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Everything posted by whatkindofbird

  1. Hopefully I can explain this correctly. The search function is not broken, but instead the search button redirects to a legacy page which is not https supported (meaning it's http, without the s), s here stands for secure. Some browsers (like Chrome, Firefox, Safari) warn users when they try to access non-https websites, so depending on which browser you're using it might not let you see the not secure page immediately, or at all. I know that when I search on the ROH page from my phone, it shows something like this: But if I click continue to site, it shows me the result from the search page. Alternatively, you can try just replacing nutcracker (see link below) with whichever phrase you're searching for copy it directly into your browser to see if it works? http://www.roh.org.uk/search?q=nutcracker Hope this helps.
  2. If anyone has a SCS to spare I'd really love it, please and thank you!
  3. SCS only if anyone has them to spare, thank you!
  4. Hi there, could I please purchase the other tickets: 19 Nov - 7pm - Stalls Circle D50 (standing place) - £13
  5. Hi all, tried to see if anyone has tickets to exchange here but sadly haven't heard anything. Selling them now! Stall Circle Standing D-10 Stall Circle Standing D-11 Thanks 🙂
  6. Hi all, I have bought tickets that I won't be able to attend due to traveling conflicts, but would love to exchange them for another night if someone with stall circle tickets is flexible, thought it was worth asking before selling them! My tickets are for Saturday 8 October, Stalls Circle, D-11 and D-10. Would prefer the same cast, but of course understand it might not be possible as well. Thanks!
  7. Thank you so much Silke, unfortunately need two tickets as I'm taking my niece to her first ballet ☺️ Bumping for visibility, thanks all.
  8. Hi all, selling my 2 SCS for this Saturday's matinee, £9/each. Tickets are D2 and D3, please PM me (also happy to trade for 2 x 15 June SCS tickets if anyone has them!)
  9. Have secured tickets for 11 June, thank you forum members! Still looking for 15 June, thank you!
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