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  1. Thanks to everyone who replied, I'm happy to say that I have gotten Distinction in my RAD exam this year!
  2. Thanks so much EverHopeful, makes me feel way better.
  3. Thanks OnTheMove, I just feel like if I don't get that mark then I will look at my certificate and feel disappointed. I just want to know if RAD examiners take off multiple points for a mistake? Or if it won't be affected too badly.
  4. Hi everyone! I took my RAD exam for grade 4 yesterday and I messed up on one combination (Jetes ordinaires) at the beginning. Started doing an assamble back insted. I quickly realized and saved the rest of the combination, but I am extremely stressed as I always get distinction on my exams. Worried this may hurt my score (especially because my studio has had the examiner and has said she is strict but fair with her marking). I don't think i made any more mistakes in the entire exam, and tried my hardest at the rest of the exercises. The exercise is part of Technique 3 section I think. Do you think that I will still get distinction after this mistake? (something similar happened last year during my exam and I still got distinction, but the examiner wasn't at strict i guess.
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