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Everything posted by afab

  1. Do people know how difficult it is to get into Elmhurst SS?
  2. I heard it's good... 2 of my DDs have been accepted as well. We're still thinking as we are awaiting Elmhurst answers...
  3. Which Northern Ballet MeganReid? Academy or School? Leeds or Manchester?
  4. Only for RBS as POB doesn't seem to have a waiting list...
  5. The lady who takes care of sending Elmhurst results is on annual leave and will be back on Monday.
  6. I don't mind it being shorter per se. What I mind is that it's exactly the same price as last year and £25 more expensive than 2 years ago. For us sending our DDs to a summer school means not going on a family holiday once again and I find it really bad to actually increase the price by so much in this time of financial problems! I feel like we're taken advantage of because our kids feel so lucky to be chosen. But behind those happy kids, there are often parents struggling to pay! And for us who can't afford vocational schools, high level summer schools are really necessary to complement the year round training.
  7. I'm reviving the subject as you all seem to be talking highly of this summer school. I was trying to find information about the regular school I.e. not summer school and I can't find anything... I thought someone on the forum is bound to know. Do they have a regular school? Thank you
  8. Exactly, I worked it out at 15% increase in price if I'm not mistaken!!! NB Maths has never been my strong point!
  9. Has anyone else noticed that the RBS SS is a day shorter than it used to be?
  10. Tring's Costa is quite small... We might have to book the whole place!
  11. The emails are only sent abroad I think.
  12. Go to Tring website, it's there!
  13. Definitely not, 2 years ago DD1 got a no and DD2 waiting list... Last year, DD1 got a no and DD2 got a place... This year, DD2 got waiting list and DD3 got a no... I would love to know how many are on the waiting list actually...
  14. No it's the same as far as I know. We all got "selected waiting list"... At least for White Lodge... Right?
  15. We can wait together... Isn't your DD around the same age as mine (13)? x
  16. I understand... 2 years ago DD2 was on the wait list and never got called... She's there again this year, sigh...
  17. afab

    Body Dysmorphia

    Thank you! Definitely a gap I don't have! Ah well...
  18. Apparently more than 1500 according to the email...
  19. afab


    You're not, KathyG...
  20. There is also the Rose and Crown next to the school if the refurbishment is finished. It used to be surprisingly good value for money pre-refurbishment... Don't know about now...
  21. I'm sorry to hear that Staceydor! It doesn't sound fair... I hope she's not too devastated, poor her...
  22. Sadly it's a no for DD3 as it was last year and she was a bit sad, she's only 10... :-( But it's a waiting list for DD2... And she's very happy because she considers that is a "yes maybe"... :-) She was on a wait list 2 years ago and never got called, then got in directly last year and this year, being 13, she found the pictures were more difficult and she wasn't that comfortable with the end result... So a wait list is good! Let's hope she gets called this time without anyone getting hurt in the process!
  23. We received them by email because we live abroad.
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