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Extend editing time

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Apologies if this has already been covered... Is there a possibility of extending the period of time in which we can edit our posts? Ideally to, say, forever? :) I, for some reason, have a horrible inability to proofread my own posts on this forum and always spot ridiculous grammar errors after the Edit button has disappeared... 


I mean, I've almost certainly written the word 'Spandex' in here instead of the word I meant, but I won't notice it until next Tuesday.

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6 minutes ago, alison said:

Plus I believe that 30 minutes is the maximum editing-window option available?


We do recommend that posters re-read what they've posted within that time, although I realise it's not always practical.


Heh, you wouldn't believe my almost superhuman ability to reread something a dozen times and still not notice that I've written 'balls' instead of 'ballet' or something equally preposterous. 


"McRae showed off some of the finest balls I've ever seen on the ROH stage..."

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use Word/Notepad to construct your posting if its a long one such as a review (where you can proof-read and adjust to your heart's content) - then copy/paste it into posting field when happy with it.

If just replying to someone else's post, 30mins should be more than enough I would have thought

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1 hour ago, zxDaveM said:

use Word/Notepad to construct your posting if its a long one such as a review (where you can proof-read and adjust to your heart's content) - then copy/paste it into posting field when happy with it.


Heh, again, I think you're underestimating my own personal ability to make a complete hash of proofreading. I do that already, paste it, and then spot all my errors the minute the edit window closes. Then I spot some more. Then a few more. Then I notice I've spelt my own name wrong. Then I notice I've written Royal Opera Horse. Then... Well, you get the idea. :) No worries, though, if we think it's better going with half an hour, that's fine. Thought it worth asking!

Edited by BristolBillyBob
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On ‎16‎/‎02‎/‎2018 at 13:26, BristolBillyBob said:


Heh, again, I think you're underestimating my own personal ability to make a complete hash of proofreading. I do that already, paste it, and then spot all my errors the minute the edit window closes. Then I spot some more. Then a few more. Then I notice I've spelt my own name wrong. Then I notice I've written Royal Opera Horse. Then... Well, you get the idea. :) No worries, though, if we think it's better going with half an hour, that's fine. Thought it worth asking!


If you're going to make errors like that one, maybe we should reduce the edit time even more to maximise the entertainment value! :)

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Well, you learn something new every day. Sometimes unintentionally...




"A horse opera, hoss opera, or oat opera is a western movie or television series that is extremely cliched or formulaic (in the manner of a soap opera). The term, which was originally coined by silent film-era Western star William S. Hart, is used variously to convey either disparagement or affection. The name "horse opera" was also derived in part from the musical sequences frequently featured in these films and TV series which depicted a cowboy singing to his horse on-screen. The term "horse opera" is quite loosely defined; it does not specify a distinct subgenre of the western (as "space opera" does with regard to the science fiction genre)."

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