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Everything posted by annamicro

  1. "Mr Soares seems to be a sort of self appointed "Mr Deeds" who has made any number of "discoveries", real or imagined, during his short tenure as AD at Bucharest's opera house." Mr. Soare must be an incredibly brilliant mind since he was able to collect so many solid facts in just one day: that's the time he need to cancel "the impostor" Johan Kobborg. He has also a passion for contracts and has complained publicly about many of them, being so far always easily refuted by the attacked people. He doesn't name Rossini among his favorite composers, but, looking also at his answers on slipped disc, Il Barbiere di Siviglia seems to be his favorite opera, having he made one of its arias as his current lifestyle.
  2. above how Soare talks, below how he writes: http://slippedisc.com/2016/05/bucharest-crisis-soare-speaks-out/ Which is the real one? Usually face to face meetings are recommended for a better undestanding of personality, intentions and reactions...
  3. Dawid Trzensimiech has just announced that he is joining Polish National Ballet as a principal, starting from the 4th of May
  4. to balance, here Tiberiu Soare interview of few days ago, with English subtitles...it's long but it's really well worth to listen until the end...
  5. only a couple of notes: according to some Romanian dancers I spoke to, their wages are not really lower than foreigner colleagues ones: foreigners have different type of contract and are paid only for 10 months, they have not an health insurance nor support for lodging, as Romanian have. I don't know the figures related to the wages, but comparison should start considering these differences and it seems that many of the protesters didn't take this in account (one shouted "there is no better dancer than another"..). a Romanian dancer trying to point this out at the meeting with the vice-prime minister was made shut up (there is a video somewhere, if you want to search for it). Vlad Alexandrescu didn't commit only one mistake (Romanian President statement is clear): here why some people think that the Prime Minister was right in asking for his resignation (in Romanian) http://www.digi24.ro/Stiri/Digi24/Actualitate/Opinii/COMENTARIU+Dan+Turturica+De+ce+trebuia+demis+ministrul+Vlad+Alex
  6. this is a clearer summary of the facts, IMO: it's in English and doesn't take a position http://www.romaniapress.com/news-10067191.html Edit for clarification: with "clearer" I was referring to the Guardian piece, not the one above (popped out while posting)
  7. Well, The Guardian...the choice of the photo unfortunately says a lot of the following piece: having read a lot of what said by the two parties and a lot of Romanian news (and few other English), I'm surprised to understand nearly nothing of the events from this piece of writing... http://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/apr/27/romanian-opera-row-artistic-director-johann-kobborg-steps-down?CMP=share_btn_fb
  8. Kaus Iohannis (Romanian President) opinion about Alexandrescu dimissions http://m.digi24.ro/Stiri/Digi24/Actualitate/Politica/K%20Iohannis%20Au%20ramas%20putine%20greseli%20imaginabile%20care%20n-au%20fost%20fa
  9. At the moment the one who resigned, a few moments ago, is culture minister Vlad Alexandrescu, under request of the prime minister. Alexandrescu's collaborator who proposed Tiberiu Soare resigned a few days ago http://m.adevarul.ro/news/eveniment/ministrul-culturii-vlad-alexandrescu-demisia-buzunar-dacian-ciolos-i-a-cerut-demisioneze-1_5720a4645ab6550cb86545d7/index.html I'm sorry for you
