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Everything posted by Gingerbread

  1. could this possibly be anything to do with the focus on RAD ballet curriculum and exams in this country, whereas it might be more useful to have a greater emphasis on artistry, dramatic interpretation, free classes etc (i.e., syllabus free not free of charge) across the week at the local dance school?
  2. That is really helpful because it is pointing out the obvious thing that I hadn't even thought of - that everyone is different anyway!!
  3. Anjuli this makes perfect sense, thank you very much for the analogy... I see what you mean. I am not going to worry that DD is doing too great a proportion of ballet in relation to other dance. Her ballet is a great launch pad for all sorts of life skills as well as dancing..... (although she was criticised by a games teacher last summer for her style of long-jump - apparently it was "too balletic" - I don't find this cause for concern however)!!
  4. On their website they say classes are (I think) £9 .... does that mean that it's pay as you go, or do you pay upfront for a term as at most schools?
  5. I highly recommend it .... DD has been for 4 years. Frangipani's DD has also attended
  6. This was something I mentioned at the end of another thread but really it needs to have its own thread... so here goes... I have always been led to believe that keeping up the ballet, even though DD might never end up as a classical dancer, is a very good idea. It provides a good foundation for other types of dance. My DD does tap & modern/contemporary as well as classical ballet..... at the moment, her focus is on the ballet, but that could have a "shelf life" if you see what I mean. She is also keen on drama, and good at it too. What's more, her most valued ever experience (despite also having done EYB, various summer schools, reached finals in various RAD competitions etc etc) will always always be her time doing panto in Aylesbury no less, a few years ago. Which of course involved a variety of dance styles and nurtured her love of performance. what I would like to ask anyone out there, is this: I have read various articles / seen TV programmes where professional ballet dancers have moved on from ballet to other types of dance, or at least experimented with other dance styles. Many of them seem to say that rather than ballet being a useful foundation, they have had to "forget" their ballet training in order to master the other dance form. For example, ex Royal ballet Adam Cooper in the Sunday Times this time last week, says of his role in Singing in the Rain "You're going against everything you do as a ballet dancer." And Darcey Bussell in that Christmas documentary I seem to remember was talking about having to forget her instinct to turn out, in order to do some routine or other. So by focusing 90% on the ballet at age 13, is DD potentially reducing her chances of success in other performance areas later on? (it goes without saying that the self discipline that ballet promotes is a worthwhile goal in itself). Thank you for reading this, sorry if it's slightly garbled! Does anyone have any thoughts please?
  7. From memory without looking it up, YBS requirements are age 11, minimum Grade 4. (just for info) x
  8. I can't help you really because I've never sent my DD there, neither do I know anyone who goes there... but wanted to respond because the Russian style does interest me, and I have heard of this school because I undertook some research to find a Russian school for her at one point. However this one is too far to travel on a regular basis. DD has had some one off coaching from a Russian teacher in the past and found it an eye opener. Jete, I would also be very interested to hear any feedback! Good luck, I hope someone knows something. G xx
  9. Yes I agree - it is clearly a marathon as opposed to a sprint if you see what I mean!
  10. Regarding subscriptions, a yearly one might be better than monthly. Then you can pay and forget about it rather than having to make a payment every month. Also, that also would encourage people to "commit" to the site - rather than cancel after a month or two if that makes sense. Paypal is easy to use, I think, from a payer and payee point of view.
