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Everything posted by Dawnstar

  1. Will word of mouth spread that quickly though? The entire run is just under 2 weeks. I suppose it might work for Londoners who are able to go to the theatre at the last minute at any time but for anyone outside London it's not a lot of notice. I don't know about other people but if I read good comments about something that hasn't previously been on my radar then I might look to see if I can fit it into my theatergoing schedule in a few weeks' time. If I look up something & find it's only on for about another 10 days then that probably won't be enough notice. Also thinking about it the first performance is the first evening of half term & most of the rest of the run is during half term so many people will be away or busy elsewhere. It's probably not the sort of double bill to appeal to many people looking for something to take their children to either.
  2. Thanks. I've not had any emails from the ROH (as usual), I've just seen the codes posted on here. I still wonder why the offers are only for the first 3 performances though. It's not as if the other 4 performances look to be selling significantly better. I saw The Cellist first time round but not Anemoi (I couldn't attend any of those summer 2021 performances), so I feel it's worth seeing the latter once, plus a partly new cast for The Cellist given it involves Magri. I'm not keen enough to pay a high ticket price for the double bill though.
  3. Having tried the offer codes posted on here, they only seem to work, at least for me, for the first three performances. Given how short the run is, even if they get rave first night reviews will that really suddenly sell out the latter 4 performances at full price at only a few days' notice? I've checked back with my tickets for Dances At A Gathering/The Cellist in 2020 and then, with the subscription discount (18%?), I paid £47.56 for stalls A28. The same seat would be £72 even with the 25% discount this time. I know inflation has been high in the last couple of years but I don't think it's been that much. Also, with all due respect to Anemoi which I have yet to see, can it really be considered equal to Dances At A Gathering? Certainly in terms of casting the star power of the DAAG casts with half a dozen Principals per cast (admittedly some of them only became Principals more recently than the performances so were First Soloists at the time) was far greater than that for the Anemoi casts, which don't have anyone above Soloist level. I'm not saying that they aren't good dancers but if you want to attract audiences then maybe a bit more star power would be helpful. A further thought: why not have a triple bill rather than a double bill? The running time is currently showing as only 2 hours & that includes a 30 minute interval. You could add a third ballet of about half an hour & a second interval and still get the full programme in under 3 hours if you had two 20 or 25 minute intervals. I gather Anemoi doesn't have much (any?) scenery so a half hour interval can't be needed for set change purposes. If the third ballet was something like Symphony In C (probably not actually that as it's been done fairly recently) then you can use several Principals, which would both give the Principals more performances, per the frequent plaints on here, and have more star power to attract audiences.
  4. I feel as though I'm the only person one here who actually likes Hinkis. She's not one of my absolute favourites but I do like her, especially for her acting. I'd love to know how to get discounts from the ROH. I don't recall I've ever been sent any in the coming up for 20 years I've been going there. I seem to be missing almost all the dancers in supporting roles who I'd like to see.....
  5. I don't think I'll actually be able to see her, as it doesn't look like I'm going to be able to afford to fit in all the other casts I already wanted to see let alone adding another one, but in theory I'd like to see her! I hope the disappearance is only a temporary website glitch & not that they're completely recasting or anything like that. Although thinking about it I would ideally like to see the first cast of Anemoi & the second cast of The Cellist so if they fancy swapping the pairings of casts for one or two shows...!
  6. Thanks. At least it's not me going mad somehow not seeing it! I'm assuming unless/until announced otherwise that the Anemoi & Cellist casts are still matched up with 3 dates apiece. I need to wait until I know if there will be train strikes at the end of October to know which Don Qs I'll be seeing to then know when best to fit in the double bill, so I guess I'll just have to hope the Cellist casting will have reappeared by that time. (Busy praying there won't be a train strike on 28th but I have a horrible feeling there will be...)
  7. I had a horrible feeling when I made my comment that I'd get a reply telling me that actually the already cast Principals need more shows, so apologies for my previous post. Can anyone currently see the casting for The Cellist on the ROH's website? I was thinking about changing the date I am booked for so went to check which other dates the cast I want to see is due to do, only to find that I can only see the Anemoi casting and not the Cellist casting.
  8. I suddenly wish I could see this cast. I can imagine Hinkis being a good fit as Kitri personality-wise. It's also nice to see a different dancer getting a go at a role rather than dancers already cast doing extra shows, as has been the case for the other Don Q cast changes & as is usually the case for lead cast changes.
  9. Maestri played Dulcamara in the 2012 run so knows the production. I saw him in that run & thought he was very good in the role. He had great stage presence. I'd seen on Twitter that Terfel missed the previous performance & was replaced by a singer I'd not heard of. Since tonight is the cinecast presumably they wanted a bigger name as the Dulcamara replacement - and Maestri counts as a bigger name in every sense of the word! His best known role is Falstaff, which he's sung all over the place including the ROH, Met & Wiener Staatsoper.
  10. I seem to be the only person who looked at tonight's cast list & wished I was seeing it not because of Sissens as Espada but becase of Boswell as Sancho Panza. I'll have to hope he might also be performing with one of the casts I will be seeing.
