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Everything posted by Dawnstar

  1. @LinMM There are London-Cambridge trains showing as running on the overtime ban days at the moment, though there's a caveat notice about possible last-minute cancellations so whether they will be actually running when the time comes who knows!
  2. Thanks for that @annamk. I think I understood about half of that last night. I certainly didn't realise that the priest didn't want to kill the second Chosen One. Does that mean that he persuaded the Brother to take her place? When watching I thought that the Brother was defying the priest by getting in the way of the sacrifice at the last minute & being killed instead. I've just read through all the reviews in today's links and these two comments about the Dawson piece stood out for me. Telegraph While watching last night's performance I found myself wishing MacMillan had had a go at choreographing to the either VLL or various other of my favourite Strauss pieces. Evening Standard
  3. I think I'm probably quite a bit younger than you @capybara (I hope that doesn't sound rude) but I would definitely like to see The Rake's Progress & Job, plus other de Valois works such as Checkmate & The Gods Go A-Begging. I'm not sure about Les Noces but I'd like to see Le Train Bleu & Les Biches. I might not enjoy all/any of these works but unless we can see them then how will I, or anyone else either too young or too lately come to ballet watching to have seen them, know if we like them & want to see them continue to be performed or not?
  4. Thanks for the suggestion. Though I am still confused because I thought the sacrifice was done by the victim being enveloped in the large black cloth. If that's not the case then what happened near the end when what I thought happened was the Brother took the place of the second Chosen One & was sacrificed? Maybe I just shouldn't try to make sense of the piece! Also ENB tweeted a cast update a few minutes ago.
  5. @LinMM Ironically I actually got a train that left 13 mins earlier than my usual one because the usual one was delayed. Unfortunately, while I knew the earlier one would be slower because it was a stopping one, I didn't realise it was scheduled to arrive 17 mins later. The 35 mins delay added on to the already later arrival = no Balanchine for me. The running time has evidently been tightened up compared to the reports from last night. I was out in the foyer at 21.54. (I then half killed myself legging it to Kings Cross in time to squeak onto the 22.09 so maybe a finish time after 10pm would actually have made it easier for me!) I was relieved to find the Dawson piece perfectly pleasant, if not exactly earth shattering. I'm not sure how much the choreography added to the Vier Letzte Lieder but at least it didn't detract from them. So overall it's a Missed, Strongly Disliked & Liked for me. Not exactly the best triple bill outcome I've ever had! SPOILER for the Miller piece Can anyone hazard any sort of explanation as to why the Mother suddenly vanished into the rock steps? Most of the rest of the choreography I could vaguely understand, even though I disliked it, but that moment had me completely baffled.
  6. I found the upside of the amplification tonight was that it meant I couldn't make out most of the words, which was good because those words I did catch seemed to have nothing to do with what was happening on stage. The last few minutes of electronic music sounded like what I imagine tinnitus to be! I think I'll get half of the out portion of my ticket, which will be just under £5. Doesn't go very far towards a £35 ticket. At least buying a cheaper restricted view ticket was fine for Les Noces. Frankly a ticket with no view of the stage at all might have been even better for me!
  7. I'm currently looking up ticket offers for next Wednesday, as I'll be travelling back from a matinee in Richmond via Kings Cross so could pop up to Sadler's Wells & just see the Balanchine. Not exactly happy about having to pay for 2 tickets to see 1 complete triple bill though!
  8. It evidently started on time tonight. Sitting in the foyer waiting for the second piece - which frankly I am expecting to dislike! Livid with the train company.
  9. The train I'm on is now running half an hour late & isn't going to get to Kings Cross until at least 7.20pm so I'm never going to get to Sadler's Wells by 7.30pm & therefore I'll miss the Balanchine. Of course that's the one out of the three pieces that I really want to see. I'm not sure I even want to go if I can only see the other two pieces.
  10. Oh, I've already got a ticket for the opera, I booked that back in July when booking opened. I am getting increasingly reluctant to book things in advance though, as there seems to be no end to the strikes. I would like to go to Don Q on 28th October but with it being a Saturday & half term I have a horrible feeling there may well be another strike that day so I daren't book in advance. I think I'm going to be doung a lot of crossing fingers for getting Friday rush tickets this coming season.
