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Everything posted by MJW

  1. From the ROH's Flickr - enjoy! https://www.flickr.com/photos/royaloperahouse/albums/72157716773438048
  2. Welcome to the forum James - and thank you also for your review. Very jealous!
  3. It simply says that "if you chose to make a gift before 15th December, the value of your gift will be doubled" and refers to the Recovery Campaign. There is a separate form to complete giving details of the donation to complete (and it does refer also to roh.org/donate). I presume therefore that all donations go the Campaign unless you designate otherwise. The website (as yet) doesn't refer to the matching of donations by the Board.
  4. Not sure if this has been publicised elsewhere (can't see it on the website) but I had a letter today from Alex Beard saying that donations made by 15th December would be matched pound for pound by the Board of Trustees. Whether that includes donations made via the website as well, it's not clear.
  5. Apologies if this has already been posted, but just had this via email Due to the new COVID-19 government restrictions, the Royal Opera House will be closed to live audiences from Thursday 5 November. We will therefore unfortunately be pausing all forthcoming on sales for Friends. Wednesday’s performance of The Royal Ballet: Live – Elite Syncopations will go ahead. We are now awaiting further government guidance for the arts, and are assessing what is possible safely in terms of performances and rehearsals. We will be in touch with all ticket buyers with further information and digital performance options as soon as we possibly can.
  6. Its commonsense - lockdowns suppress the virus (as it did before) and once restrictions are eased, it comes back.
  7. To put it mildly. It wouldn't be quite so bad if this was the last of the lockdowns but clearly it will come back in January.
  8. I'm afraid it appears that commonsense has gone out the window!
  9. Just got my newspaper through the letterbox announcing a new national lockdown - I won't put what I feel in words as it might offend! I will be so disappointed for everyone - particularly the dancers and other staff at the Royal Ballet and elsewhere. I suppose we shall just have to see what restrictions are imposed and hope for the best.
  10. I have to confess I watched a bit of it at work today (it was my lunch 'hour' in my defence), and as always it is absolutely fascinating. I shall watch more over the weekend as the weather is supposed to be horrid. I have just been watching the rehearsal from Within the Golden Hour with David Donnelly and Teo Tubreuil - just how dances keep directions etc in their heads continues to amaze. I am afraid with me, it would be in one ear and out the other!
  11. Excellent points there - I have often wondered about the size of its audience base. Perhaps a couple of well-placed interviews with Kevin o'Hare or Alex Beard in the press about re-opening?
  12. What an excellent idea - I will have to have it playing on my phone while I'm at work! Hopefully it will be available to view later in the day.
  13. I did manage to get single tickets - after a bit of to-ing and fro-ing with dates and different parts of the auditorium!
  14. Glad you mentioned that - I was quite surprised - we may find ourselves sitting amongst the orchestra!
  15. Oh well better than a poke in the eye! There aren't that many cultural institutions that would have something so valuable they could sell without causing too much of a fuss. It will be interesting to see what further Government support they get.
  16. I seem to recall from his IG that he is carrying an injury but can't find it now - it may have been on his IG Story hence why I can't find it!
  17. They’re good aren’t they? Looks like a GDPR breach waiting to happen!
  18. Not as yet - probably won’t show up until late next week!
  19. I will be poised over my computer at work waiting to get in the queue at 10am!
  20. Just had an email from ROH saying that the invitation to apply for the ballot was sent in error! Not sure if that was just me or everyone who got the invitation to apply!
  21. If anybody was thinking of bidding for the Hockney - here at the details! https://www.christies.com/lotfinder/paintings/david-hockney-portrait-of-sir-david-webster-6285715-details.aspx?from=salesummary&intObjectID=6285715&lid=1
  22. First of all commiserations to those who weren't able to watch this evening. I hope that the ROH, Vimeo et al sort things out for next time and that you are all able to watch at some point. I thought that was really quite impressive - although gala performances can inevitably be a bit disjointed, I thought overall it was excellent. I am so pleased for all involved that they have after such a long time (which I am sure must have been hellish at times) been able to perform on stage. Let us all hope that they can continue performing - in one way or another - until normality returns. Special mentions I think to Anna Rose O'Sullivan and Yasmine Naghdi - but well done to everyone. I have had a pretty rotten week but thankfully that has made me feel much better!
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