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Everything posted by EverHopeful

  1. @Dance*is*life after some experimenting, I’ve come to the conclusion that my problem with en dedans doubles is definitely sticking my bum out! Or rather not keeping my pelvis in the correct alignment. With en dehors I think I throw my weight quite far back. That does get me round, but in an unpredictable way!
  2. Thank you @Dance*is*life I will definitely try that out!
  3. Strangely, I find turning from 5th easier (en dehors, haven’t tried it en dedans). Also interestingly, I can sometimes manage doubles en dehors but have never managed it en dedans, despite my en dedans being much more secure and controlled in singles!
  4. Wishing you lots of luck @Workhard_Dreambig lots of you here doing vocational exams, and here I am worrying about my grade 7! how amazing that we all have these goals to work towards though
  5. Are you skipping Advanced Foundation then @Meetmeatthebarre? I haven’t done any of the vocational exams yet (but have been working on Inter-Foundation and Intermediate as well for quite a while), still working through the grades at the moment.
  6. Lots of time @Angela Essex how exciting to have an exact date to aim for already! Lots of luck
  7. Wow @Pixiewoo a few days?! Which region was that in?
  8. Hopefully they won’t be too long, I’m feeling impatient too. Fingers crossed for you @Meetmeatthebarre
  9. I had an issue with my exam this term where I completely missed a step. I just paused for a second and then carried on with the rest of the exercise. I hope this won’t have been viewed too harshly by the examiner 🤞🏻
  10. Please try not to worry too much - they won’t take several marks off for one mistake in one exercise. You will be scored on various aspects of technique - control, line, co-ordination of movement, spatial awareness etc. This is what the examiners are looking for rather than remembering each exercise perfectly. Fingers crossed you get the result you’re hoping for.
  11. It would be lovely to see more widespread amateur ballet/dance companies that put on productions regularly, for adults or mixed adults and children. Amateur musical theatre groups are everywhere and seem to be very popular. It would be great to have something similar for ballet.
  12. There’s only around one month to go until my exam now. I’m looking forward to it but I can’t help worrying I’ll make a mistake or forget an exercise on the day. I love doing exams, I just wish I wouldn’t be so nervous about them!
  13. @Angela Essex I didn’t do any ballet as a child either. I went to a class for fun one day and now I’m obsessed!
  14. Which exam(s) have you done @Thelittleswans and which ones would you like to aim for next? I’m in a group of 4 but I’m the only adult. That doesn’t bother me though, I’m just happy to be doing it.
  15. Is anyone doing any exams this term? I’ve been entered for my grade 7. Very excited but also starting to worry a little!
  16. Aww massive congratulations @Viv, amazing result.
  17. It sounds to me like she has been given the opportunity to progress quickly and has risen to the challenge. Personally though I also wouldn’t push to take her out of “lower grades” as I think it will be helpful consolidation for her.
  18. Wow that is incredibly quick to receive results! Was it an in person exam, and in which part of the country are you based? It is pretty common for scores to be lower in the vocational exams I think, and Inter-Foundation is quite a step up from Grade 3. It sounds like she be has done very well. And congratulations for doing pointe work in an exam after only a few months!
  19. I don’t think there’s any harm in doing lower grades alongside your current level as it allows time to really focus on and perfect the technique of steps that are already familiar. Similarly, it’s probably a good idea to also do some work at a level above as well, to understand what you’re working towards and begin to get used to more complex vocabulary
  20. Aww that’s lovely to hear @The_Red_Shoes I’m glad it went well. And now the wait for the results!
  21. So exciting @The_Red_Shoes hope it all goes really well for you. Do let us know!
  22. I guess it’s just something nice to work towards, to have the complete set. There’s no particular “need” for me to do any of the graded syllabus, I just want to because I love it. The RAD specifications say there is no upper age limit for any exam, so they can’t frown on it too much.
  23. Have any of you done grades 1 and 2 as an adult? I’ve done higher ones but would like to complete the whole set one day.
  24. I wonder why the change to grade 5 - you now only have to do one out of centre practice and pirouettes. The wording suggests that not all candidates in the exam have to pick the same one though.
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