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Everything posted by Katymac

  1. So.....what do I do while DD does the workshop?
  2. Yes but you would need about 280 UCAS point & then would only have (on average) 7 years left to dance (according to the very nice man at LSC this week - the college is amazing) She can get the 280 points doing an extended level 3 Btec - which would be much more her thing; if only the local college offered it. The one in the (both of the) next city does but we can't really get her to either so she would have to get digs. If she is going to have to get digs to do a level 3 she might as well try for the level 6.......I guess
  3. Is Tring a level 3 or a level 6? If it's level 3, currently I have about 4 options for that all of which should will be cheaper It's so confusing Plus until about a week ago DD said she wated Musical Theatre but after seeing London Studio Centre she is talking about 'just' dance Why don't they come with a manual
  4. It's all OK Another Open day and she is 'back on track' (which is ever so slightly disappointing....I had visions of A levels & uni) with an additional career path in mind if it doesn't all work out the way she hopes They are fickle
  5. OK as far as I understand: »there are about 100 places on the degree & 30 on the foundation »The foundation is very over subscribed »They are producing the 'thinking performer' » They talk about 'after dancing' a lot & refer to producing generals (people who become directors, teacher, choreographers when they retire) rather than soldiers (who become sales assistants & waitresses) HTH - it's not for DD I think (the degree) as it's too academic & can't see her getting enough UCAS points
  6. It's the first time dancing hasn't come first.....if she has changed her mind that's fine (probably easy tbh) but it's a shock
  7. We have just had a big row about the 'future' & she isn't doing any Easter courses - apparently there is an important sleep-over (first time ever) I think this might be the beginning of the end for dancing as a career
  8. Thanks I thought it was fully booked but someone said it might not be; I'll ring tomorrow is DD says yes (she is a bit afraid/in awe of Tring)
  9. She is 15 (Grade 5 Ballet) - the course she was booked on was Contemporary & Jazz I (for work reasons) really need her to do something; ideally commutable to from Norwich or residental Has anyone any ideas?
  10. and then if you add in the pre-vocational course, pre-audition days & audition preparation days you have even more income And the children still have no idea if they would be good enough to get through the audition despite 'feedback'
  11. But if you look at what else is on sale - it looks like a house clearance; which is a bit sad
  12. Are you going to the Open day or have you already been to one? We are seeing the showcase adfterwards
  13. We are off to the open day on Thursday; if they say anything you can use I'll post it (if it's not too late)
  14. Currently Level 1 is on Saturday; Levels 2-5 are on Sunday Level 1 is all I really know about - they get 1.5 hrs Ballet (not Grade work, a sort of general class), 1.5hrs Contemporary (with a drummer) & 1hr Creative generally, but often have different classes (Capoieria, Jazz etc) - some health & diet awareness, lots of theatre trips. They did 3 shows last year & are probably doing 3 shows this year (the other levels do different shows) & the choreographers they can have in are amazing. The Cafe is nice, the Theatre is great, the Teachers know thier stuff and the support team is lovely.
  15. Centre for Advaned Training Look http://www.nationaldancecats.co.uk/
  16. It is tricky isn't it - 'discrimination' on the ground of race whether positive or negative is very emotive They aren't really our way (at least not as far as I can read on the websites) or the auditions are over - but thank you for the suggestion I'll look next year
  17. While we were at Move-it, a lot of colleges were telling us that DD could do a general first year, then specialise in either dance or MT. This seemed eminently sensible to me - but is it the way colleges usually work or is it something new?
  18. DD's CAT leotard was purple......she hates it & wants a nice green one Funnily enough she prefers a lower cut leg
  19. Julie - that was one of my concerns - given that DD is mixed race; positive discrimination is something we haven't covered yet emotionally (although the possibility of a mixed race von trapp sibling has caused great family hilarity.......esp in such a 'blonde' area as Norfolk!) I know that for health & social care there are valid reasons for targetting particular ethnic groupings; and I also know often funding streams require specific sectors of the population to be targeted. Artistryyouthdance - Thanks for answering - I didn't realise how new you were and was looking for people who had attended/auditioned already. DD is quite vulnerable atm due to a variety of circumstances & I'm not sure what & where is appropriate for her to proceed; hearing someone views on attending might have decided me one way or another about attending. But as you are new that isn't possible; realistically given the distance dd might not audition at the moment......but we will keep an eye out for next time.
  20. DD is off there for Easter - they are having a Contemporary & Jazz 4 day course They do look good (I think)
  21. Not exactly but there are only 3 of them; she knew DD wanted more & has been asking round to see if anyone else does - fortunately 2 do! We are doing private lessons for the Modern as no-one else needs to be where DD does (iyswim)
  22. Her Ballet teacher is starting another class for her - so she will have 4 grade classes a week. & she has asked dd to do Pilates each day as well. Maybe that will be enough with the summer schools. I guess I just worried that if it isn't audition how do they ensure the level is right (but maybe that's more of a problem with something like Maths)
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