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Everything posted by Tiptoesmama

  1. I’m still waiting for a response to my email regarding Saturday evening… I am surprised the seat you had was the same price as other seats in that tier.
  2. Definitely not an usher - she had a pink blazer on and a handbag. I was surprised an usher didn’t deal with it (I couldn’t get out of my seat to get an usher without walking in front of an entire row of people to get out). I think I will email a complaint. Loved the performance aside from that!
  3. Not sure if this is the right place to ask this, but during the first interval tonight, an audience member (I think) came and stood directly behind my seat (leaning on it too). I assumed she was just getting an idea of the view from that seating area as it was an interval - but she then remained there for the entirety of act 3 (leaning over me at one point). I thought the standing areas were behind a barrier - are people allowed to just stand behind a seat during the performance? She wasn’t there for the final act. Thought I’d check on here before making a complaint in case this is a normal thing to do or if it’s allowed in certain circumstances. There were loose tall seat behind us to the right so it must have blocked their view as well. We were in the Donald Grand tier. I found it really distracting to an otherwise beautiful night 😭
  4. So excited for tomorrow evening’s swan lake! Is anyone able to tell me roughly what time the Saturday evening performance finishes? Is it 3 hours including the intervals?
  5. Looking for seats for the 7pm performance if anyone has any for sale
  6. First time seeing Manon for me, the cinema screening. Absolutely incredible - I loved it. Contrary to some of the opinions I’ve read on here, I was really moved by Clarke’s acting - the final scene took my breath away he is was superb. Also loved Campbell and Magri, and Osipova is mesmerising of course (although I have to admit being slightly distracted by her shoes 🤣 worked well in the final scene of course - and I don’t think I’ve ever seen them up close like that with the cinema filming - but they looked like they were hanging on by a thread. Must be how she likes it! Incredible dancer). I also absolutely loved the cellist solo - and how wonderfully filmed for the cinema! is there somewhere to watch the cinema relays again? Do they keep them for the ROH recording subscriptions?
  7. I thought I’d come on and let you know how we got on with our first Nutcracker and ROH visit! At the champagne bar (just for me, not the little one ha ha), I spoke to an older gentleman who told me it was his 75th Nutcracker. When I told him it was our first and first visit to the ROH, he said we would remember it for the rest of our lives. How right he was! We loved all of it. The Christmassy setting of Covent Garden, the snow on the hour under the market and all the lights and decorations (and some street food). We got into the Royal Opera House early so we could look around - my little girl was delighted to see the decorated pointe shoes and spent all her pocket money in the beautiful shop! Our seats (as recommended by some of you) were stall circle row A, round to the side so we were closer to the stage. Perfect for us - we could see all the details of the theatre and also the orchestra. I worried the ballet might be quite long for my daughter - but she was completely mesmerised from start to finish. I cried when the tree grew - the music was just stunning - and cried again during the Snowflakes which was so beautiful and magical. We loved seeing the children - particularly in the scene with the soldiers and the mice! All the magic and staging in the first half was so much better live in the theatre than when we’ve watched it on the tv. The scene where the tree grows and the dolls house comes back on stage with Hans-Peter in it was just amazing. We saw Sarah Lamb as the sugar plum fairy and her turns (I don’t know the technical terms) in their final piece were just breathtaking! Like a blur! My little one loved the Arabian dance (she exclaimed out loud at one point which made me smile). I absolutely loved the waltz of the flowers and the leading lady in this part was amazing, as were the four gents who seemed to be on strings with that elevation! As I’d said in one of my previous posts - I was worried it might be too long for my 10 year old but she was transfixed. Her only complaint was the amount of curtain calls (‘why do they keep coming out?’ 🤣) we were also a little surprised that people didn’t stand up - so deserving of a standing ovation. So I wanted to come on and thank you all for the advice and time you took to guide us through our first visit. I would never have chosen those seats without guidance and they were perfect. I cannot wait to go back! (Slightly alarmed to hear it might not be staged next Christmas as I was hoping to make it a Christmas tradition! But maybe we can go to a different production Happy New Year to you all and we’ll stick around - what a great community for advice and support.
  8. Just looking at booking tickets for Swan Lake. If you need to return a ticket can you only get an account credit? We have a guest who might not be able to attend nearer the time. I don’t understand the resale request section of the website - it says you can only request resale within 24 hours of the performance?
  9. Looking for 1 or 2 tickets if possible. Will try Friday rush too x
  10. Silly question, but do the first artists perform other roles on the nights they aren’t in a leading role? Or do they only perform on the nights they have leading roles? (And is it the same dancers in the corps numbers every performance?)
  11. This is the cast we are seeing on Friday’s matinee - our first time to the ROH - so excited!
  12. Just wanted to update you all and say I took the advice on here and went for the better seats on a different day - so we’re going on the Friday before Christmas for the matinee. Very excited! I will take some photos and update you all with a review. Thank you so much for all the help and advice!
  13. I really hope we can get those front row stall circle seats that are currently still available - realise that could change quickly! I feel like the 23rd would be such a lovely Christmassy day to do it! But I’m happy to stay in Christmas mode until January if we need to 🤣
  14. Yes I was thinking I might try for these - they are on the side so quite near the stage too which I think she will like. There are some front row in the balcony too… I think @Emeraldssaid the balcony has a good view on the front row too. Fingers crossed they are still there on Wednesday!
  15. It’s worse than Taylor Swift tickets 🤣 I’ll set my alarm for Wednesday - digital elbows at the ready!
  16. So the Grand tier boxes - the tickets are the same price as the top tier seats in the circle and stalls circle aren’t they? Just that I’d need to buy all 4 (🤣). I think I would love this - let alone her!
  17. I couldn’t agree more. It’s the first time I’ve posted on the forum (having just joined) and I’m so pleased I did. So helpful.
  18. we’re both in school on 20th and it’s the last day of term so I don’t think I’d get any wriggle room. I think I’m going to take the advice to go for good seats rather than cast though - especially as it’s her first one. Thank you for looking at the availability - are the boxes all sold for 23rd too? I don’t think I can see what has sold on the general page.
  19. She has been quite transfixed by the streamed recording of Lauren Cuthbertson dancing the sugar plum fairy - which is why she asked if we could see her dance (although I am sure you are right, once there she would equally enjoy any cast!) love the idea of a box - not sure I will find two others to love that idea as much as I do - but I am going to try! 🤣
  20. It really made me smile that you started this post with a word of caution about not giving her too much of a taste of the high life - and then ended the post with the suggestion of getting a box 🤣 this is exactly what happens to me… start off thinking it would be nice to take her to see the royal ballet, next thing I’m on a forum asking what are the best seats for her. It’s my first time too - so I think a box is the way forward!
  21. Thank you so much for taking the time to write such a detailed reply, this is so helpful. We’ve already decided we’re going to get really dressed up and make it a special day - might even pretend she’s famous in preparation for any snide remarks (what is wrong with people?!)
  22. Ah thank you i might have a look at this as well! Really helpful x
  23. What does the Paul Hamlyn matinee involve? Thank you - will have a look!
  24. This is so helpful thank you - I did wonder about being on the side so slightly closer to the action! I think she’d probably like to see faces more than overall choreography at that age. Rather naively I was hoping for 23rd Dec matinee because of the cast - but I guess that one would be the most likely to sell out quickly. I’m not a member so need to wait for the general sale on 2nd august. I’ll look at the insight dates as well - thank you so much!
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