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Everything posted by MoVR

  1. Does anybody know if Calvin Richardson is injured? He did like one show at the start of the run and hasn't been on stage since
  2. According to today' s cast sheet, James Large will be doing both Russian and Chinese dance lol. I imagine that's a typo again?
  3. Thanks all for enlightening me re the status of "Het" as a legitimate nickname for Het Nationale Ballet. I still hate it, but will have to accept it now :))
  4. Just out of curiosity and very off topic: do people realise the "Het" part in "Het Nationale Ballet" is the definite article in Dutch meaning "The"? As in "The National Ballet"? I cringe just a little bit every time I see people call it "Het" 🙂
  5. Yes. Lemme just put that in the script real quick... Any ideas on how Hans Peter might fit into this version? Or do we leave him out entirely to also make it into a feminist critique in which she don't need no man to save the world? Just kidding ofc :))
  6. I reckon then that midway through the first act the tree in the back should loose all its needles because it's too hot and dry. So Clara decides to go on a journey to tell all the land of Sweets characters about the dangers of global warming. The sugar plum fairy and cavalier in this new version represent our capitalist overlords who do not heed her warnings, so at the end she returns home disillusioned to a dead Christmas tree.
  7. I think the thing with McGregor is, for me at least, that if you come to the ballet looking for a nice story, you might be often disappointed. I personally always feel at the end of a McGregor ballet that I've seen something, whether it was supposed to be a narrative or not, and I'll always be impressed and a bit overwhelmed in a good way. If I would try to make actual sense of his 'contortions', I don't think I'd get it either. Just sitting back and letting the performance come over me is usually what works, but to each their own.
  8. I wasn't paying attention so I sort of read that as Marco Masciari, and for a minute I was imagining what that might look like. Have to say I wouldn't mind it :))
  9. I'm pretty sure in Ancient Greek classes we used to say A-ne-moy, but, due to changing pronounciation rules over the years, in Modern Greek it would in fact be pronounced A-ne-mi. So I guess both could be correct :))
  10. I like the little self produced insights into the dancer's daily lives, as it does indeed humanize them to a certain degree, which I don't mind, because I've found that in my eyes it doesn't take away from their etherealness on stage. Granted, I've never seen any British company live (only through streams and DVD's) due to living in another country, so that might be why I'm not bothered with some extra content. I'm also confused on what specific people are referred to when speaking about almost indecent pictures (can only think of one off the top of my head), as I've found most content is rather tame. In the end, you choose who to follow and who to unfollow, but I've personally yet to see someone post something that makes me change my mind about their performances
  11. In general, how much choice do dancers have to perform or not perform a certain repertoire? If for example Pite or Mcgregor comes in at the RB looking to cast however many people, could any dancer straight up refuse to be in a work or is that a privilege reserved for principals? I've always wondered how that works.
  12. For Untitled 2023, it looks like some of the ladies are on pointe and some aren't (eg Anna Rose O Sullivan is, Melissa Hamilton isn't)? How does this choice affect the look and feel of the choreography, for the people that have seen it? I imagine it's a bit more comfortable to not have to do them crazy extensions on pointe for a change.
  13. There are some dancers vaguely in the background of some of the rehearsal pics doing the same choreography as the main cast, so they probably had at least some kind of second cast in case of injury
  14. Love how there's a trailer of Untitled posted AFTER the premiere. Love how they're dressed like the painting. Looks very Mcgregor, pity I won't get to see it.
  15. According to Amelia Townsend on Tiktok, it seems like she (and probably some of the other corps ladies) have indeed four different costumes for four different acts, and I believe depending on the show, they do some other parts of the background people as well (once she had seven different roles in one double show day). It does seem quite overwhelming, and I can't imagine the work that goes in planning the casting out as well. Always wondered how they do that
  16. I'm guessing, Martin Diaz is in there as well, and mostly because of the hairband situation, that the one in the front is Joonhyuk Jun and the one in the back could be Stanislaw Wegrzyn. I'd say the rats and fellow masked creatures are an underappreciated part of this production
  17. Yay, mystery solved! I thought that because of the chickens and farmhands it was supposed to represent La Fille mal Gardée as well, even though the music is from Pictures at an Exhibition and Sylvia respectively, how weird they didn't just call it that. Now it's a weird sort of in-between ballet. Thank you for putting the pieces together :)) I thought Barry (and Miranda) Otto was a great addition to the cast, he's got a very particular style to him which I enjoyed.
  18. That's the one. Did not know there was a slightly longer version, thanks
  19. The subtitles are auto-generated and dont exactly pick up things they dont understand, like obscure French things. Thanks for trying though! I thought about Chopiniana too, but they call it Les Sylphides in Australia, even mention it within the series, so I ruled that one out.
  20. It's season 3 episode 1. Do the Dvd's have accurate subtitles?
  21. I've sent a few messages to the creators, but it's been ten years, so I'd be pleasantly surprised if they actually answered. Fingers crossed though 🤞
  22. A short video on Olivia Cowley's Instagram features six of the rats sans costume, but they're scurrying away too fast to properly recognise them.
  23. For what it's worth, I've seen rathead mirror selfies of this run by Harris Bell, James Large and Denilson Almeida. No clue who else, but I'm guessing almost all younger Artists know it?
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