  11. I agree about keeping up the ballet, even though she doesn't expect to end up as a classical dancer... and I also have always been led to believe that it provides a good foundation for other types of dance. (sort of like Latin being the basis for many other languages perhaps)? My DD also does tap & modern/contemporary as well as classical ballet..... at the moment, her focus is on the ballet, but that could have a "shelf life" if you see what I mean. She is also keen on drama, and good at it too. Her most valued ever experience (despite also having done EYB, various summer schools, reached finals in various RAD competitions etc etc) will always always be her time doing panto in Aylesbury a few years ago. Which of course involved a variety of dance styles. OK I am rambling now. BUT what I would like to ask anyone out there, is this: I have read various articles / seen TV programmes where professional ballet dancers have moved on from ballet to other types of dance, or at least experimented with other dance styles. Many of them seem to say that rather than ballet being a useful foundation, they have had to "forget" their ballet training in order to master the other dance form. For example, ex Royal ballet Adam Cooper in the Sunday Times yesterday says of his role in Singing in the Rain "You're going against everything you do as a ballet dancer." And Darcey Bussell in that Christmas documentary I seem to remember was talking about having to forget her instinct to turn out, in order to do some routine or other. sorry I'm ramblling and may have gone off topic...... does anyone have any thoughts ?
  12. and of course Summer Schools are great for extra training - not too late to apply for some of them I'm sure? Lots of Summer schools are residential so the travelling would be less of an issue. Perhaps she does summer schools anyway - was just a thought ....
  13. DD just received a No to WL finals
  14. without wanting to put too fine a point on it, when my DD was turned down for a JA place about 4 years ago, I didn't get any feedback as to why - just a straight no - I thought this was the norm. I know what the discussion is about (I think)! but wanted to clarify whether anyone's son or daughter had received a No after a RB audition with a reason - or just a straight no.
  15. agree with this - my DD is very different to how she looked she might turn out when she was 9 or 10 if you see what I mean!
  16. Balledmad97 - so are you saying that the RBS have actually told people that they were turned down because of wrong physique/small arch/long back etc etc? I didn't think they gave feedback to unsuccessful applicants. Or do you mean people who have been assessed out? Just wondering!
  17. I agree! We are still waiting for a letter though .....
  18. Hi there - older dancing DD did EYB Coppelia in 2009 - really enjoyed it and I would say it was a highly beneficial experience. She auditioned for NYB last year and made reserve list, but they wrote some time after to say that no reserve places were actually needed, so DD did not do that. Younger dancing DD is doing Aylesbury Sleeping Beauty this year (August) and auditioned in the junior section - I believe 100 auditioned and they took about half of them? A very wide ranging level of ability from what I could see (to my relatively uninformed eye)! But that is great - and ultimately, if you are good you will get in! What I mean is, you would still benefit from doing EYB even if you are with a few other dancers who aren't as high a standard as you are - there's always something to learn. Miss Lewis is very professional, and was very nice at the Aylesbury audition: rather than treating the 50 or so as "No's", they all were told they were on the Reserve List and that reserves were very often called upon. Older DD didn't audition although she had intended to - she was unwell on the day. I was informed kindly by Spanner (thank you again) that she may possibly have been able to send in a DVD but in the end we decided not to pursue this, but to audition again for NYB on 19th of this month. So if older dancing DD gets into NYB this year, we will have first hand experience of both EYB and NYB. It is generally felt that NYB is generally a "higher standard" but on the other hand I have heard that there is much more "waiting around" at NYB. And of course NYB is about £200 more expensive!!
  19. Yes my DD made the finals 2 years ago - didn't enter last year but is going again this year. Initial part consisted of a ballet class - can't quite remember but I don't think parents watched. Finals was another class, with Errol Pickford as the teacher. I do remember watching that part!
  20. Oh don't be too upset - she is still very very young. (I'm sure that comment doesn't help you much, but a lot can happen between 11 and 12 let alone 11 and 16 - don't worry)
  21. oops I stand corrected! Ballet West is a ballet school in Scotland though?
  22. WELL DONE and all the best from the Gingerbread household!
  23. Hello Bunheadmum - welcome to the forum - where did your DD audition for RBS? And Congratulations on the Elmhurst final
  24. Hi Poppy- is this what you're after? http://www.balletwest.co.uk/ I'm afraid I know nothing about the training, but I am sure someone who does will be along soon!
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