  10. She made so many "points" in her career she should wear polka dots clothing only.
  11. http://slippedisc.com/2016/04/breaking-bucharest-reinstates-opera-and-ballet-chiefs-fires-nationalist-boss/
  12. Vlad Alexandrescu,Romanian minister of culture has announced the agreed plans for the much needed "refundation" of Bucharest National Opera. The plans include Johan Kobborg, other persons and a team especially created and sent from the ministery to help to resolve the dramatic situations presents in the institution. End of the story. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=523052851199293&id=468508013320444 Având în vedere evoluția situației de la Opera Națională București, care a scos la iveală o serie de dezechilibre grave și de disfuncționalități structurale, doresc să anunț cu fermitate că Ministerul Culturii va rămâne alături de Operă în perioada următoare ca partener privilegiat. Măsurile și analiza situației de la Opera Națională București vor servi și altor instituții de spectacol din țara noastră. Am decis o soluție în două etape: a. un interimat de 3 luni la Opera Națională București – sub conducerea dlui George Călin cu parteneriatul Ministerului Culturii, reintegrarea dlui Johan Kobborg și a dnei Alina Cojocaru în Opera Națională București, medierea cu ajutorul ministerului și începerea reformei în vederea celei de-a doua etape. b. un nou manager de talie internațională pentru Opera Națională. Decizia luată în urma negocierilor este una pragmatică. Este nevoie de o perioadă de tranziție care să poată pregăti Opera Națională pentru o funcționare deschisă. Vreau să ofer garanții Alinei Cojocaru și lui Johan Kobborg că munca lor poate să continue. De asemenea, lui Vlad Conta și lui Tiberiu Soare le mulțumesc pentru munca depusă și contez pe sprijinul lor în continuare. O echipă de la minister va acompania managementul Operei pentru următoarele 3 luni și va verifica toată situația contractelor și problemele de personal din instituție. Ministerul își rezervă dreptul de a stabili cum anume se va angaja o nouă direcție generală pentru perioada de după cele trei luni de interimat. Ministerul va veni în sprijinul artiștilor de la Operă și va încerca să găsească soluții pentru deficiențele structurale și pentru lipsurile semnalate.
  13. Who at ONB? I've seen just the Romanian minister of culture announcement
  14. in my very small Opera experience, I saw Nabucco chorus "Va pensiero" repeated. In Ballet, Osipova did twice her fouettes series when guesting at the Mariinsky in DQ. From comments by opera fans it seems that the "bis" (or encore) is not so uncommon: and if we have a word for it, that should mean it does exist
  15. especially when SHE is not on stage...OFFENCE!
  16. I'm even more terrified. :-) Tatiana was a co-production with the Stanislavsky... I can guess Vronsky and Karenin names. I hope in the second cast...
  17. After his Tatiana I'm quite terrified at the idea of an Anna Karenina... To not talk about the Parisian Song of the Earth: it was so "well received" by critics and audience The rest is more or less as this season...Giselle and Peer Gynt again :-( but I'm happy Duse is back: Ferri and Azatyan were great in the first cast and the whole second cast was great too.
  18. If not in UK it's difficult to think to an easiest destination than Bucharest...and cheapest. I don't know if Trzensimiech goodbye is final: all the rest has absolutely not been defined yet, even if you seem to think the opposite. As a boxer closed in the corner, somebody in ONB published today the most ridiculous press release (only in Romanian) accusing Cojocaru to be a liar because she said in an interview that Vasiliev was dancing in the cancelled gala (below the link). Clearly this person doesn't know that Vasiliev has already danced in Mikhailovsky Corsaire, that he is a member of that company and that to dance in Bucharest on the 28th of April and be back in Saint Petersburg to dance on the 30th is the easiest thing for a world class ballet star, especially if you have a more than decent flight connection making you back at home at 16.25 on the 29th... http://www.operanb.ro/stiri/clarificari-privind-gala-internationala-a-dansului-eveniment-care-ar-fi-trebuit-sa-aiba-loc-in-28-aprilie
  19. He danced (among other roles) Armand and Des Grieux, two of his biggest ballet dreams, so for sure a rewarding experience.
  20. I knew that yesterday Manon was supposed to be Dawid Trzensimiech last show, but the situation in Bucharest is going to be decided today, later in the afternoon. Fingers crossed for the best (at least for my idea of the best :-) ).
  21. Dacian Cioloș, Romanian Prime Minister, has just written to Alina Cojocaru on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/dacianciolos/posts/1002455186458433 She needs to open an account now...
  22. if it has, I doubt it applies to this case, using paper they would have destroyed Amazon rainforest
  23. he has not decided yet, he shared Alexandrescu post and this mean they agree on it and they are going on working to resolve the situation. Have you read it? it's in Romanian ...(it's quite clasr also in the translation). Sometime one wins just because the adversary is less clever: Kobborg made some mistakes here, but somebody made even more and the game is still ongoing. The media circus put the eyes on Romania ad accusation of xenophoby and nationalism are a problem in Europe, I'm sure you know, The government cannot allow this.
  24. the first Vlad (minister Alexandrescu) blames nationalism and xenophoby and confirms that meetings with all the party are ongoing "I distanțez claims with hue of nationalist, xenophobic and anti-European circulated the public in recent days....." https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=520897054748206&id=468508013320444&fref=nf
  25. as a moderator can you cancel the translation? and leave just the initial quote?
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