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Everything posted by Spamcat

  1. 3rd time for us! ðŸĪŠðŸĪŠðŸ™ˆ
  2. Wow that sounds amazing, but tiring! The summer one clashes with English youth ballet which my DD has just accepted a place on but I don't think we would apply for the term time one. We have booked the Tring Easter school and have everything crossed it will go ahead ðŸĪžðŸĪžðŸĪžðŸ˜Ž
  3. Hi @SarahG1881 I remember you from last time too! Same here @In at the deep end 🙈
  4. I'd never heard of this. Is this in the term time in June? Will people keep kids off school?
  5. @rudolph23 and @In at the deep end I was wondering the same. ðŸĪ” Yes probably far too optimistic but you never know! 😆
  6. Yes that is right she is yr5, end of August baby so youngest in her year! Xx Does anyone know if they take many yr 6s or are they only filling places from yr 5s that drop out?
  7. Hello 👋 I remember you too! Good luck for this year. Which area are you applying to? I cant remember. We are Birmingham. My DD is an Elmhurst young dancer. Xx
  8. I mean she watched her own videos back, not the RBS ones.
  9. Can't believe I'm back here for a third year of JA audition turmoil! 🙈😭 DD trying AGAIN for yr6 this time. We really have zero hope so not taking it too seriously this time. She did the virtual insight day today and I only just discovered that the video auditions have to be sent in with the application this year. It says not to watch the video or practice (which we absolutely didn't last time) but it is the exact same video as last year and my DD remembers it very clearly having watched her videos back many times and going over what she could improve on, so it may be hard for it not to look rehearsed! 😎
  10. Thank you @TwirlyWhirly and everyone else for all of the information. I haven't ever seen anybody write anything other than what a fantastic experience it is. I have a feeling it will become addictive yes! @WrapsnBows
  11. @Raquelle Thank you. Sounds amazing we can't wait. Covid permitting though I guess so everything crossed ðŸĪžðŸĪžðŸĪž
  12. Congratulations to your DD! So exciting. Mine turns 10 a week after the show so they might be in the same group. I wonder how many of each age they take? Were there lots her age last time or are they mostly older? x
  13. Thank you both, reading all these posts we are even more delighted that she has this opportunity. She is desperate to be on stage, only done one stage show before with her local ballet school in a small local theatre (she was Gretel in Hansel and Gretel and loved every minute) but to be on a stage like this will be her dream come true. ðŸĪĐâĪ Thankfully this one is all in the summer holidays so no school or other commitments to clash. Anyone else doing the Cardiff one?
  14. @SJBallet thank you. 😊 It sounds like an amazing experience, she is so excited. Yes I am used to spending hours hanging around waiting for her! Actually after being stuck in the house for weeks on end the thought of killing time in Cardiff centre all day sounds wonderful!
  15. My DD has never done EYB before but she has just got a place in Cinderella in Hollywood in Cardiff this August and I was wondering what to expect/what sort of part she might get and came across this thread which was interesting to read. My DD will be nearly 10 at time of show but she is on the smaller side. @TinyNEDancer did your show get postponed in the end or have you done it?
  16. Thanks for all of your advice everyone. I knew being an August born would always disadvantage my DD but I never thought something this blatantly unfair would happen. Really if August born children are too young to apply for things throughout the whole process they should be allowed to audition for y7 the following year surely? I did receive a reply when I (politely) explained how I felt and they said it is because they feel nine is too young to do residential and get the most from the training but I don't buy that as they are talking about the difference of 4 weeks in age! Thanks for the suggestions everyone I've found some alternative options for her now. She will definitely be kept busy in the summer! Hope your DD finds something too @Waverley xx
  17. Thanks, I'll see what else I can find. I don't really know about any others apart from the Tring dance course, but was hoping for a ballet intensive. Xx
  18. Yes they did allow it last year, it has always gone by age on 31st August in the past, they have just changed the rules but I cannot imagine why they would do this knowing it would be so unfair to August born children. @BellaF I would have thought it would be good for children like my DD who aren't JAs to get a chance to be seen but I'm sure it would be good training for anyone. I know it is highly unlikely she would get a place anyway, I just feel that she should have the same opportunities as her year group.
  19. @balletboy8 thank you. She would absolutely love to do residential! She has done a short residential before and loved it, she is very independent. Also we have booked the Tring Easter residential and I'm really hoping this can go ahead after the lockdown ðŸĪžðŸĪžðŸĪž
  20. I really do feel like is just so incredibly unfair. I am really quite upset about it. Lots of my daughter's yr5 Elmhurst friends are applying, all of which she will be up against at vocational auditions which start this autumn and this is such a valuable opportunity for some excellent training and to be 'seen' before these auditions. As @balletboy8 said they must take equal opportunities seriously and this is definitely not equal. August born are already at a huge disadvantage being up against older kids. I feel like I want to write and ask them to reconsider for all of these reasons but I'm worried they might be annoyed by that and give my DD a bad name. Not sure what to do. 😭
  21. I emailed to ask and just received this: 'Thank you for your email, we have recently made a change to this age requirement and students must be 10 by the start of their chosen course. I will ensure this is changed ASAP on our website.' I feel like this is so unfair on August born children! My DD will be the only one of her yr5 friends who cannot apply. 😭
  22. Ok thank you both. I will continue with application and see how far I get. It looked like it was 31st (as on by school year) but the application form clearly said '10 by first day of course' which was a bit confusing. Thanks x
  23. Hi, does anyone know whether late August born children are allowed to apply for the RBS London Summer Intensive? My yr5 daughter will still be 9 (turns 10 end of August). It says in the information page that children must be 10 'by 31st August' which she will be, but in the application form it says they must be 10 'at the start of the chosen course' which she will not be? ðŸĪ”ðŸĪ”ðŸĪ”
  24. @BellaF thank you and huge congratulations to your DD! Xx
  25. Thank you that is lovely to read. It makes me sad because my DD really is such a beautiful dancer. Her musicality is wonderful, she is graceful and she has this amazing ability to watch a dance/routine once and just perform it. But I know that her body is just not that classical ballet shape and we can't change that. I'm sure she has a future in dance of some sort and she is so passionate about it. Who knows what the future holds! ðŸĨ°
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