  11. I've been to a couple of post-performance talks at my local theatre over the years with the casts of plays. I'm guessing ENB's probably won't involve dancers though. Though as I'm currently stuck on a train that's running late due to signalling problems if it doesn't get a move on I might not even get to Sadler's Wells in the first place!
  12. I think I'm going to abandon trying to see the ROH L'Elisir D'Amore on 5th October. I had originally booked because it's a nice, light, enjoyable opera but it's not going to be enjoyable if I have to spend days beforehand worrying about whether or not the trains will be running!
  13. Having just printed out my ticket for tonight, I am reminded that there is going to be a post-show talk. I've never been to an ENB talk before. Can anyone give any idea as to how long they usually run & what sort of topics may be covered, so I can make a more informed decision as to whether or not I stay for it?
  14. After reading some of the comments about last night's performance, I will be heading off to tonight's performance with considerable trepidation. I had thought that if I didn't enjoy the choreography of two new pieces at least I'd be able to enjoy the music but it sounds like even that won't be the case.
  15. While I'm not entirely surprised Clarke is just doing Basilio, I had rather hoped he would do Espada too. Last time I only managed to see him as Espada in Act I, as he got injured & was replaced by Edmonds for Act III, so it would have been nice to have tried to see him in the full role this time around. I do wish the Mercedes & Espadas were announced in advance. I'm currently dithering between various casts based on the Kitris & Basilios so more casting information would be helpful to make a decision. After catching up on the streamed rehearsal last night I would like to see Buvoli & Braendesrod if only Saunders had specificed which cast they were in rather than just saying it was one of the later ones.
  16. Thanks for the information. That's the second female principal who has joined then quite quickly left ENB in the last few years. I'm surprised she's still listed on ENB's website, though the link just goes to a blank page at least for me, as usually they're pretty good at updating it.
  17. Aah, I now really regret having booked last week. I could now have got 2nd row stalls for the same price I've paid for a restricted view circle seat, which is quite depressing.
  18. I think looking young helps with plausibility for certain roles: Juliet, Manon & Aurora for instance, all characters who are supposed to be teenagers. I wouldn't say being skeletal is necessary but girlish rather than womanly in build. My opinion on this may be influenced by having spent nearly 20 years regularly operagoing compared to only a few years of balletgoing. After years of trying to suspend disbelief when watching stout 50 year old tenors as young heros or very unconsumptive-looking sopranos supposedly dying of TB (yes, there are plenty of physically plausible opera singers but there are also plenty of implausible ones), it's nice when seeing ballet to know that no matter what cast you see they will look suitable youthful & slender for their characters.
  19. True! Same here. I probably wouldn't actually go to (m)any Insights even if tickets are freely available, as c. 2 hours door to door travel each way for an event that only lasts about 1h15 doesn't seem worth it. However I'm still rather horrified that if I did want to guarantee getting tickets I'd have to pay as much in membership as I approximately paid for all my RB tickets in total last season!
  20. So in order to guarantee being able to get tickets for Insights someone would have to have a minimum of Premium 1 Friends level of membership? Which (checks ROH website) currently costs £1420 a year. Ouch!
  21. It looks like I'm going to just manage to miss this lot of strikes by a day, as I did for the last lot, as my first ROH booking of the season is on 5th October. Though the possible effects of the overtime ban & possible knock-on effects of the previous day's strike will still keep me nervous about it. Thank goodness I couldn't book for the first night of Don Q because it clashes with a show I'm seeing at my local theatre - the only venue I go to that I can get to without using a train!
  22. ENB tweeted this earlier. I hadn't realised the piece was going to be a sequel. As I've never seen The Rite Of Spring I can't imagine the new piece will make much sense to me! The dancers being barefoot & not a pointe shoe in sight does not encourage me in the slightest either.
  23. Oh well. I've booked now, & I won't be in London again until that date to go to the box office, so I'll just have to put up with whatever I get.
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