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The Queen - 70 years on the throne


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I can still remember Coronation Day and still have the mug!! I was 5 and a half then. It was all very exciting. Apart from my very first day at school I don’t remember that much before 1952 now. 
Hoping the Queen has a few more years yet to her reign! 

Edited by LinMM
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Britannia Road Primary School, Ipswich, 6 February 1952, about lunchtime.  The Headmaster dashed into the classroom, white as a sheet, and said, "the King is dead".  Mrs. Murray, our teacher, burst into tears.  Most of us burst into tears too, so startled were we by the shock of seeing such emotion from two austere and respected adults.  It also happened to be my brother's 2nd birthday so my excitement about a little party later that day was somewhat quashed.

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I’m not really a great “Royalist” and hope that the Royal Family …after this Queens reign…will gradually take more of a stand back over time as we move into the 21st Century but am not for abolition just think it should be allowed to take a natural process of becoming less relevant in the general scheme of things. 
However the Queen is in a class of her own and hopefully will be long lived and active like her mother was.  
So definitely hope she breaks Louis XIV’s record!! 

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