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Everything posted by Petalviolet

  1. Actually your right I think it was straight forward not straddle! So maybe just a fortnight then... The quicker the better as I don't want a downer on my birthday month in July! My birthday lasts a month. Sometimes even into August. I'm sure I read here 1/10 statistically so I thought perhaps two or three from a class but as ours was the youngest they may not deem any to be ready yet or they may have seen some fresh faces they liked? No way of telling.
  2. One more thing - did they ask anyone else if you had a preference in coming weekly or fortnightly? When we registered they were checking with everyone and I just said I didn't mind. Stupid me - I spotted a small flatscreen TV up in the corner of the auditorium and it reminded me of the screens at airports when you are waiting for your gate number? I don't know what I was expecting to see but I just couldn't help intermittent glances for.....incoming DD.
  3. I wonder if there were about 100 yesterday as our numbers went from mid 70's to the mid 90's. They said we should hear by late June early July so I'm not going to start refreshing my inbox anytime soon. Amos73 I really don't think swayback a necessity as I've heard it can actually be difficult to work with? DD struggles to stand straight in first and always puts one knee in front of the other. Plus I'm sure if anything her long back would discount her straight away too so everyone has something that isn't perfect!! I think the height was purely a coincidence too as I did spot some in the class previous to ours in the cross over between auditions and saw a range of heights. Still can't believe no splits! Oh and more leaping than she's done before too. DD was uncharacteristically wearing her chatty hat yesterday.
  4. Shocking...now I know there are ballet belts (round DD's tum) and...well......ballet.....BELTS.
  5. ...n Sorry I used to be an editor, I just feel better now. X
  6. Dubious massage equipment and male containment issues - how quickly my innocuous thread has spiralled out of control.
  7. Just got back and that's it! We were last class so the auditions must be done! Well done and best of luck to everyone who auditioned and for future reference... No splits and only froggies on back. Much more focus on physique with standing in line back to judges, shoulders down and shoes and socks off plus DD said that in straddle stretch asked to press knees and point toes to check...possibly her swayback? She said to see how far her heels pop off the floor? Emphasis on it being a class with some "fun things to do", short speech to welcome with gentle expectation management. My only surprise was to how similar in heights all the girls were bar only one or two - much more so that any of our other auditions. I know auditions and competitions can be a much more stressful experience and it is a big tough world out there that we've hardly experienced but just wanted to share this one tiny and lovely moment - coming out of the audition today one DC who was a complete stranger to us came up to DD and said, completely out of the blue, "if I don't get in I hope you do" what a lovely child and much more representative of the generally welcoming, open and supportive world of ballet so if you are worried about auditioning then don't! Go for it and good luck!
  8. I know! I know! All of a sudden a bit of paper and a safety pin become way more difficult than you imagine. I just know that a lopsided number, slightly pinched on one side or...an upside down eight...we have even been No 13... All adds to the mounting pressure doesn't it!
  9. Speaking of uncomfortable. Discovered I'm slightly too fat for the trousers I want to wear to our JA audition this afternoon so strategy is button up only when entering floral street and when we emerge (to rapturous applause) at four...get to the end of street, turn into Covent Garden and let it all hang out. I really wish I was joking but I'm not.
  10. Thank you! So much more nervous here than I thought we'd be. Even had a nightmare last night that DD got sent out for misbehaving!!
  11. ..I really hope I don't have a nightmare about Sacha Baron Cohen in a pink sansha onesie and Bloch booties with a fuzzed out anything possibly using a foot rolling pin for purposes it wasn't designed for.
  12. Harwel...shorts.....snort. Sarahw just try google image search and you'll see what I mean! Eek! Lisa...methinks ballet was doing shabby chic before shabby chic was even a thing xx
  13. http://images.huffingtonpost.com/2010-09-01-legwarmers.jpg Is this the one?
  14. Thank you for indulging me as usual - I imagine my thoughtless meanderings here invoke just a hint of pity but I don't mind. It's the same reaction I have when chatting to someone about my fav TV programme only find out they don't have Sky. I try and be comforting..
  15. Oh god I can't believe what just happened. I meant to show DD a Sancha onesie but I typed Sacha onesie and up popped Sacha Baron Cohen in nothing but leopard print y fronts. Horror struck eight year old.
  16. My mother in law has always coveted a particular type of swirly wrap skirt that has a name but I can't remember but not short, ankle length. I'd like a cane. Strut around. Shout a bit. Bang it on floor, people, twirl, big finish.
  17. Right. That's it. I have to see what a sansha warm up is I'm googling it now.. I sense an important theme for warming up and staying warm you dancers are a chilly lot.
  18. They ARE called Bloch booties!! That was a total stab in the dark..
  19. Oh that is a staggering list of bits and bobs. Just the one leg warmer too? Hehehe.. I'm sure I remember watching a documentary once that there was a fad in ballet for everything to look incredibly battered and worn and holey or just one of things that normally come in pairs? Some people just have a panache and can carry anything off.
  20. Oh and a shawl..... I was particularly envious of that. It looked like a drapery heirloom passed down from generations of dancers...I have a hand knitted shawl passed down through generations of passive aggressive female knitters but it has a lot of dubious pale orange baby stains and that just won't do.
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