worldwide ballet gala - 31 January 2016

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From Zarély Dance Wear:


Do you love ballet? And now imagine how amazing it is to be able to see more than 20 top principals from all over the world performing live for you… Mark your calendars! January 31 The First Online Gala of Stars


- First ever online gala


- Over 20 principal dancers from 10 countries


- Unique event – over 7 hours of live streaming



January 31 turn your laptops and go to www.zarely.co at


> 8.30 San Francisco

> 14.30 NY

> 16-30 London

> 17.30 Berlin

> 19.30 Moscow

Participating principals of Berlin State Ballet, San Francisco Ballet, ABT, NYCB, Boston Ballet, Australian Ballet, Bavarian State Ballet, Vienna State Ballet, Dutch National Ballet, National Ballet of Canada.

Iana Salenko, Marian Walter

Yuan Yuan Tan, Luke Ingham, Frances Chung and Taras Domitro

James Whiteside

Paulo Arrais

Amber Scott and Ty King-Wall

Lucia Lacarra and Marlon Dino

Lauren Lovette and Gonzalo Garcia

Ana Sophia Scheller

Joaquin de Luz

Denys Cherevychko and Kiyoka Hashimoto

Artur Shesterikov and Maia Makhateli

Sonia Rodriguez and Naoya Ebe



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I saw the first section, with two dancers from San Francisco, then Maia Makhateli and Artur Chestycough (sorry I know it's not quite that, but it's irrevocably stuck in my mind as such), then Iana Salenko and Marian Walter.  My rural broadband is terrible, and I think they were also suffering from a good few technical glitches, so my viewing experience was not great, particularly for the SF pair, and it's difficult consequently to comment on the dancing - though Maia and Artur did a lovely piece.  The dancers took Q&A afterwards - I'd sent in a couple of questions which both got used, and I fear they didn't have too many others to choose from.  It did feel somewhat ramshackle, but the interviews were interesting - hopefully they'll do it again and have learned from the technical gremlins.


Someone had sent in a question to Iana and Marian about whether dancing is now too much about showing off technique and not enough about artistry. I thought that might have been a little dig at Iana.  Marian gave a good response to the effect that in order to get to a stage in your career where you have the opportunity to develop the artistry, you have to get yourself widely known, and technical virtuosity is the most effective platform for doing so.  There's clearly an interesting challenge for this couple currently, as while both principals, her career is taking her al over the place, and he has to take something of a back seat, and as she pointed out, organize the babysitters!


As an aside, it struck me how linguistically accomplished some of these dancers are.  Iana is Ukrainian but speaks good English and German, Maia is Georgian but speaks fluent English and Dutch..  I wonder if any of our native Anglophone dancers are similarly gifted?

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I saw the 2 pieces by Maia Makhateli/Artur Shesterikov and Iana Salenko/Marian Walter - they were very nice - however I think the "broadcast" was DIY -  the music was terribly broken up and it all seemed a bit unsteady - I suspect it was an amateur effort by Zarely, but considering these limitations it was still great to see top dancers doing some lovely ballet.  I checked back later but could not get a picture at all...It was funny when the lights went out on Iana and Marian - and Iana had to get up and move around to trigger the sensors to put them on again - great German eco friendly lighting!

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I saw most of this on a good high-speed cable internet connection. The visuals were okay, but the sound was atrocious throughout. I attribute that to inadequate equipment for this ambitious venture. Still, I want to applaud their efforts and encourage other organizations to try this, though perhaps on a more limited and realistic scale.

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..It was funny when the lights went out on Iana and Marian - and Iana had to get up and move around to trigger the sensors to put them on again - 

I worked in an insurance firm where the meeting rooms had this feature, turning off the lights if no movement was detected. It needed 15 minutes of no movement, but I've still been in meetings where they went off !

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The first pair is from Vienna State Ballet, not SFB. Kiyoka Hashimoto and Denys Cherevychko. A fabulous pair.


And you can see all of the archives here if you have not seen it live. Although the sound quality was poor, the contents were enjoyable and it was nice to see the studios of each ballet companies as well. I hope they can do this again with improved transmission.



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