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Everything posted by afab

  1. Same for us as for Dance ATM as we live in France...
  2. I don't know if it's the same for Associates but the "yes" letters for the RBS summer school is the same size but much thicker than the "no" letters. We had one of each this year! + = I suppose...
  3. I have, at 30° and with a quick cycle. It worked well. I let them dry on a radiator...
  4. Hi Sniffymum, Yes they did say in London that there was only 1 available bed in year 8...
  5. Nor is mine. Is your little sister in one?
  6. Hi Tutu Cute, my DD auditioned at 11 for both year 8 and 9. She loved the audition as well...
  7. Thank you for your answer tutoo2much...
  8. Mixed replies here as well: 3 DD applied, 2 got rejected and 1 got a place for the first week. She was on the waiting list last year and didn't get in so she's delighted. Her big sister though was turned down 2 years in a row! Little sister, first time, applied just "to see" (her words) so she's not too disappointed... Could someone tell us what the one who's in should be expected? She's also trying the audition next Sunday for the Lower School and MA? Do you know if it helps when one's been picked for the SS? Thanks a lot and good luck for the ones on the waiting list, I know how hard it can be on the nerves...
  9. Hello, My DD is auditioning on Sunday 15th in London for both the Lower School and MA for the first time. Anyone being there at the same time? Good luck to everyone!
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