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Wuthering Heights Day 2024

Jan McNulty

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Are you busy on Sunday 28th July???  If not you may wish to join in a local Wuthering Heights Day.


As a lot of you know I am on the campaign team trying to save my local country park from destruction.


Our big event this year is Wuthering Heights Day.


Yes, when I first heard about it I fell about laughing but then I looked it up on YouTube...


So between 11 and 1 on Sunday 28th July Rimrose Valley Friends will be hosting a Wuthering Heights Day.  So far (and without our major advertising campaign) nearly 400 people have signed up.  We are hoping for a lot more!


Rimrose Valley Country Park is situated in Sefton Merseyside if you want to get involved.


Here is an example from an earlier year:



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