  11. Thanks. I seem to be about the only person on here who doesn't do SCS so at least that's not a consideration for me. I've now got round to looking at the seat plans for every performance & so far it looks to be Nunez/Bolle who are selling by far the best, so it's fortunate for me that that's not one of the pairs I'm hoping to be able to see.
  12. There's only one run of Yugen listed on the ROH performance database, in 2018. I know the database has had occasional inaccuracies but could it miss an entire second run of a piece? https://www.rohcollections.org.uk/production.aspx?production=32408&row=0
  13. It sounds like most people managed booking without any technical hitches this morning? I had a feeling that would be the case given I was unable to book anything as I have no money at the moment. So many Manon casts I would like to see but I'm going to be entirely dependent on if I can get any Friday rush tickets come January-March. Did anyone happen to notice if the single Hamilton/Richardson performance was selling very quickly? I'll be extremely disappointed if I can't get a ticket for that, having wanted to see Hamilton's Manon since 2019.
  14. Medusa has yet to make a reappearance since its first run in 2019. I suppose that could be due to covid disrupting the next 2 seasons or because it went down so badly that it's been quietly buried!
  15. Per the ROH database, she danced Mercedes in 2015 & 2019.
  16. The same on Twitter this morning, and when I went on the ROH's Flickr account to see if they had posted any Don Q production pics there were still only the 8 rehearsal photos posted a couple of weeks ago while the latest post is 299 photos of "Restaurants and FOH, autumn 2023".
  17. @Irmgard I knew you'd know! I'm glad to see at least I was right with the few ones I dared to guess at. I yet again failed to recognise Khaniukova, despite seeing her in T&V 4 days ago. I seem to have a total blank spot when it comes to recognising her.
  18. I can't say I could identify many of the dancers. I think the bottom left couple are Gareth Haw & Saegun Lee. I think the man bottom right is Matthew Astley but I'm not sure about the two women. Paging @Irmgard, who I imagine will be able to name every single dancer with ease!
  19. The cast list for tomorrow's Don Q rehearsal is now on the ROH's website. https://static.roh.org.uk/digital/cast-sheets/Don-Quixote/Don-Quixote-Cast-Sheet-General-Rehearsal-30-02-2023.pdf?_ga=2.194575023.361584588.1695992845-2059311257.1630436588
  20. It sounds like I definitely missed something in Four Last Songs by not being able to see Pierard at all during the entire piece.
  21. I hope it will turn out to be one of the casts I'm thinking of seeing. Not because I'm going to the rehearsal (I'm not a Friend & the train strike would make it impossible even if I was) but because I'm trying to whittle down 5 Kitri/Basilio pairings I would like to see down to 3 & knowing some of the supporting casting might help to break my deadlock!
  22. May I ask how gruesome the current H&G production is? I saw the previous one when it was new & barely made it through Act III. When I saw the pdd from Fille at the Diamond Celebration I was surprised to recognise the music. I imagine most people on this forum encountered Fille first but I first saw L'elisir back in 2005 & have yet to see Fille (I want to see it, it's just the RB doesn't seem to want to do it at the moment).
  23. Lovely to meet you last night but it may have been a good thing that we met up beforehand rather than afterwards as we would have certainly disagreed on the programme!! Having finally managed to see Themes & Variations at my second attempt last night I enjoyed it far more than the other two pieces. In fact in a way my very delayed train did me a favour as it meant I inadvertantly saved the best until last. If I'd seen the programme in the order it should have been seen then I think I would have disliked Les Noces even more than I did. As it was I left on a high last night, and got home at five to ten just as the performance would have been finishing! I also had a far better seat for the same price, unrestricted front stalls compared to restricted view front circle. I thought Khaniukova & Frola made a really good pair. I'm surprised they're not paired together more, given she looks the perfect height for him compared to some of the other female dancers I've seen him with who have been a bit too tall for him. I thought their fairly long pdd was lovely. I did wish that Balanchine had given both of them rather longer solos, but I'd need a time machine to request that! I was slightly surprised to see Khaniukova's changed her hair colour again. In the last couple of seasons she's gone brunette to blonde & now back to brunette - it's no wonder she's a dancer I sometimes have problems in recognising when she's part of a group! Another slight favour the delayed train did me was that last night's group of demi-soloists included rather more dancers who I like than Friday's group would have: Velicu, Suzuki, Yeomans & Durand. I could only identify some of the corps dancers but I was a bit surprised to see Downden among them, given he has one of the biggest roles in Les Noces. Though I suppose the male corps aren't on stage for that long in T&V. Does anyone know if it was the same 8 male & 8 female corps dancers in every performance or if the company have been rotating? As no-one has yet posted any curtain call photos on this thread, a couple from last night. I know the tutus have divided opinion but I thought they were really nice.
  24. Yet another ENB cast change announcement. I did find myself wondering last night why Fernanda Oliveira hadn't been cast in the triple bill & evidently it can't be because she's injured as she's jumping in tonight.
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